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Everything posted by yuri_base

  1. Congratulations to all involved in the 6-way world record, now officially confirmed by the Best Friend of F10cking. The first 3 rows passed the symmetry test!!! Amazing. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  2. 10. You're tired of seeing the same mattress-like legwing in your face, jump after jump. 9. You're tired of hearing your colleagues whispering in neighbor cubicles, "what's up with his arching and bending his legs all the time while walking and seating? does he have some kind of seizure? bent legs syndrome, perhaps?" 8. Hearing the same compliment about nice colors of your suit from well groomed and perfumed men makes you feel like you're in Amsterdam. 7. You finally tried to do a solo jump and all of a sudden you flew at an amazing glide ratio of 2:1 - double or even quadruple improvement over what you've had while f10cking. You realized that there's f10cking, and then there's FLYING. 6. You liked the phrase "gay parade in the sky" Yuri coined so much that you like it better to say it on the ground than to feel like you're participating in one in the air. 5. You don't want to be called a "mattress operator" anymore. You prefer hearing "wow, you just took off like a rocket!" instead. 4. You downloaded Wingsuit Studio and all of a sudden your sex life improved, pubic hair grew back, and your skin became like that on Megan Fox' butt. You started to believe in the power of Pure Flying Magic - which is the opposite of f10cking. 3. You're tired of feeling like brainless f10cking meat, which is brainwashed, used, squeezed, and thrown out - all for someone's benefit or superego. 2. You cannot sleep anymore because once you close your eyes, The Grid appears and starts shifting and wiggling trying to fit the random bouncing dots. And finally #1 reason why you're not going to wingsuit bigways anymore... 1. You heard "F10cking sucks!" from The Humble Father of Great Wingsuit Revolution Yuri so many times that YOU FINALLY GOT IT! Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  3. I was going to send in the registration..........but then I got high. VectorBoy was going to send in the registration but then he downloaded Wingsuit Studio and got really high... since then no one saw him outside. Folks, don't blame everything on the economy... you can blame the decreased global interest in f10cking on me alright. Who wants to wobble like a hopeless banana among other f10cking meat these days! We're on the brink of wingsuit revolution... and your first step in starting to really fly is to say your solid NO to f10cking. Sincerely yours, Pure Fucking Magician Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  4. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  5. Awesome. I wish Elsinore records would happen more often so no one on load would tell me "you're outside, jumping on ready-set-go". Yeah, right you fuck. I'm jumping out last and making multiple 360's at 250lbs out the door in small wingsuit and still not being able to get down to you fucking "formation". I wish all f10ckers would set records in one place every weekend. Yuri The humble fat father of human flying. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  6. ...takes over the (what used to be) beautiful Europe. http://vimeo.com/7431005 Student-style 90-degree angle of attack, chest-to-airflow exits (great way of setting up poor-glide flight as you have no lift, only drag at 90 degree AoA), bent legs (a syndrome previously attributed only to USA), banana arches... Man, where's the world going to? Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  7. Come to the Ranch and we'll set a beautiful 2-way record carefully planned with naked ASCII art and all. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  8. Why don't you develop a plan for a future record by taking a symmetric picture of yourself and converting it to ASCII? http://www.roysac.com/blog/2009/03/ascii-art-nudes-versus-original-playboy.html Then post it here for our expert approval. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  9. yes, it would be an unofficial record, but look at all the yummy f**cking meat out there! Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  10. How did you come up with 13.5%? No need to answer - this is a rhetorical question. Ok, since f10ckers are as clueless as a flock of geese, I feel the need to help the blind cross that road. You know, my love to f10cking is so immeasurable, no words can describe it. The most pleasing visual aspect of a perfect formation is its SYMMETRY, not the stupid grid structure. It's up to organizers to decide on the shape of the formation, but to judge the success, a single and very simple check is performed: the perfection of symmetry about its flight axis. This opens the doors to all kinds of imaginative shapes instead of seeing stupid diamond grid every time. So, the process is simple: 1. One week BEFORE (repeat 10 times, BEFORE ) the record attempt organizers submit the plan of the formation to [whatever bunch of official farts] which should also be publicly available. The formation can be of arbitrary shape, spacing, can have irregularities in spacing, lines connecting the jumpers can be curved, etc. Obviously, it's in all participants' interests to plan something that looks aesthetically pleasing. 2. Formation should have two jumpers dedicated to be on the symmetry axis of the formation in the direction of the flight: front and rear. The video of the record attempt is then postprocessed by a filter that keeps these two dots (their helmets - pink Protecs would be perfect ) in fixed spots in frame (kinda image stabilization - I think Jarno posted an example of that some time ago... a shaky pony became rock-steady - pretty handy filter!). 3. Judges first visually confirm that the formation flown does look like the formation planned. I.e. middle finger should look like middle finger, vagina should look like vagina, etc. 4. Judges then check that formation is symmetrical. One side of the frame is flipped (semitransperently to see the other side through) around the axis of symmetry connecting the Pink Protecs and for at least 5 seconds continuously the silhouettes of the "mirror" jumpers should overlap. That would pose a natural limit of permissible distortion in the formation instead of defining "arbitrary" 13.5% to make a failed formation a posteriori record. That's all. Here is some ASCII found online that can give you idea of the possibilities. | |.| |.| |\./| |\./| . |\./| . \^.\ |\\.//| /.^/ \--.|\ |\\.//| /|.--/ \--.| \ |\\.//| / |.--/ \---.|\ |\./| /|.---/ \--.|\ |\./| /|.--/ \ .\ |.| /. / _ -_^_^_^_- \ \\ // / -_^_^_^_- _ - -/_/_/- ^ ^ | ^ ^ -\_\_\- - THIS IS NOT A POT LEAF THIS IS A FAG LEAF DON'T GET TOO CLOSE /\ / \ ------ | | | /\ | | || | /| \/ |\ | / | | \ | |/ | | \| | / | | \ | |/ | | \| / | | \ |/ | | \| |-------| |-------| | | | /\ | /| || |\ |/ | || | \| / _| || |_ \ |/ =||= \| (`;_.---._;`) )_\ /_( / _'\ _ /'_ \ |(o)|/ \|(o)| \___/| |\___/ /`, \_/ ,'\ |:/ ^ - ^ \:| |: - ^ ^ - :| \\ ^_ -^ - ^_// `,---.-.---,` (//.' '.\\) .-""""""-. .' '. / O O \ : : | | : ', ,' : \ '-.____.-' / '. U .' '-......-' .-" "-. / \ _ | | _ ( \ |, .-. .-. ,| / ) > "=._ | )(__/ \__)( | _.=" < (_/"=._"=._ |/ /\ \| _.="_.="\_) "=._ (_ ^^ _)"_.=" "=\__|IIIIII|__/=" _.="| \IIIIII/ |"=._ _ _.="_.="\ /"=._"=._ _ ( \_.="_.=" `--------` "=._"=._/ ) > _.=" "=._ < (_/ \_) And who knows, maybe some day f10cking will become cool? .:IIIIHIHHIHHHII::I:. .IIIIHIHHHHHHIHIIIIMHHI:, :IIIIHIHHHHHHMMHHIHHIIHHIII:. .:IHIHHHHHHHHHHHHHIHIHHIHHHIH:I:, ,.:HIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIHIHHII:. ,.:IHHHHHHHHHHMMMMHHHHHHHIIHHHIHIII, .:IIHHHHHHHHMMMMMHHHHMMMHHMHHHIIIHIIII: .IIHHHMMMMMMMHHMMMHHHMMMHHMHII:HHHII:I. :HIHHHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHHHHII:HHMMHII:II :HHHHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHIIHIHHMMHHHHII::I: :IIHHHHHMHMMMMMMMMMMHMMHIHMMMMHHHI:"::IIHII: :IHHHHHMHMMMMMMMMMMMMHHI:II::I:"' . '"IHH. ::HHHHMHMMMMMMMMMMHMHHI:II::.' . 'VMA. IHHHHHMHNMMMMMMMMHMHHI:II:. . . "MMH. HHHHHMHMMMMMMMMMMHMHI:I::.' . . . .,MMM:. HHHHMHMMMMMMMMMMMHMHI:II:. .. . ..LI:"IMMI. HMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHI:II.'. :HT;.,, VHI: HHHHHMHMMMMMMMMMHMHHHI:HMHII:,. ':,MHP"HPIHII. 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MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMHHHHHHHV:' III:IHMHIAMMMIHHHHHHHHHIHII....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM--"""'' IIIII:I:IIHMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHHII:::"""""""""""""'' IIIII:I:II:.T, 'VHHHHHHHHIHI::: IIIHIII:I:::.:, :HHHHHHHHHHIHII IIIIII:I::::::., VHHHHHHHHHHIHI IIHII:I::::.:..., 'MMMHMHHHHHIHI. IIII:I:::::.:....:.VMMMHMHHHHHIH. IIIIII:I::::::.:..:.MMMMMHMHHHHH: IHIIIIII:II::::.:.:.VMMMMMHMHHHHA. IIIHIIIHIII:I::::.:..VMMMMMHMHHHHA IIIIIHIIIIIII:I:::.:..VMMMMHMMHHHH. Miss MORGANA IIHIIIIIIHIIIII:I:::..IMMMMMMMHMHHI HIIIIIHIIIIIIIII:I:.:..VMMMMMHMHHI:. HIHIIIIHIIIIIHIHI:I::..IMMMMHMHIHI:. HHIHIIIIIIHIIIIHIHIII:.:MMMMMHMHHI:: HHHIHHHHHHIIIIIIHHHHIHI:MMMMMHMHHII: HHHHIHIIIHIIIIHIHHHHHHHI..HHHIHIIHI:. HHHHHHIHIIIIIIIIIHIHH..IHHHHIHI:III:, HMHHHHHIHIIIIIIIIIHIHMHHIIHIIHI:II:::, MMHHHHHHHHIHIIIIIIIHMIHIIHHIIIHI:I::.., MHMHMHHHHHHHHHIHIIH.;I:IIIHHIIHHI:::::., MMMMMHMHHHHHHHHIHIH;I:IHIHII:HI:HII::.::. MMMMMMMMHMHHHHHHHIH;I:IHMHI.:HIIHI:II:IHA HMMMMMMMMMHMHHHHHHVI::IMHIHHHMH:IH::I:IHH. HHHMMMMMMMMMMHMHH;I:HHIMHHHHMHHIHHI.:AMHI: HHHHMMMHHHHMMMMM;I:IIHHIIHAIIIHI:HI:HA:IHI HIHHHHMMMHHHMMM:II:IMHHIIMIHIIIHIHHIHMMH.I (c) 2009 Yuri Base Prohibited to use without saying "F10cking sucks!" to at least 10 people. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  11. Yeah, welcome to the f10ck! Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  12. Speak for yourself :) Better understanding of flight coming from my calculations only INCREASES my enjoyment of flight. Nothing is more rewarding than actually seeing the results pulled out of thin air, in real air. Kinda calculating an unknown planet with paper&pencil, then telling clueless astronomers to point their telescopes into the point in the sky only you know... and bam! there's Neptune there. If you've never had a kind of high a mathematician or physicist can have, you'll never will. You can take your thinking that civilization progresses by trial and error to K-Mart where you obviously believe all the things you see in life are coming from. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  13. Mattt, really nice! I was walking towards campground one day and Dean opened above me. There was a headwind that day so it was still some good distance to campground, but the angle from my viewpoint to the exit point was quite impressive (let alone from the vantage point where he opened). It's awesome to see a human being in freefall in point in space where they "shouldn't or couldn't" be. Here's a very crude performance estimate from your flight (assuming 40s flight from 1950ft AGL down to 300ft with ~3600ft horizontally): L/D = 2.77 Vxs = 62.4mph Vys = 22.5mph Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  14. Maria, sure. [email protected] Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  15. According to 20/80 principle, 20% of flyers fly at 80% (or higher) of the maximum performance, and they will never come to be f10cking meat to fill the dots on somebody's grid; the rest 80% fly at 20%, and that's what f10cking is about. So, maybe they'll scramble find 10 more... firsttimers, hello? Still a "record". Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  16. When I watched it, I thought, my parachute did not open and I am in never land with this cool TV where they don't show programs about f10cking, mattress operators, feet-touching-butt bags filled with f10cking meat wobbling in air, we-can-fit-any-shit-in-our-superstretchy-grid "records", claims of "routine 3:1 glide ratios and 250mph forward speed", f**cking University, look-we-fall-like-bags-of-shit-on-Shuttle-launch, skydivers "generously" padding their video with amazing BASE flights they never made to show off how cool they are, and so on... I guess TV people finally listened to Father Yuri. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  17. This statement doesn't make any sense since you can't survive something you don't have. You have it, you might survive it. There's no "sure" way, though. The only sure way not to have a canopy collision is not to open your parachute. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  18. So far, we don't have any objective evidence that one or the other suit has higher L/D, just that they both have top-line L/D, so for the purpose of understanding let's assume they have the same max L/D. Then, as it follows from the formula derived in Eiger Challenge thread, the ratio of sustained speeds of two suits is: Vxs2/Vxs1 = (Kd1/Kd2)^0.5*(((L2/D2)^2 + 1)/((L1/D1)^2 + 1))^(-0.75)*((L2/D2)/(L1/D1)) Vys2/Vys1 = (Kd1/Kd2)^0.5*(((L2/D2)^2 + 1)/((L1/D1)^2 + 1))^(-0.75) and in this particular case of L2/D2 = L1/D1 it simplifies to Vxs2/Vxs1 = Vys2/Vys1 = (Kd1/Kd2)^0.5 - the ratio of sustained speeds of two suits is equal to square root of ratio of their magic drag coefficients, inversed. So if TS suit has drag coefficient 50% higher than PF suit (with the same L/D), it would fly at 82% speed of PF. If PF has 80mph forward, TS will do 66mph. Note that in case of equal L/D, higher drag coefficient also means higher LIFT coefficient. 1.5x higher drag and 1.5x higher lift. Since magic coefficients Kl and Kd are proportional to dimensionless coefficients of lift and drag Cl and Cd AND the inverse of wingloading, this 1.5x increase may partially come from aerodynamics and partially from larger surface area. A simultaneous increase in lift and drag coefficients can be caused by thicker airfoil and different wing planform (larger wing root). On a BASEjump, a suit with the same L/D but slower speed will always have an advantage over speedier suit as it will lose less altitude to reach sustained glide. Here's an example showing two suits with L/D = 2.5 but with 20% difference in speed: slower ends up being 200ft higher than faster one at the same distance, or conversely, 500ft ahead at the same altitude. Mattresses win not because of finesse of their aerodynamics, but because they start flying sooner. In distance. But in BASE race competitions, they will lose. Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  19. Typo: Vxs2/Vxs1 = (Kd1/Kd2)^0.5*(((L2/D2)^2 + 1)/((L1/D1)^2 + 1))^(-0.75)*((L2/D2)/(L1/D1)) Vys2/Vys1 = (Kd1/Kd2)^0.5*(((L2/D2)^2 + 1)/((L1/D1)^2 + 1))^(-0.75) Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  20. Brian, Think about high-performance gliders: they have ridiculously low sustained rates of descent - 1mph or so with forward speed of ~70mph at best L/D. Where do they take all this energy to propel themselves a hundred feet forward every second while going down a mere 1.5ft in the same second? They do it by minimizing drag as much as possible. At L/D = 70, a 700lbs glider with giant wings has only about 10lbs of drag. So 700lbs over the distance of 1.5ft down generates the same amount of energy as amount spent dragging 10lbs for 105ft horizontally. (700*1.5 = 10*105) So, to answer your question, the energy is maintained with decreasing fall rates by spending it on drag at a lesser rate. If you're interested how the trajectory of a BASEjump with 70/15.6mph would look like, here's a simulated jump from High Nose - you'll be pulling over Horner Pub at comfortable 400ft after 51s flight, with the added bonus of actually going UP 50ft for about 5 seconds without any effort. Yuri Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  21. Tony, you can estimate how your balloon technique will affect your trajectory on a b a s e jump compared to your max L/D mode by measuring sustained horizontal and vertical speeds with GPS on a skydive and plugging the numbers in Wingsuit Studio. You can even run a virtual race between the two techniques in World BASE Race module.
  22. Maria, there's nothing a little PFM cannot do. The question is like this: if a jumper has sustained speeds [normalized to sea level and standard temperature of 15C/59F] in a contemporary wingsuit of Vxs = 75mph, Vys = 30mph (L/D = 2.5), and he's given some magic wingsuit with L/D = 4.5 (an improvement by factor of 4.5/2.5=1.8, or 80%), how would his horizontal & vertical sustained speeds be affected? Would his vertical speed be about the same and horizontal speed be 1.8x faster, or horizontal speed be about the same and vertical speed be 1.8x slower, or somewhere in between, or what? It turns out we can answer this question precisely if we know where this improvement mostly comes from: is coefficient of lift 1.8x higher and drag is about the same, or lift is about the same and drag is 1.8x lower, or the improvement is split in half by increase in lift and reduction in drag? From Wingsuit Equations, the magic lift and drag coefficients are related to sustained horizontal and vertical speeds as: Kl = Vxs/Vs^3, Kd = Vys/Vs^3 where Vs = (Vxs^2 + Vys^2)^0.5 is total sustained speed. (See Derivation tab in WSE module in Wingsuit Studio.) Reversing these equations, we get sustained speeds: Vxs = Kl*(Kl^2 + Kd^2)^(-0.75) Vys = Kd*(Kl^2 + Kd^2)^(-0.75) Omitting some simple algebra, the ratio of sustained speeds of suits 1 and 2 is: Vxs2/Vxs2 = (Kd1/Kd2)^0.5*(((L2/D2)^2 + 1)/((L1/D1)^2 + 1))^(-0.75)*((L2/D2)/(L1/D1)) Vys2/Vys2 = (Kd1/Kd2)^0.5*(((L2/D2)^2 + 1)/((L1/D1)^2 + 1))^(-0.75) where L1/D1 and L2/D2 are L/D's of the 1st and 2nd suit, respectively. So in this case we have L1/D1 = 2.5, L2/D2 = 4.5. Scenario 1: improvement from 2.5 to 4.5 came from 1.8x reduction in drag, so Kd1/Kd2 = 1.8. Vxs2/Vxs2 = 1.8^0.5*((4.5^2 + 1)/(2.5^2 + 1))^(-0.75)*(4.5/2.5) = 1.08 Vys2/Vys2 = 1.8^0.5*((4.5^2 + 1)/(2.5^2 + 1))^(-0.75) = 0.60 In this case, horizontal speed of the 4.5 suit will be 8% faster while vertical speed will be 40% slower: 75mph/30mph becomes 81mph/18mph ------- Scenario 2: improvement from 2.5 to 4.5 came from 1.8x increase in lift, so Kd1/Kd2 = 1. Vxs2/Vxs2 = 1^0.5*((4.5^2 + 1)/(2.5^2 + 1))^(-0.75)*(4.5/2.5) = 0.80 Vys2/Vys2 = 1^0.5*((4.5^2 + 1)/(2.5^2 + 1))^(-0.75) = 0.45 In this case, horizontal speed of the 4.5 suit will be 20% SLOWER while vertical speed will be 55% slower: 75mph/30mph becomes 60mph/13.4mph ------- Scenario 3: improvement from 2.5 to 4.5 came from 1.34x increase in lift and 1.34x reduction in drag (1.34*1.34=1.8), so Kd1/Kd2 = 1.34. Vxs2/Vxs2 = 1.34^0.5*((4.5^2 + 1)/(2.5^2 + 1))^(-0.75)*(4.5/2.5) = 0.93 Vys2/Vys2 = 1.34^0.5*((4.5^2 + 1)/(2.5^2 + 1))^(-0.75) = 0.52 In this case, horizontal speed of the 4.5 suit will be 7% SLOWER while vertical speed will be 48% slower: 75mph/30mph becomes 70mph/15.6mph While examples are hypothetical, they give an idea how changes in lift and drag affect horizontal and vertical speeds: we see that the strongest effect of wingsuit improvement is on fallrate, not horizontal speed. It's magic... pure fucking magic! Yuri Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  23. Awesome stuff! Dean Potter is most likely the 1st in the world who flew from Mushroom to Grindelwald [several times in his Xcess]. From jumping with him and watching his flights, he has a very good glide at quite slow sustained speeds, both vertical and horizontal. Low wingloading allows for quick start (which doesn't require high L/D per se; max lift mode with about 45 degree angle of attack, despite having L/D of about 1.0, pulls you from the wall the fastest; then switch to higher L/D "gear" by controlling your pitch and ensuring lower AoA). Sometimes he wouldn't be able to repeat it and I mentioned to him that it might be the headwind affecting his glide. With 2m 50s flights from the higher exit, a 20mph tailwind gives a free mile of distance, while the same headwind takes it from you. For such long flights, wind can be used creatively to do flights that would otherwise be impossible to do. As can be seen from Wingsuit Studio simulations, longer (slower) flights allow lower L/D threshold to achieve the same goal compared to faster flights. In this example, compare two flights from the Mushroom, one is 120s long and the other 150s long. And that's without the tailwind - with tailwind the effect is even more drastic! I'm sure we'll see lots of other amazing things done by Dean in the near future! Yuri Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  24. This movie will be running on big screen TV in D/L Hall of Fame in loop as it has some most talented D/L athletes in it... just look at the legs bent so much that they are almost touching BOC! look at the angle they enter into the clouds - 20-30 degrees to vertical? And the TV people did an excellent drama job to show how dangerous D/L sport is. Sportsmen almost lost their lives trying to achieve the record high D/L! Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio
  25. Wingsuit Studio's World BASE Race module answers your exact question. Create a new pilot for yourself and enter some flight modes (which is a combination of sustained horizontal and vertical speeds) measured on skydives (in which case you need to first use Tools -> Flight Mode Converter to normalize numbers to sea level and standard temperature) or on BASE jumps using L/D Calculator module. Enter your normal exit weight, and then in WBR module you can see how extra weight affects the finish time. Yes, extra weight = shorter time. P.S. Not sure if this is a good example, but I make it to the windsock at Mt.Brento (precisely 1 mile from exit) in 40s without particularly trying to make it as fast as possible. I'm 250lbs. exit weight in Phantom-1. From what I've seen from lighter pilots in Vampires, they fly at least 50s (but again, without going specifically for speed, so this example is not a proof of the point I'm making). Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps: L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP iOS only: L/D Magic Windows only: WS Studio