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Everything posted by skysrock

  1. The next time those two fight Matt WILL win. Matt had a really bad night at the office to say the least. But! He's gonna come back and take over again and again until he retires ( which will be in a couple of years ) THEN GSP will be the Champ over and over and over again. I love watching that guy fight.
  2. GSP was great THAT NIGHT but the next fight he won't do nearly as well
  3. Tito's Tito. He's just a big mouth. When was the last time he even had a real fight? Forest Griffin that's it. And that fight he BARELY won. He's goin' down!
  4. What if throwing yourself in front of the train because you thought you were gonna die anyway, was how you were gonna die? Maybe you woulda lived for 50 years if not for that train, see the problems knowing causes? RMH said it best already "I'll deal with it when it comes up" Yes but look at all the fun I'd have
  5. I did this and guess what? I AM ALREADY DEAD! It says I died March 8,2000! That explains so much!
  6. I'd want to know so that I can stop working and have constant fun. I rack up the credit, have sex with whom ever I please and see as much as the world as I can....Then right before dooms day I'd throw myself in front of a train or something so I can I say HA HA!
  7. skysrock


    I was arrested for not having a permit for my escort service and I have killed many
  8. And send some to me...NOT kidding
  9. wow she is beautiful
  10. Here's a pic. Thanks for the resize, Walt!! He looks like he's right at home
  11. So is that how you handle new boyfriends? I left something out
  12. feed him and bathe him and pet him until he falls asleep....then you and the new dog can figure out what to do next
  13. I'm in Calif and it's going to be on in 5 minutes here ( 10:00 PM PST )
  14. Matt Hughes! Funny I just saw the two on Spike TV a few minutes ago talking about it with Dana White in the octagon. I love Ultimate Fighting.
  15. and I smile for you too....
  16. Very cool. I don't know you but I am smiling for you!
  17. Thank you. It makes perfect sence
  18. Well, thankfully THAT part is over. The second time I didn't pull on anything, try to turn around, nothing.Just kept telling myself that I WILL BE FINE EVERYBODY ELSE IS...So I figure a few more tandems and AFF here I come like it or not..
  19. I hope you all have a safe ( or fun , you can't have everything ) New Years. I'm holed up at home afraid of the rain here in sunny Ca. What are the rest of you doing? Anyone doing midnight jumps??
  20. Well I wasn't actually covering my mouth/nose completely....more like blocking my mouth/nose from the wind
  21. Thank you guys I got exactly what I was looking time!