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Everything posted by scratch69

  1. Couple of jackass soulmates. Sangi, take your own advice, stay away. EFS4LIFE, you're a TROLL, deal with it. You're own post defines "with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response". Guess what? That is exactly what the two of you donkey's log onto for. Just to post stupid bullshit with the intent of sucking someone into an argument. Lucky for you, there are plenty of us on here that NEVER get tired of pointing out what a moron you or your friend Sangi are. This will NEVER get old. And once again, in a few years, I promise you, you'll be so embarassed of your posts that we'll never see you on here again. Well, at least not under the same user name . You're both novices, stop pumping your chests and flexing your muscles on the internet. No one cares. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  2. Thank you for accepting my challenge. Can you just do us one more favor and let us know what DZ you are at? I like to make professional bounce bingo boards out of blown up aerial photos of dropzones. It would really help us out if you could just divulge that last bit of info and then have at 'er with that Spinetto. Thanks again. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  3. Sounds passive-aggressive. Not really my style and certainly not going to work on this hero. As you can see if you read through this long drawn-out thread, there were some "nice" attempts by some "nice" people to "kindly" inform him that what he was doing was dangerous to himself and to others. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  4. Nice post but, this is NOT an individual sport. Its a community where everyone pays for one persons sins. If you biff in and die because your a hard-headed goof that wouldn't listen to reasoning, our sport looks bad yet again in the media. (they love the goofs) We all end up explaining, yet again, the strides that we've made over the years to make this sport safer and more accessible to the general public. It's still dangerous, but you can't argue that it hasn't evolved tremendously in the safety department over the decades. Unfortunately all of that is lost periodically from a bad newspaper article or worse yet, some biff video on YouTube. There is a moral here. Canopy selection is not BLACK and WHITE. It is predominantly GREY. If it were black and white, we wouldn't be on here arguing. PD says one thing, Germain says one thing, USPA says one thing, a coach will say one thing, the S&TA will say one thing, the DZO will say one thing .... hell even your mom has an opinion. Who do you listen to ?? That's the grey area. And most fatalities don't happen in the black or white area, they happen in the grey area. There is so much information out there, and some of it is contradicting, so you have to be a big boy (or girl) and make real responsible decisions in life that don't only take your thrill-seeking into account, but the safety and feelings of all of those around you. If you are in this sport for the long haul, then start behaving like it. It didn't take me long to make my first 1000 jumps and even less time to make my next 1000. You'll get there.....or will you? Ask yourself that question ? Momma taught us about the tortoise and the hare, slow and steady wins the race. Take the time to learn from this sport, don't just become another line in the incidents forum. No one learns from the newbie, biff deaths anymore. We just stand around and poke at the body with a stick wondering why the hell they just wouldn't listen to reasoning. Attached a little graphic for you. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  5. You are so UNIQUE..... just like everyone else It's like listening to a 3 year old throwing a fit. How can a person be so damn incorrigible ?? I truly believe that you started out with a serious post but then slowly morphed into a troll as this thread grew and you realized that you were striking a nerve with everyone. Now you are just trying to piss everyone off for sport. Good for you. When you see a femur injury right in front of your eyes for the first time, you will learn. Especially if its a friend, you will change your cocky tune. This sport is full of piss and vinegar know-it-alls, your not alone. If you hang around the dz enough to make 500 jumps in 2 years, you'll likely get to see some bad shit sooner or later. Until then, enjoy your invincibility cloak. And remember, everything you wrote on here cannot be deleted. It will look great on your Darwin Award should you ever biff in on that canopy. Fly safe friend. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  6. Maybe you should tell us where you jump so we can tell you in person what a moron you sound like. I'd like to hear from someone at your dz as well. It would be nice to get an understanding of who's the real internet tough guy because you probably don't talk like that at the dz. I stand by my challenge, in a few years, when you have 500+ jumps, I'll meet you back here for some good ol' fashioned "crow-eating". - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  7. You were doing so good for a while there and then THIS. This is why you are being called a 100-jump-wonder. This is why even though you think you know what you are talking about, you really have NO idea. If the canopy is DEFINITELY not for everyone, how do you propose we go about deciding who these "elite" quick learning jumpers are ? Roll the dice? Perhaps the stars and planets have the answers? Have you spoken to your local psychic ? FOR THE LAST FREAKING TIME, the blanket rules are in place for a REASON. So that inexperienced dumbasses STOP giving this sport a bad name by smashing in on canopies that they had no business being on. Read the incidents forum, there's a freshly smashed noob sitting in a hospital bed that would love to tell you his story. He too was awesome like you and on large canopy that couldn't possibly hurt him. Bottom line dude, you're an idiot. I challenge you. If you survive in this sport long enough to reach 500 jumps (its a stretch, I know), then I challenge you to come back to this thread and give it a "BUMP" to the top. We'll all come back and re-read what a DUMBASS you sound like and by then, you should have just reached the point in this sport where you realize you know absolutely NOTHING. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  8. How to word this without sounding like a personal attack . . . . hmmmm . . . . The more you talk the dumber you sound. In fact, trying to explain the difference in canopy flight characteristics at your jump numbers is the equivalent of a rookie player jumping behind the bench to coach the team in the first game of the season. You're a freaking TADPOLE. Deal with it. You have no idea what you are talking about and spouting off a bunch of comments that you read somewhere else as your "own experience" doesn't make you knowledgeable about jack squat. Could you PLEASE just GO AWAY and fly your cool kid Stiletto? Get off this forum and go prove to us that you are as invincible as your attitude and comments claim. I expect that the next forum I'll be finding you in will be Incidents so go out and make momma proud. But for the the love of shit, JUST STOP TALKING. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  9. Your defensive reaction to a harmless comment speaks volumes. This whole thread stinks of deception. Why would someone with 1000 jumps not have enough know-how to make their own decision to test jump someones canopy ? Why are you asking for them? You have 2000+ jumps, your "friend" has 1000+ jumps and between the two of you, you couldn't figure out that he should just try the canopy out and go from there? I know I'm an asshole, because I'm the only one that asks the tough questions when no one else will.......DUDE. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  10. Obviously because he wants to unload this canopy with a clear conscience and the best way to do that was to come on here and get a few people to say that it's not a big deal. IMHO, its asinine. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  11. Sounds like a future candidate for : 1) wingsuiting too early 2) flying camera too early 3) swooping too early 4) bounce bingo I could be totally wrong and if so then Im just an asshole, but call it a gut feeling. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  12. I find your kind so curious. So-called Americans who blindly do what they are told and put their heads down in the face of persecution. I won't try to understand you. We are very different people. I stand for FREEDOM. True freedom that allows a guy to ask John Kerry REAL questions and not questions that are approved by his people. Andrew Meyer put that ass on the spot and it was not liked. So he was forcefully removed. ILLEGALLY, whether your small mind wants to understand that or not. IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO ASK QUESTIONS IN A Q/A FORUM. Your kind will always be force-fed bullshit as to why the gas prices are high, why we are at war, why other countries HATE us, why Americans are laughed at virtually everywhere in the world, why our healthcare sucks and many many other items. You will be fed this bullshit and you will NEVER question it. And you will be a lovely little controlled sheep. Just like they want you to be. George Bush LOST the election. John Kerry was a Democratic puppet who's job was to run against BUSH and lose. Your kind will never understand that. Andrew Meyer asked these questions. Why did Kerry not dispute an election that was 100% clearly tampered with? And then the kicker, was he a part of Skull and Bones? Which of course the two are related. Both Bush and Kerry are members of the Skull and Bones. And they were involved in a plot to keep Bush in the presidency. When Andrew Meyer asked these questions, the alarms went off and he was forcibly removed against the LAW. You sheep just keep on chewing the bullshit they feed you. The rest of us will fight the battles for freedom and rights for you. Dumbass. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  13. I'll play your game and pretend for a moment that he was afforded the opportunity to leave peacefully. Now, why again is he being asked to leave ?? No opinions here, just facts. I guess the cops were right, obviously he was trying to "incite a riot". PLEASE !!! Your logic is twisted. The fact still remains that, unless you are watching that video from a secret new angle, this man was NOT doing anything that should warrant arrest AND he was NOT asked to leave. This means that the officers were illegally arresting him and he has the RIGHT to resist. Don't talk about a topic you have no idea about, namely your OWN RIGHTS ! - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  14. This is a serious topic. I produce actual facts pertaining to the issue and the responses I get are jokes and personal attacks. Why do you people persist on coming on to these forums with nothing to say? NOTHING. The "all skydivers are morons" stigma is hard to shake when people like yourselves are representing in these forums. Non-skydivers do read this stuff too and all they learn is that skydivers are idiots. No facts to argue a point, just making fun of people and ignoring EVIDENCE against their opinions. Keep it up. I don't even need to ARGUE my point, you guys are helping me with every word you type. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  15. Its not resisting if you have not been formally charged or afforded the opportunity to leave. What is your malfunction ?? Yes, he tried to free himself from their grips. It was his right to do so. It is your right as an American to resist wrongful arrest, except most of you morons don't even know yours rights because you have succumbed to a "police state" and the "patriot act". There are legal precedents, look them up : - "Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self- defense." (State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100). - "An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assault and battery." (State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260). and as for the cowards in the audience who stood and watched this assault, YES, they too had a legal RIGHT to assist the guy, and there are legal precedents for that as well : "One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance." (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910). If you really want to get technical, and dig through legal precedents, you will find that you can even be acquitted of killing an arresting officer in defense if the arrest is unlawful : "Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer's life if necessary." Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S., 177 U.S. 529. Learn your rights people, we are supposed to be the land of the free !!!!! This guy was a shitty example of an innocent citizen ! He was a shmuck, a moron, a conspiracy-theorist, whatever you want to call him .............. he was a free american, and he did NOTHING WRONG !!! Stop giving police illegal power !!! ITs up to us, the citizens, to excersise our rights, no one will do it for us. GOOD NIGHT. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  16. The damage that the Bush administration has done is ir-repairable. We can go on for days over the atrocities that the US has committed. WE could go on for days about the international laws the US has broken. The Bush administration has destroyed this country. We are on the verge of financial collapse. We are involved in a more expensive version of Vietnam. Our rights have been stripped from us. Its really very depressing. Here's the analogy : The big bully at school has bullied many of the kids for years now. The kids are fed up with it and work together to get the bully back one day. The bully is the US, the kids are the small persecuted countries around the world that the US has used like pawns. Very soon there will be an uprising. Unfortunately, the innocent citizens of the US will have to suffer for the acts of their administration. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  17. That's right brother, and that's exactly what he DOES throughout the start of the take down. QUOTE " What did I do, what did I do . . . ?? " He asked multiple times, with no answer. You CANNOT TAKE A GUY DOWN AND TAZER HIM WITHOUT GIVING HIM A CHANCE TO LEAVE PEACEFULLY !!! THIS OPPORTUNITY WAS NEVER AFFORDED TO HIM. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  18. DONE ! you don't want to talk about the obvious brutality of these police against an un-armed and civil human being caught on video ?? I can understand that. There is no argument in your favour. Thank you for conceding. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  19. Are you trying to dictate th facts of this thread ??? Typical Cop i see. The thread is an "OPEN" discussion about the facts behind this event. Precisely what I have been talking about. I don't want to argue with you, there are two camps : - The little fucker deserved it AND - police brutality you choose the first option, I choose the second option. NOW WHAT ? NOTHING ! The world keeps spinning and authority figures will continue to abuse power. Its funny, I got my hands on the police report (its downloadable from the UFPD), and thats what really got me fired up over this. The report has nothing but police accounts of what happened. Not one person from the 300+ that were there, got to submit an eyewitness account. By the way, the officer's accounts - every one of them - NOT WHAT WE SEE IN THE VIDEO. Surprise !! Cops lying ?? hmmm THANK GOD FOR VIDEO AND GLOD BLESS YOU TUBE !! (I mean America) - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  20. Your job is not SUPPOSED to be SIT AND CHILL !!! I can't even believe you said that. You are a cop. You took a job, by your own free will and swore and oath to serve and protect. For that we commend you. But guess what smokey ?? If you could sit and chill, you'd be out of a job !!! There are serious threats out there. This moron was not even close to a threat. And YES, it is a police state. Our beloved government's fear-mongering is so intense that we shit bricks about everything. This "KID" had a book in his hand. He was treated as if he had a gun. By the way . . . 6 cops ?? The two biggest to tackle him ?? then a TAZER to boot ?? FUCKING COWARDS !!! I'm ashamed to be an American. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  21. I cant believe you people !!! Does the term "police state" mean anything to you at all ?? STICK TO THE FACTS HERE. And you cops out there should know this. Lets pretend that you dillusional idiots are right, and this guy DID do "something" to ellicit arrest. If there is a public forum and someone is no longer "welcome", THEY SHOULD BE FIRST ASKED TO LEAVE. This was not done. These goons grabbed the guy without warning. I got news for you dumbasses. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR RIGHTS ARE. You HAVE the RIGHT to resist wrongful arrest. THIS WAS PURE ASSAULT in its most basic form and John Kerry is a piece of shit for not telling these goons to get off the guy and standing idly by as he is assaulted in front of 300+ people. This display of police brutality makes me vomit. America is going to the dogs. - Healthcare - The Dollar - The Deficit - Dying soldiers - etc. etc. etc. This guy was a douchebag . . . so what . . . ask him to leave. This was not done. AMERICA has lost everything its ever fought to achieve. Patriot Act MY ASS !! - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  22. Advice : - listen to parents - quit skydiving immediately - go to community college - take generic business course - graduate with 2.00 GPA - look for career - continue looking for purpose in life - find Walmart - get a management position at Walmart (cause of the diploma) - marry high school sweetheart - buy small house - have 2.3 kids and 1.2 pets - buy minivan - raise family - get divorced - rent bachelor apartment - buy a used corvette - date a stripper - die of heart attack at age 49 Now that's where its at!! Of course, thats just my opinion. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  23. I understand what you are saying, yes, Perris has a great awareness program. How about the other 268 DZ's across the US ? I am losing interest in beating this dead horse. We are all focused on safety? Good. Thats all I care about. This topic is officially closed, from my perspective anyhow. Feel free to talk amongst yoursleves. headoverheels : Good one, I forgot to take that into account. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  24. This was nothing short of a survey. One to uncover whether all jumpers out there in skydive-land know their shit when it comes to flying a simple landing pattern. The conclusion : 13% of the populace needs a refresher. And if you want to question the accuracy of that number, please refer to posts above where I concede that the number is probably inaccurate. The number itself is not the issue. The fact that we are all jumping with someone out there who does not understand a simple pattern, is a REAL issue that needs to be addressed. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  25. Apologies to the original poster as well as you greenies. I just get so emotional *sniff*. So back to the topic : Mark, have a look at RAWA as well, they are a popular cam helmet also. But heed everyone's warnings here.............if you don't jump a Protec for at least 200 jumps, monkeys will fly outta your ass and your head will explode !!! j/k !! please don't delete me again . - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -