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Everything posted by Grips

  1. lol. Oh the irony. I can't stand it. -- Quite the contrary. The reason why you don't see black people playing hockey is because they don't want to be around a bunch of white guys with sticks.
  2. Yeah, I heard that have an awesome King Air. Do the AFF students get to jump from 18,000 for the same price, or do you need to upgrade? Should weather be an issue in April? I'm not much concerned about the view, as long as I get to jump. If I have a couple weeks, do you think its enough time to get all the AFF done? Cheers.
  3. Hey guys. I was thinking about finishing my AFF at Skydive Montrey Bay. Would anybody recommend them for AFF training, or just overall? If not Skydive Monterey Bay, who else around the Central Coast? Thanks!
  4. Kenji! I think you broke my jaw!"
  5. Is a trip to the Statue an all day thing, or can it be done in a half day? Also, where can I get a big fat, NY Pizza!?
  6. Is there a program that lets you switch from OS to OS whehter it be Windows to Linux, or Windows to Windows, without rebooting?
  7. Does she come with a coffin?
  8. Hey thanks man. I'm checking it out right now. I booked at the YMCA for now, but I can cancel without being penalized anytime, as long as its three days before. I've read mixed reviews about the YMCA. I guess that adds to the adventure though.
  9. Cool! It all sounds like so much fun. Somebody on the the forum recommended the YMCA next to Central Park. I think I'll just crash out there for a couple nights. Is it pretty safe there? I won't be in NY on Thursday though, which stinks, but I will be in Vegas. So, I guess thats a fair trade. Anybody from NY going to Oz in the near future? You can crash out at my place if I can crash out at yours.
  10. I have a brief stop in the Big Apple. If you had to show somebody New York in 48 hours, what would it be?
  11. Squeak? Where do you live? Maybe I can steal a ride with you to the DZ sometime?
  12. lol..I've been dripping sweat all day. I think the guy sounds a bit insane. Sounds like he doesn't want to see you be happy, and enjoy yourself. LA-tah.
  13. Auzzie sells his life on eBay for 7500 US Dollars. and If only I would of thought of that...
  14. Is it possible to get all these into one file, so that one doesn't have to go back through the whole thread and download one at a time?
  15. Maybe they were out of Old English...?
  16. Just signed up. See you at the tables!
  17. I would almost guarantee that the gear they are using is not rated anywhere near what they are using it for. Those bungies are way to small for one, and that harness is a bit skimpy.
  18. Just look at these idiots.
  19. I'm going to be in New York for a brief stop on my way to Vegas, and Cali. I'm looking to stay there for a couple nights. Does anybody know of a good, safe, and affordable place to stay for a couple nights? Would it be cheaper to stay in Jersey, and take the bus over? I stayed in Secaucus before, and had no problem taking the bus into Manhattan. Anybody know of any good places?
  20. What kind of camera did you get?
  21. You'll be fine. You'll be hungover when its time to go home.