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Everything posted by elias123

  1. "However I've noticed that nobody at the home DZ seems to care that the packer will do up a chute with a lit cigarette hanging out of his mouth." That would definately NOT be tolerated over here! Here you're not even allowed to smoke in the hangar/loft, let alone whilst packing a canopy. If I saw that happeneing I would surely adress the packer in a friendly way, if he doesn't give a shit about what you're saying to him, go talk to the owner of the rig or DZowner/manager. You're not overreacting. IMO smoking in the vicinity of an open parachute is a no go. Of course if you really do want holes in your canopy, cause that's what inevitably will happen, go ahead, but I don't want cigarettes near my canopy ... ever. "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  2. Interesting read, thanks for the link ;) "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  3. Altough I have no/not much experience to fall back on yet, I feel exactly the same way. Right now, I have the feeling that I don't ever want to downsize any further and I am sure that my mindset will not change for a long time. But who knows, maby when I get 15 years in the sport and am very current I might start to think otherwise. Blues "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  4. Well yeah, sure it's funny when someone lands a little akward or falls down, and laughing for/at it is great, it creates even more comradry and stuff wich I think is awesome! But really being ridiculed for it for weeks is pretty stupid. Blues Eli ;) "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  5. Why not? Lots of people at my DZ jump canopy's that they've been using for over 10 years. I don't know if I'm gonna use it for 10 years but I definately hope that I can put another 1000 jumps on it, and since i'm not a very frequent jumper (may change in the future) I'm guessing this may take a while (more than 10 years) Blues Eli "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  6. That's pretty lame in my opinion. I'm definately not planning to downsize in the coming years. That's why I bought this rig (the 150). I know it's pretty small for my experience level, but it was a good deal and since I'm planning on jumping this canopy at least for the next decade, I thought it would be a good buy. And I certainly don't know how to fly it yet because I haven't jumped it yet :) "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  7. Well Yeah, that was what I was thinking too, but quite a few people at the DZ (definately trustworthy people) told me that me jumping this canopy wouldn't be much of a problem and that I shouldn't pass this deal. The guy who sold me the rig is also a very experienced jumper (4500+ jumps and roams here also) and said that the electra is a good canopy for those who are not concerned with speed and are more interested in good landings and a forgiving canopy with a good flight path, excellent landing flare characteristics and soft touch downs, wich is exactly what I'm looking for. Nontheless I will of course be extra attentive and carefull on landings. I'm even a bit scared to jump it actually, but that will pass once I get more jumps in on this canopy. In any case, thanks for you concern ;) Eli "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  8. Sure is. Thanks :) "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  9. ok, so, when you calculate your wingloading, do you include the total weight of your rig on top of your body weight or don't you? I initially wanted to buy a 170 and said to myself that I would never go smaller than a 150. Small canopy's just scare me. I only want safe and straight landings. Altough it looks cool, I'm absolutely not into swooping at all and I hope I never will be actually. Altough I wanted a 170, 150 would be the smallest I would go. I saw a good deal for a complete system with a 150 in it so I didn't hesitate to long. "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  10. Hi there, So I was wondering: What's your wingloading, what type, brand and size of canopy do you jump and how many jumps do you have (in total)? I'm mainly interested in the responses from newer jumpers, but of course, feel free to post everyone. Personally I just bought a slightly elliptical electra 150 and I currently have 60 jumps. My wingloading is 1.17 lbs/ft². Thanks. Eli "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  11. "You'll be fine as long as you don't do anything stupid" (from Go Fast) When you jump out of an airplane, you're DEAD, unless you do everything RIGHT! "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  12. elias123

    cool gift

    I just got an awesome gift from my stepsister! It's a big book with only high detail pictures of clouds and that big ole' sky we all adore so much. I can't not think about skydiving when I look in or at this book. This really makes me wanna jump. With almost every picture I think "aw it would be so cool to fall past those cumulus clouds!!" Thanks sis for enlarging my passion for the sky even further !!!! :) For anyone who is interested: The photographer is Glen. E Friedman, and a very good one at that. The book is called "Recognize". Here is a slideshow I found on the web of some of the pictures in the book. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8793937322197972167 And here are some words on the book. http://www.burningflags.com/books/recognize.php Btw most pictures were taken from a normal passenger airliner with a very simple camera while this man was travelling around the world (mainly South America I believe) Blue skies / Safe jumps Eli ;) "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  13. For a solo exit, tucked up in a bomb position. For a 2-way exit, bodychuck exit :) One person stands outside of the plane with a light grip on the bar on the outside of the aircraft and with his/her head facing the door so he/she can see inside the plane. The other person stands inside the plane against the opposite side of the door with his/her head facing to the door so he/she can look outside. The person who is inside then "hucks" or "hugs" the person on the outside at the waist/belly area. Result is that you both tumble down uncontrollably. God I love jumping. "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  14. Survival at the dropzone kit contents check. In them you will find: one 45 caliber automatic, two boxes of ammunition, four days concentrated emergency rations, one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills, one miniature combination Rooshan phrase book and Bible, one hundred dollars in rubles, one hundred dollars in gold, nine packs of chewing gum, one issue of prophylactics, three lipsticks and three pair of nylon stockings -- shoot, a fellah could have a pretty good weekend at the dz with all that stuff "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  15. That's not what I meant. It's just that I'd prefer to but a rig that looks a little 'newer'. Since I had no idea what the container looks like, I thought I'd ask for a pic on here. Right now I'm looking at anything I come across, cause I'm sick and tired of paying gear rental every time. And I only have like 1300 euros to spend. I know that's not much (especially if I want a container that looks 'newer') but the 6 rig-descriptions I got offered in that email were all for a price of about 1000 euros. "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  16. That's what I needed, thanks a bunch !
  17. One dates from 1991 and the other one from 1993. I probably won't buy any of the two, but I would like to see what this kind of container looks like. I've already did searches on internet and on this site, to no avail. "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  18. Because I got an email from someone with descriptions of 6 systems, 2 of the systems have sweethogs as containers and I would like to see what a sweethog container looks like before I buy it ... "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  19. Hi, Does anyone have a picture of a sweethog container? Thanks
  20. Isn't that from Star Wars? "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  21. cranberry juice "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  22. Bhutan, went there in 2004. Best vacation ever. Saw the most beautiful place (imo) when I was there. "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  23. dude, the guitar solo in that song is fucking AWESOME !!!! "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  24. Dance ?? ... barf ... Would anybody like a dance? (south park ) "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
  25. What's a VOP? "In a mad world, only the mad are sane"