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Everything posted by scratch69

  1. I'm usually a negative person, but I can't say anything bad about this place. I visited this past summer and I kept a low profile, did some jumps and observed. I honestly can't say a bad thing about these guys. Definitely going back, its a bit of a drive from Illinois, but screw it!!
  2. Easy there NOOBIE !! why don't you put your balls away. Your thread is fucking gay, jumpnaked made a valid point. If you're allowed to put bullshit up in a public forum, then he's allowed to critique it. You're thread makes absolutely no sense. Oh and woodpecker you should chill out too. Just cause your boyfriend's post got slammed because its a complete waste of cyber space, does not mean you can get your pink thong all in a knot and go bashing a guy for posting his opinion on a public forum. Grow up. This website is an excellent resource for skydiving and the freaking bandwidth gets wasted on this bullshit "HOW SHOULD I LOG MY JUMP?". Next time, try PM'ing your boyfriend rather than saturating the threads on DZ.COM with useless bullshit. Good Day. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  3. I'm pretty close to my 100th jump as well and I am looking into some options. Some think its a great time to do a basejump, others (about 90% of everyone I know) say to go naked, or at least in speedos (for guys) and bikini or topless (for gals). Whatever it is . . . get it on tape and share . . . BLUE SKIES !!! - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  4. WOW . . . This is cool . . . I never imagined I would get so many heated responses to this subject. I realize now that human nature cannot be avoided and throwing people from different walks of life together to make a soup, may not always be so tasty. But, it is to be expected. I guess my only beef is that when I first showed up at my DZ, things were really good and everyone seemed to be friendly and only there for a good time. (with the occasional bad mood, no big deal) And now, as I spend more and more time there, I see beneath this happy outer shell, and realize that this new SKYDIVER "clique" that I belong to, is just the same as any other group of friends that share common interests. AND THAT IS DISAPPOINTING. I had "higher" hopes for this new hobby (no pun intended). I will have to learn to live with it. Thanks to everyone for helping me come to terms. I guess I will remain at my current DZ and just try not to let all the BULLSHIT get to me. I will, however, make it a point to test other waters from time to time, and I hope I run into some of you WANKERS one day. We'll go for a jump or two. Because I know one thing for sure : ASSHOLES OR NOT, GOSSIP OR NOT . . . put us all in a plane at max altitude and open the door . . . IT ALL SEEMS TO DISAPPEAR VERY QUICKLY!!! (if even for just a few minutes) CHERISH THOSE MOMENTS!!!! BLUE SKIES! - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  5. I hear that . . . good instructors get rewarded . . . thats for sure . . . I intend to get my instructor rating at some point, and I "VOW" right here on that I will NEVER become an ASSHOLE skydiver as long as I live. As soon as this sport gets boring or uneventful, I'm outta here!! - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  6. Good call Ian . . . you English sure have a way about you . . . I would love to tell a few people to "Fuck Off Mate" I hear you louad and clear . . . some jumpers need to be reminded about the reason why they entered the sport . . . its amazing how quickly they forget - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  7. Wise words slug?? for someone woth one jump?? J/K I know what you mean . . . I just don't want to drive hours to get to a DZ . . . its all about location - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  8. I guess the answer is simple . . . Don't get caught up in it or just ignore it . . . I guess that truly answers my original question. My DZ really is far more screwed up than any that you all may frequent. I CAN'T IGNORE THIS CRAP PEOPLE!!!! It's all around me the whole time I'm there. Trust me I don't get "caught up" in these politics. But . . . I do have to hear and see it all when I am there. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  9. OUCH . . . . just like that . . . no hope? - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -
  10. I don't want to namedrop here . . so this will remain strictly anonymous. WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THE POLITICS AT MY DZ?? I'm a fairly new jumper and I love everything about the sport, but it seems that more I hang out at my DZ, the more I find out about the politics between jumpers!! I can't believe the BULLSHIT that goes on around the DZ regarding who hates who, who screwed who, and who is a better jumper than who. People . . . can't we all just get along?? I mean is it just me or do you not go to the DZ to get away from all the monotonous bullshit of everyday life, and to release stress. Some days I feel like certain jumpers are adding more stress to their lives by showing up to the DZ. I put out a call to all jumpers . . . are your DZ's infested with bullshit politics, or am I just jumping at the wrong DZ?? P.S. Some of you may recognize the handle, if you read this and think that I am talking about you, you're probably right. Think about what you do mainly at the DZ. Are you there for fun, or for gossip sessions and trash talk?? Now . . . pause and reflect. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -