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Everything posted by Scratch

  1. Scratch

    New Rig

    It's here Crappy camera but there you go. Container..........Chute Shop Vortex 2 Main.................Chute Shop Hurricane 135 Reserve............Chute Shop Decelerator 150
  2. I have a garden but I use it to no nevermind
  3. I am going out on a limb here but I believe wuffo chicks find skydiving a good point scorer on the 'wanna shag him' table and a huge liability on the 'I want him to father my children' table'. Suits me just fine
  4. Kerry Yes I did.....for all of 24hrs Mouse I am getting a housemate on 15 Dec who hates smoking. As good a reason as any I was part of the deal
  5. Howzit Stormy. I am stopping on 1 Dec and am not looking forward to it. So just think about it, when you are busy seeing the light at the end of the tunnel I will be busy kakking myself.
  6. You said it Quade I have a very good friend who was a member of the South African Reconnaissance Commandos (Similar to the British SAS ). These guys have one hell of a reputation. Antony spent 5 years fighting the SA bush war and saw more shit than anybody has a right to...I am surprised he is still sane. Anyway as to how he looks. I think a Gummi Bear is an apt description. A 5' 7" Gummi Bear with a 28" waistline. He laughs all the time, avoids fights, has a wicked sense of humour and looooves the ladies. The only indication as to his 'potential' is his eyes. They can flick from laughter to something quite scary and deadly. His mates from the old regiment are much the same and they rarely, if ever talk about what they did and went through. As for skydiving bullshitl. I have had this gem directed at me next to a bar. "I have jumped out of a chopper and it is really dangerous because when the parachute pulls you back up you can strike the rotor blades". I said nothing.
  7. Los af Ferdi. Sy is sy vir my will he
  8. Scratch

    Your Heritage?

    French; Creole....Fathers side English; Irish; Scottish...Mothers side 100% South African Mongrel. If I were a dog you would call me Rover and be glad to have me
  9. South Africans have no culture and we are damn proud of it Hey Skyblade. Jy kan maar daai ou vet tannies hou. Ek bly by my Kaapse bokkies. Lang hare, lang bene en kaal bolyf 'tans' aaai. Somer is hier an my mond water al klaar.
  10. Scratch

    Open wound

    Now that sounds so familiar 16 years together on my side, she left 5 months ago...but who's counting I hope the bitch gets a chronic yeast infection. (I am still throughly enjoying my angry phase)
  11. Hey Winston. I went to UCT in the late eighties. With regards to our female lecturers I like my girls with less hair on their legs than on their heads. Siiigh the good old days. Teargas, rubber bullets and petrol bombs. Happy five hours at the Pig n Whistle. Buy one crate and get one free. Oh and AIDs was unheard of
  12. Ferdi is a SDCT boyki. Yours truly is the Citrusdal jumper. No name as is a secret or so I am told. Something in memory of Don MacIntyre
  13. Mickey was in a bar having a drink, and the barmaid was one sexy looking lady! He slapped a ten spot on the table and said, "I bet I can keep an eye on this drink while I go to the bathroom." She knew the bathroom was around the corner so she accepted the bet. Mickey took his glass eye out, placed it beside the drink and went to the bathroom. "Betcha I can bite my own ear," Mickey challenged the barmaid on his return. The bet was accepted. Mickey then took out his false teeth and nipped his ear. Once more he scooped up the money. "Okay," he said, "I'll give you a chance to win your money back. I bet I can make love to you so tenderly you won't feel a thing." Now that was one thing the barmaid definitely knew about, so she accepted the bet. Mickey lifted her skirt and away they went. "I can feel you." she giggled. "Oh well," he said, "You win some, you lose some!!"
  14. Ag never mind me Kerry I am just a jaded old cynic It is time for you to get your knees in the breeze. BTW when you see the Yeti tell him I say thanks. My rig is finished and I will have it in a week
  15. Hey Viking To explain Nacmac The Scots call their product Whisky..there is no 'e' The rest of the world call their product Whiskey. I once had Whiskey in Shanghai that was made from god alone knows what. It tasted disgusting but the word still appeared on the label, in and amoungst the Chinese characters. I am rambling time
  16. Once upon a time in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess, happened upon a frog as she sat contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant meadow near her castle. The frog hopped into the Princess' lap and said, "Elegant Lady, I was once a handsome Prince, until an evil witch cast a spell upon me. One kiss from you, however, and I will turn back into the dapper, young Prince that I am. And then, my sweet, we can marry and set up housekeeping in your castle with my Mother, where you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children, and forever feel grateful and happy doing so." That night, on a repast of lightly sauteed frog legs seasoned in a white wine and onion cream sauce, she chuckled to herself and thought, "I don't fucking think so."
  17. It is called that because things can very well go wrong Best you hook yourself up
  18. Really Sweetie, if I had to consume jello shots off you you will not be inertfor long. Morning all. Sheesh one would swear there had been a food fight going on here. BTW did I just see Michele waltzing out the door wearing a thong and drinking Tequila from the bottle. Don't go Michele..............actually, you can go. I like watching you go. Damn this place looks like my kitchen....only cleaner.
  19. Scratch digs up a huge bowl of mashed potatos and a big spoon to flick it with. "FIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT"
  20. Speak for yourself. Considering my recent extended bout of celibacy buns look entertaining from any angle right now.
  21. Scratch


    No come on Skreamer, tell the whole story. You know the one about you being called Wendy before 1997 and the bits have been kept in the family.