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Everything posted by gordy

  1. Skydive St Andrews in Scotland is a one plane cessna dropzone and it has a rocking bar
  2. gordy

    Make my day..

    Awesome story, I also have chills on spine. Awesome.
  3. Bruce at Skydive St Andrews... Skydive as long as you can, what else is there to do!
  4. But you should, as just think how good it would be if they all contributed , or if some of them tagged along, and it turned into a really good party
  5. gordy

    In my pants

    "Have a nice day - in my pants" - Steriophonics
  6. Rock on Alana, an exciting time!
  7. Still got loads of debt from the student days...will pay it off when I can, not that worried about it.
  8. Yip, spending a long time at uni had left me in the same position. Oh well!
  9. As something to do instead of working, I am going to join this thread too!
  10. Apply for it anyway Kel! If nothing else, it could be a laugh! Good luck
  11. My first linux distro was by Slackware, back in the days when you had to kind of guess your monitor refresh settings carefully! After that it was Red Hat, as I could get this cheap as I only had a 56k connection and downloading it wasn't an option. After that it was various due to work, most linking real time extensions to the kernel via either RTLinux or RTAI. As I needed at the time to get tighter real time performance, which I just wasn't going to get with any microsoft product.
  12. 11.40, been at work for hours, getting near time for lunch...the most challenging decision I will have to make all day is what am I going to have...hmmm
  13. No one.....guess I just look like me
  14. HAVE A [BEER] works every time!
  15. I was actually going to mention linux, but I thought it could hijack the thread a bit
  16. I think it my be your computer....
  17. .....why do I feel so sore? .....why is sitting in the pub so much more fun?
  18. "why should I back up if I have a firewall, antivirus, spyware removers, and pop up blockers" The above will try and prevent software problems, won't help at all if your hardware fails. Losing important information is generally something that you only let happen once. I think I have about 8 copies of my PhD thesis in various different places, just in case, any of the three PC's that I keep it on spontaneously combust
  19. Ok, can't resist it.... "Baby got back" - Sirmixalot
  20. gordy

    smoke free

    Your doing a good thing dude, food taste better etc?
  21. That is totally awesome, well done.....