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Everything posted by EMSchick98

  1. Sweet, thank you... too bad I didn't know then... it was funny! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  2. That is like the Save Toby site only that guy wants like $50,000 before June something or he is going to eat his pet rabit... ***edited because I am special*** "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  3. I wish I knew how to take a picture off the screen since it was "vibrating panties" " in my pants" ... I wish Oh yeah and "Bring me to Life" in my pants... "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  4. Answer Financial If you wanted to look somewhere else, this place has been great for me, and I have to carry high risk insurance... I pay like 621 for 6 months full coverage (of course it is an old car and I am a girl which helps...) Just a thought
  5. Lucky Boys Confusion (might just be a Chicago thing... no clue!) "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  6. So it's about time!!! Hee hee... sorry! Well just wanted to say hi! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  7. That actually sounds like a good excuse!!! "But I was at 22K, I have no idea what happened..." Serious potential there! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  8. We can try "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  9. Don't worry about not wanting to do it... besides I need the extra altitude when I am onboard... That way I have way more time to pull!!! Between the three of us, we should have plenty of extra altitude for that!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  10. I will... Miss me lots! I will miss "y'all"!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  11. Well Josh will be there... I am sure he would be willing to help out in a packing class I will try to keep in touch while in Chicago... Just depends how often I can kick the family off the computer! Boogie will be great!!! I cannot wait! (I may get in late on Friday though. We will have to figure it all out later "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  12. Awww... thanks!!! I will be in Chicago this weekend, but I should be back for the 14th and 15th
  13. So my jumper vali... Thank you for the continued support (and a helping hand when I need it)!!! You are wonderful! I think I was just so worried that I dissapointed you and Brian and everyone else that has been wonderful to me. Silly I know, and I did get over it really fast. I replay the whole thing in my mind over and over and I can honestly say it is a great memory!!! I cannot wait to be back! Thank you again for the encouragement! You are the best! P.S. After see all of us at the dz in the morning, I am shocked you want to see any of our smiling faces then!!! That is a true friend! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  14. Awww... you are so sweet!!! Thank you all for being so supportive! I really felt so disappointed in myself at first... Until I thought about what an amazing experience it was, and how easy of a problem it is to solve ! Everyone at the dz really made me feel better and made me want to just get back up in the air!!! You are all truly wonderful for that. I cannot wait until the 13th!!! I will probably be up there late that night.... Giving us the 14th and 15th to jump... of course weather willing! I am totally ready to get my boogie on, don't you worry! By the way congrats on the standup landing!!! And I am so glad that you escaped the axe murderer!!! That would be a great sig line "do y'all need a ride, I have a gun in the car, and just drank a beer" Ha I love it! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  15. ***Update*** So I finally had my first jump!!! It was awesome! Only got one in due to the wonderful weather in Georgia. I would love to tell you all about it, unfortunately I really don't remember much after getting in the doorway!!! I had trouble reading the altimeter so my instructor had to pull for me... oops! The canopy ride went smoothly though
  16. :1:0 After feeling like a groupie at the dz (bad weather 2 weekends in a row after taking my FJC) I finally got to jump on Sunday!!! First jump ever, exited around 14,000 ... AWESOME!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  17. I love Harry Carey!!!! Sorry... had to chime in... Happy Friday everyone... So how are we gonna work the sheep in anyways? "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  18. Great now I have that song stuck in my head
  19. I am sure you guys have seen this already, but just incase, you have to checkout the shirt in the second column, second row!!! Busted Tees "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  20. Wow when you put it into the terms mounted to some guy, I all of a sudden wish I was doing tandem not AFF!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  21. Wait being that you are on my reserve side..... I am totally joking!!! Lots of love for the erector sets!!! (although it does really show your age!!!) jk! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  22. Erector sets went out when Lego's came in... sorry, looks like you and your erector set will be all alone... You should really get with the times!!! Legos! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  23. Maybe those pics will have to be taken early on Friday... Oh wait you work then right??? Oh well....Sorry!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt
  24. New hotties??? Well I cannot wait to see those pics!!! "me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt