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  • Main Canopy Size
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    comp cobalt 120
  • Reserve Canopy Size
  • Reserve Canopy Other
    R-Max 118-X-3
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  1. a couple of thoughts............... 1.) she has 75 jumps, so she should have an "A" license. she doesn't have to have an AAD if she doesn't want one and the DZ doesn't make it mandatory. or she has 75 jumps, has NO "A" license (should have .an AAD) and probably should take up bowling. 2.) she jumped up. (thats her own damn fault and no one elses) even if an experienced jumper said something to her theres a good chance she would have jumped up anyhow, most likely because she has done it 74 times before. 3.) Raeford normally does check gear and paperwork. I know cause i jump there and have been checked after being gone for a few months or years. 4.) for ppl coming from a DZ whose motto is "if your gonna be stupid, you'd better be tough!" you sure bitch a lot about things. JUST JUMP !!!!!! ( but not UP !!!!!!) a new motto for you free of charge.) "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  2. id look more into stretching and/or yoga to get your body used to being bent and stretched in awkward positions over prolonged periods of time. if the gym suits you better i'd do more of the lower body, back, and shoulders. reguardless of how much effort you put in to getting in shape before hand your still gonna be sore as hell from using muscles you normally don't, and/or hitting the walls/net. "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  3. i think thats a great idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even better, there should be a button that opens up the turning vains so ppl get sucked into the fans and chopped up if they suck. they don't allow skydivers to control the air speed for safety reasons. mostly because skydivers pound themselves into walls (or net) at the lower/slower settings, like 65%. thats why instructors and controllers limit/control the speed. in essence they save you from yourself. "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  4. explain to your instructor what you would like to accomplish. if you can belly fly at least somewhat proficiently they will most likely move you to backflying fairly quickly. if i were you i'd try and get ray or jason to coach you. and as for "really nailing head up in an hour" it will most likely take a lot longer than an hour of time to nail it (be bad ass) but you never know, you may be a natural. "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  5. forget about the suit, throw the book away, it's C-R-A-P "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  6. QuoteHey folks, I'm on jump 38 and still having issues jumping with just 1 person and doing docks with them. I'm getting super frusterated. Is this normal? It seems other people are learning and progressing faster then me. Everyone always says tunnel time helps with everything but would it help for docking since it's so small? Thanks, yes, being frustrated is super normal. and yes the tunnel will help you with docking, the size of the tunnel doesn't matter, it is a representation of an approximate distance. ie 12ft is 12ft of flying space. if a greater area of separation from another jumper is hindering your docking, then there are bigger issues that need to be addressed. otherwise the tunnel may be exactly what you need to improve your docking skills. even if you don't pay for coaching, most tunnel instructors will be more than happy to help and give advise to you free of charge. "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  7. In terms of body position, though, it can indeed teach bad habits. I've learned most of my advanced RW bodyflight in tunnels, but I occasionally noticing myself falling into "bad habits" (i.e. turning by dropping both knees, which is a trick you can use in a tight tunnel) that might come from flying in a tunnel. ------------------------------------------------------------ how is that a bad habbit if you can fly it straight down the tube? do they judge your skydiving body positions before and after docks now too? "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  8. Quotewhats the average price for wind tunnels. im thinking about doing one before i do my aff 1. i live in orlando florida and there is skyventure there and is $45 for the intro. its an hour of flight. Dude your not gonna get an hour in the tunnel for $45. at the least 2x 1:00 flights. even thats pushing it. "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  9. 1st of all...... i can read the website, "Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, joints, heart, lungs, blood, kidneys and brain. Normally the body's immune system makes proteins called antibodies, to protect the body against viruses, bacteria, and other foreign materials." blah,blah,blah, basically, it's a sick kid who has a disease that will affect the rest of their life. maybe terminal maybe not, but kids are around more bad shit than adults are. 2nd..... it's the USPA, not the presidency. who really gives two flying fucks. i'd guess not every drop zone group member, or member in general, follows every BSR or regulation that are on the books. this is just in an excuse to "bitch" about someone. if the people of the USA are going to allow a person that had a fidelity issue with their husband, who was a president, run for president. then i think you and all of them can forgive and forget him for helping out a sick kid. if you can't than you just as fucked up and retarded as the rest. lets look back and see which dzo on the bod. has never broken or gone against the regulations for lesser matters. oh yeah, your right all the other dzos at bigger dz's are bod's. and follow every rule and regulation that there is. give me a break. your speaking to DEAF EARS here. but still i'm willing to bet you have never broken any law. (right) "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  10. what exactly is the "big deal" of him doing a tandem without having all the paper work filled out at the time? obviously he wasn't trying to hide the fact because photos were taken. I think it's pretty admirable that a person would do something for somebody that has a terminal illness at that age. as for his resignation, thats his business. now theres a slot open for someone to kiss ass to the other DZO's on the B.O.D. "kip, you rock !!!!!!!!! " "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  11. not replying directly to you thread................. if somebody thinks they have 9 lives like a cat or has no fear whats so ever should not be in the sport of skydiving. this # of heart beats thing is pure and utter bullshit. i am in agreence with "if it's your time than it's your time" type of mentality, but onlt if you've done everything within your power to prevent it. (to include quitting skydiving) otherwise your wasting you breath on death ears. if you skydive because of no fear and your willingness to die then eat a bullet on the ground and prove your man/woman hood. be a real "fatailist". "stunts" which they are called have "safety measures" that must be acheived before being tried. jumping without a chute is retarded in my eyes yet glorified in others. yet the only ppl that have live from doing it have had a plan. hmmm..... fatailism. "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  12. Quoteslow left turn only correctable by deep right brakes. reserve landed in this configeration "That would have nothing to do with packing. It could have something to do with Precision Aerodynamics, no wait, a whole new company Precision Aero, lack of quality control. " ............................................................................................... as i said before i own 3 precision reserves. no prob. all 118sq. ft. and do 90+ degree turns prior to landing them. talking about a much bigger reserve for a tandem. not precision. all canopy malfunctions, reserve bitches, under up-jumper gear please don't reply to this thread. ("my appologies for not stating i was talking about tandems in the 1st place") "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  13. for dragon2 and hookinswoop: it wasn't a main it was a reserve. and i own 3 persison reserves, all of which fly great. (no built in turns as one post would incinuate) "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  14. talked to rat boy, info was sent. "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."
  15. a question for any riggers on here........ situation: under a main canopy flying straight, but not landable due to other reasons, sub terminal cut away and reserve deployment (both on heading with no noticible turn: question: what malfuncttions could happen if the reserve canopy's brakes wern't stowed prior to being packed, or both mysteriously fired at the same time during opening? end result: hung slider, tail of canopy slamming together, flying straight yet very unstable, decent rate not noticible. reached up pulled down on both toggles several times (no extra slack of brake lines stowed when brakes are set noticed when reaching up. hence theory or brakes not being stowed or both fired at same time), slider drops around 6 inches but still 1/2 way between canopy and slider stops. canopy fully opens (no more of the tail slamming together) left two end cells now collapsed, rolled under canopy with material from nose appearing to go inbetween lines on the same side. slow left turn only correctable by deep right brakes. reserve landed in this configeration. "your the shit till you eat it !!!!!!!! damn that wall hurts..."