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Everything posted by Scratch

  1. Oh dear. This is truly the funniest statement I have read on Dizzydotcom for a long time.
  2. Good point Erno Otherwise the joke could still be read as a reference to homosexuality and or paedophilia
  3. Are you making fun of the male sex Why did you not say the girl fell in the mud hmmm? I would think for the joke to be truly non offensive you would have to say the maturity challenged person fell in the mud.
  4. Suz It's got nothing to do with being blond. On the other hand you are Australian......
  5. BTW Ferdi Scratchiepig Fine words from a commie lover Pop in at the other place, it's getting funny
  6. Why are the two of you biting one another
  7. Personally I don't find humour of any sort offensive. I do however realise that there are some who do and take that into account. I am certainly not PC and do not understand the concept but I do realise that if I as a white South African started posting racist jokes for example I would catch a heap of flak. [shrug]
  8. Why???? I don't have any VX or Sarin. Well none that they can prove
  9. Well so long as you can shag like a pissed off chihuahua I am sure she won't mind too much
  10. When you're Happy and you Know it Bomb Iraq If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq! If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq! If the terrorists are frisky, Pakistan is looking shifty, North Korea is too risky, Bomb Iraq. It's "pre-emptive non-aggression", bomb Iraq. Let's prevent this mass destruction, bomb Iraq. They've got weapons we can't see, And that's good enough for me 'Cos it's all the proof I need, so Bomb Iraq. If you never were elected, bomb Iraq. If your mood is quite dejected, bomb Iraq. If you think Saddam's gone mad, With the weapons that he had, (And he tried to kill your dad), then Bomb Iraq. If your corporate fraud is growing, bomb Iraq. If your ties to it are showing, bomb Iraq. If your politics are sleazy, And hiding that ain't easy, And your manhood's getting queasy, Bomb Iraq. If we have no allies with us, bomb Iraq. If we think someone has `dissed` us, bomb Iraq. So to hell with the inspections, Let's look tough for the elections, Close your mind and take directions, Bomb Iraq. Fall in line and follow orders, bomb Iraq. For our might knows not our borders, bomb Iraq. Disagree? We'll call it treason, Let's make war not love this season, Even if we have no reason, Bomb Iraq!!
  11. Opps If you look behind you you will see the line you just stepped over.
  12. Two guys are sitting in a bar having a few when the one elbows the other. "Hey, do you know that I fucked your mother" The second guy ignores him. The man elbows him again "Hey, did you hear me. I fucked your mother and she liked it...a lot" The second guy keeps his eyes firmly on his beer. The man elbows him a third time "Hey I fucked your mother so hard she screamed for more" The second man sighs, puts down his glass and turns to the first. "Dad, go home, you're drunk"
  13. Did you hear about the insomniac, agnostic, dyslexic. He lay awake at night wondering if there really was a dog.
  14. Two submarines are sitting in a tree playing cards. At that moment a steel bird comes flying by. "Hey look, a steel bird" says the one sub "Yup it probably has a nest around here" says the other.
  15. A guy is busy going down on a girl he picked up in the bar late at night. As he munches away he sucks out a pea. In his pissed state he spits it out and gets right back to it. A few seconds later he sucks out a bit of brocolli, spits and goes to it. Immediately he gets a mouthful of diced carrots. Looking quite shocked he looks up and asks "What is the matter with you? Are you sick?" "No" she answers "but the guy before you was"
  16. Two nuns are sitting in the bath. "Wheres the soap" says one. "It does doesn't it" says the other.
  17. Seeing that sick baby jokes are being posted. Q What is the difference between a truckload of bricks and a truckload of babies? A You cannot offload bricks with a pitchfork
  18. Q What is green and stays green at the push of a button. A A frog that can tapdance
  19. Q What is green and turns red at the push of a button? A A frog in a blender.
  20. You have a good point there Monkey.
  21. Interesting thought here...can trolls swim?
  22. Wuss. Do you want some milk.