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Everything posted by Zennie

  1. No but I did find my Vector III from the classifieds. When I brought it by the DZ a got hit with a bunch of offers for used Sabres. I jumped a 150 twice today and both landings were sweet. Felt like I had far more control for the same conditions than I did with the 170. One of those was a test jump that I'm gonna go with. But anyhoo, thanks bossman for making a really sweet deal on a Vector possible! You da man!
  2. Congrats & welcome to the skies! It only gets better! ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  3. This is exactly why Timothy McVeigh stopped his appeals and requested his execution go forward (currently somtime in mid-May). ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  4. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  5. Hrm shit according to fuck this I ass have goddammit Tourettes.
  6. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! What a classic scene. "UM....Dude.... We've, um, got a major malfunction here. See that little silver handle? You're going to have to pull it dude.... Um... dude.... pull the silver handle...." ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  7. Oh man what I would give to meet that guy!
  8. It has been tried since. Only not with quite as stellar results... Click here ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  9. Plus they aren't moving forward at 80-ish MPH like us when we leave the plane. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  10. I would think "lots", but I don't remember seeing anything like that in the incident reports. Bet they're glad they both had a Cypres though. I think the new big danger is going to be people getting overly-reliant on their audibles. I know there have been times when I haven't heard mine (but I wear mine inside a noisy Protec -- might have to duct tape those vents). I could see a people burning in because they didn't hear their audible and just kept going. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  11. Must...resist...urge....to...respond.... Must....resist... Seriously though. I'm going to bow out of this debate. Suffice it to say I oppose the death penalty for philosophical reasons. If someone raped and killed my wife, would I want him dead? Yep. Would he deserve to die? Yep. Would I still oppose his execution? As hard as that would be, yes. Would I kill him if someone handed me a gun? As hard as that would be, no. Would it tear me apart inside? Yep. These are the types of situations that put your beliefs to the test. No one said acting true to your beliefs is easy. But I think life is about that. And sometimes acting consistent with your ethics is painful. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  12. Zennie

    I know

    There are so many classic scenes in that movie. I remember avoiding it for the longest time because I thought it would be some mushy "chick-flick". I busted a gut through the whole movie. How 'bout the scene with Billy Crystal playing "Miracle Max" and his wife? A Jewish witch & wizard. That just kills me. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  13. ...or the lowlights. But they are dang funny. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  14. *clink* ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  15. Sweet! A political issue we agree on! ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  16. Oh man skybytch, you should have gotten hold of me earlier, I could have told you how to get out of jury duty. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  17. You mean you don't like Peanut or Snuffy's posts? ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  18. My bro is doing his first jump tomorrow. That's right. Friday the 13th. He's shaved bald, lot of tats & piercings. Yeah, I know what you're thinking "Yeah, so's about 10 other people at any given DZ". Anyhoo, if any of you Naples folks read this before tomorrow, relay the message that I want them to give him "the A ride". And they can tell him I told them to. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  19. Hard to say. Kind of depends on what you did. If you enlarged it, saved it and then shrunk that new file, then yeah, I would think it would be blurry -- but I'm not an image expert. Also, depending on which file formats you used, you may have "lost" image information. Compressed formats like JPG are "lossy". It doesn't mean you did anything wrong. It's just the nature of the business -- so to speak. Of course, I could be all wrong. Any of you image editing gurus out there correct me on any of this if I'm all wet. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  20. Zennie

    First jump

    Oh. And we expect a full report when you get back! Have fun! ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  21. Zennie

    First jump

    I'll third the video vote. You'll re-watch it so much you'll make your friends and reltives cringe every time you come by with a video cassette. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  22. Link got messed up there. The direct link to the movie is here. I think that movie is actually a double-save cuz I sure don't see the first guy going for anything. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie Edited by Zennie on 4/12/01 12:22 PM.
  23. Zennie

    I know

    Bad news dude. I just ate your spaceship. ***BUUUURRRRRRPPP!!!!*** ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  24. Nah. The only thunder I emit is when I wake up in the morning. ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie
  25. Click on Edit Profile and then Basic Profile. There's a box that asks you to provide a URL for you picture. My pic is located here: http://www.dzsports.net/forums/Public/Uploads/Photo-285x213-zennie.jpg So that's what I put. So you'll need to upload your picture to a website and link to it from there. You mean like this? Ya still have to so the copy & paste thing. Put the quote between [ quote ][ /quote ] tags. I added spaces so that you could actually see the tag, not the brackets. Just take out the leading & trailing spaces and you'll get them. Make sense? ------------ Blue Skies! Zennie Edited by Zennie on 4/12/01 09:07 AM.