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Everything posted by EMSchick98

  1. So you wanna pick my name for the "movie"? Oh wait I know better than that! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  2. I don't see why it couldn't be
  3. Sure you can direct if I get to pick who is in the "movie" with me "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  4. Impulse buy... I really need to work on that!!! And he would definitely help!!! I guess I wanted it because I just found out that I am probably leaving Atlanta on the 17th of this month... and I really want to remember the awesome time I had down here...
  5. That is how much my new camcorder just cost me... Since I am still a student that is only the rest of my AFF jumps plus 20 jump tickets... ouch! That is the cost for me to finish up my A !!! At least it is an awesome camera!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  6. 80's baby here... "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  7. 6 out of 12 and I am a girl... yikes!!! Apparently even I need to see more boobies! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  8. Ohhh... Red Bull and Vodka is a good choice!!! (although it gets me into trouble sometimes ) Are you gonna be in Rome? "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  9. What??? "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  10. I agree that you need to bring it in person (but I would take sent beer too )!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  11. Which way ya coming from "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  12. LOL you have to read your post how I read it... And that is what happens if you don't pay attention to the dividing line... "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  13. Nakkid guys might help... jk.. Oh wait no I'm not! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  14. We get visitors that bring beer and cake??? God I love this sport!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  15. awww... thanks "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  16. I was warned about people like you Although I haven't been to a dz yet without bringing beer... but it isn't owed beer!!! I am just good like that "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  17. :1:0 Gotta love being a student!!! Would have owed beer for meeting jmpnkramer (first person off of dz.com) and first jump at the farm... oh and first piece of skydiving apparel, thanks j! Once I am off student status I am going to be really good at ... owing !!! Anyway it was a great weekend!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  18. I did the same thing!!! **edited to add I only read this thread because there were no new post on that one!*** "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  19. I don't know how long you have left on your contract or if you have cancelled it early, but they have a "stolen phone" plan... just a thought, it includes no service but is $6.95 a month... (At least this was an option two years ago when I too hated Sprint) so if you only have like 10 months left it is only $69.50 and you write the check and are done!!! Just a thought "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  20. Done "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  21. I suppose that would have been awesome if you were a White Sox fan! I am sooooo jealous!!! I want to move to Wrigleyville too!!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  22. I'm not sure you can handle me and my 50% impure side "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  23. 50% here.. "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  24. Wow, when I got to my dz that was the first thing they asked me... Over or Under... Of course I said the correct way... OVER so they accepted me! Phew! I could have been disowned seriously!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  25. I was just at the Cubs/ White Sox game on Saturday... sad day for Cubs fans, but great day at Wrigley! Enjoy Chicago!!! I love it (although I am in the suburbs). When I am back around the area and you need a ride, just let me know! (I am in Atlanta for work and will probably be here for awhile ). "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt