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Everything posted by Grips

  1. DUDE! Their new ish kicks my left ASSE! It so Off the Nia!....Its just too damn short!
  2. I sense a divorce in your future. Walt At least I can Sag.
  3. UH OH! Oh NO you just DIDn'T say THAT!
  4. These guys have been in the punk game [B]FOREVER!!![/B] and if you have not heard of Bad Relgion, you should listen up, cuz, these (unlike myself) are some educated mugs! Their NEW album 'New Maps of Hell' will help you get the 'Hell' Out. Kick Ass, and Rock the Fuck On! Old ass, but doin ya Thang. Much Props. Thanks for Rockin!!! C
  5. More like a controlled impact with runway, bounce, bounce! Oh Yeah. That sounds like my flares.
  6. Should have been with me on my last landing! I almost changes that. Thats a hard damn landing! Balloon? Bounce, bounce...
  7. Oh yeah! You need mad skills to be able to auger one of those babies into the ground. . Mad Skills or not. The landing gear is NOT UP.
  8. No. But you should see me (or HEAR me) play NO LIMIT in Vegas. Entertainment.
  9. MaaaAAAnnn. Did you stick a Cigarette in YOUR ASS for that Photo??? Ok.
  10. OHHHHH... I thought this was PERRIS. Eff the French Fries... (No Offence)
  11. I stayed here last month. Incredible bang for the buck! Its about a 45 minute ride from the airport, but very safe. Also very beautiful. It roughly another half hour to Petronas. Not sure what area you are looking for, but this is a start.
  12. Cali. Is that an accent?
  13. I hate the corporate world and never want to be part of it again. Hate it. Its such a bullshit atmosphere it make me sick.
  14. Grips

    another game....

    The Penguin Game is Better.
  15. Look at these cute schmackos.
  16. Grips


    What's to be confused about? and why you thinking about me, is there something Keith should know? No i wasn't with the Aussie contingent at Perris for the 10 ways but several of my friends were. You would have seen on Saturday if you were at York Your name was still on the board on Sunday, I thought you were around. Keith's pants rock!
  17. Grips


    So who the hell is Squeak? I've seen so many old sKool cats today its impossible? Did Squeak to a 100 way plus @ Perris?...or perhaps is he the kinda look a like MCA outta Beastie Boys sportin' the Teddy Bear kick ass Pants? WTF? I'm confused?
  18. Can't blame you. You have no idea what kind of condition those bundles are in, and how well they are maintained. If they miscalculate your weight... At least with skydiving there are more factors under your direct control; namely the equipment. You can inspect every bit of it, and what you don't know or are uncertain about you can ask a rigger. Those bungee operators have no licensing that I know of, and they only inspect that stuff when they feel like it. I grant you that killing your clients is bad for business, but human nature being what it is... mh . I've sat down and tried to explain it at the DZ before many moons ago... as to why my fear of bungee jumping isn't conquerable. I think it has mostly to do with being so close to the ground, and my trust level is really low [are the dipshits who operate these things certified in anything? is there EVEN a cert. or standard for the equipment? ] In skydiving problems can happen mid-jump and you have time alloted to make corrections. Bungee? No. I also have had one frightening experience on an antenna tower (was maintaining it... not BASE) and add in the Faces of Death videos of bungee gone wrong... I really, really can't do it. Because I can't get past this fear, I would never do BASE either. I've also had one mal (which was me) where my shoulder was pulled out of socket and I was jumping a rig with NO-AAD. I was screaming like a banshee when I figured out what was wrong and I was trying to fix it [I still know how to do one-handed landings!! ], but it didn't stop me from wanting to jump again. I think you're right... knowing a lot about the sport and the equipment and your passion to do it is what overrides the fear to allow you to jump. I think the only place that actually has some sort of 'bungee certification' is New Zealand. Other then that who knows...?
  19. Shake it, and make the 'woo woo' sound!