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Everything posted by Orange1

  1. Page 999. Wow. Blevins, the Telegraph is not an unknown paper, certainly more people in the wider English- speaking world are aware of it than the Seattle whatever, and what I gave you was in direct quotes. I would trust the reporter on that one. And it would not be the first journo to get some arbitrary fact about the case wrong. I believe even you have done that on occasion? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  2. hey safe sounds like you have insider info? (in which case it would be unethical to take any bets on it...) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  3. Ah, thanks Georger. I can be slow sometimes, but it is all becoming clearer
  4. Ah.. so definitely something that would fall under "law enforcement". Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  5. What is the 'bca' that Jamie refers to? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  6. More articles now and some more details trickling out... While the other articles say the lead is credible, this one says (edited to add: that badly written sentence is a quote, not a hatchet cut and paste job) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  7. Not exactly. This is the only reference to the suspect's identity in the article: There is nothing in the article that says his name hasn't come up before, only that he was never investigated. I thought you said you had read both articles? From The Telegraph one: Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  8. First, you dont know that at all. Secondly, you evidently missed the key sentence in the article. That sentence reads: " And it comes from a credible lead who came to our attention recently via a law enforcement colleague." ?? Re DNA - that was what the article said, and not the first time it has been discussed. Are you saying that they misquoted the FBI, or are you saying that unbeknownst to (some of) us, there is actually a complete enough DNA sample that they will be able to definitively finger someone without a court challenge to the DNA evidence? And who said I missed the sentence? I hadn't got that far at the time. Is this a lead that some of the DZers have been working on behind the scenes, Georger? So, those of us not in the know are dying to know who the suspect is and what the evidence is, but I guess we'll just have to wait... And Blevins, sorry, but you're clutching at non-existent straws. The clear statement is that it is a name that has not come up before. Christiansen has come up before. There is only one logical conclusion. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  9. Blevins, you said you have read them? You do realize both articles said it is a name that has not come up before. So how can it be Christiansen? Possibilities: vicki's dad, Jamie found the briefcase eventually, or someone completely off our radar. Ah, wouldn't a partial DNA match throw the cat among the pigeons here.... Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  10. Haha ...notes this thread bears testimony to "the infighting and bitchiness of Cooper sleuths"!! Still working my way through the articles. As we know FBI confirming the DNA samples can only exclude suspects, not confirm anyone. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  11. Wrong. It IS too much to ask, and it is not fair. It's completely ridiculous. Can you imagine if the FBI had to run after every Tom, Dick and Harry who said "prove X, Y or Z" was not Cooper (or the Zodiac Killer, or or or). There is a reason the burden of proof lies the way it does. But 377 can deal with this much more eloquently. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  12. Hopefully you and many others are aware a young American in an Italian prison may soon be released after film showed how faulty the DNA was - taken from evidence at a murder scene. 1. A bra clasp was handled with soiled gloves and past around thru several agents on site and then put back on the carpet. The agents where filmed doing this. 2. A knife having DNA of the victim on the tip of the blade and the supposed murderer on the handle also had been mishandled....I dozed off, so maybe someone else can fill this in. In other words I did not see the clip in its entirety nor pay much attention, but it got my attention when I saw the clip of the bra clasp being handed around. Hm, this case has been in the news for years and there is far more wrong than just the DNA From what I understand the problem with the bra clip - as I understand it, someone following the case correct me if I am wrong - is that the DNA sample appears to have come from contamination, i.e. another sample of the suspect's DNA ended up on the bra clip because they were not careful. So you can't link this to a positive in the Cooper case, unless the Cooper suspect happened to have DNA somewhere in the vicinity that was transferred?? As for Knox's DNA - the girl was a flatmate, I would find it unusual if they had not found traces of her DNA. Anyway the defense argument is that on the the knife, there was not enough of a sample to confirm that it was her DNA and not someone else's. Again not relevant to Cooper unless and until someone is a match and wants to defend it on the grounds that the sample is not complete enough. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  13. I have looked at many many military records. This is a common statement that I have seen many times on records of enlisted servicemen. My understanding is that it merely references the mandatory service duty in effect at the time and the authority under which they were serving. This is what I had assumed. To check, I did a google search using the exact phrase ... It results in 1,450,000 hits!! Indeed, it would seem to be very common. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  14. To the 2 99s, thanks for the comments. Smokin, would kbe interested to know if they have any models of the Mfuleni homes. I suspect ours are much more modest than the US ones - they really are tiny, about 40m sq - 2 rooms. But they are proper houses, with walls separating rooms, indoor plumbing and electricity which is a huge step-up from a shack. I can't explain the feeling when you see tears of joy on someone's face when they realize that their biggest dream - a proper house, something so many people just take for granted - is coming true. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  15. Incidentally, this is off topic, but if any of you ever want to volunteer for something really meaningful - this is really worthwhile. They operate all over the world, including locations in North America. Use your compassion where it's most appreciated and needed. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  16. No-one took anything from you, Jo. You decided to spend 15 years of your life chasing after this. It was your decision, your choice, not anyone else's fault. So you are saying NO ONE TOOK anything from anyone as a result of Cooper. Tina's life was destroyed - are you going to say that is her doing? You are a mother and a woman - but, you have no compassion. Perhaps your life has never been challenged - and you have never had to prove yourself. Never condemn what another claims about their feelings until YOU yourself have actually been in the place they stood and for the same amount of time and had the same connections. Yes the "stuff" I talk about would make a good book - but that has not been my goal. A book or movie created out of might have beens or could of beens is not what I sought in this search. I wanted the truth and nothing but the truth. Yes, it was MY choice to continue the struggle when the ODDS were stacked against me...and I would do it again.....BECAUSE I know what I saw and what I was told and what and what I held in my hands. NO one will every take my memory from me other than the natural process of aging and death. With what is being done on that CODE - as we speak - The connections between Weber and Cooper are becoming more positive each day. I am able to supply the DNA of a third party in Duane's life. If the DNA is on the envelopes used to mail the "clues" or the tie clip or anything Cooper related this story is over. I will re-interate - there are things regarding Cooper that remain a secret until this day and I do NOT understand why after 40 yrs the authorities find it necessary to keep these things confidential. That is a RED FLAG. Jo, before you get on your high horse, read. Yet again you jump to conclusions because you don't bother to read - and this was a simple short post!!!. I never said Tina wasn't affected! I never mentioned anyone else at all. It was about you complaining again that because of the FBI (or this or that one) that you have lost 15 years of your life. It was your choice. You even say so. So stop accusing other people of "taking" it from you. And your remark about me having "no compassion" is way off base. You have no idea what I have been through in my life, what it took to get where I am, and you have no idea what I do, or for whom. Tell me, have you ever stood in the blazing African summer sun physically helping build houses for people who would only live in tin shacks that flood every winter otherwise? Have you ever gone into an underprivileged school to help teach Math or English because the teachers don't even have the qualifications they are trying to teach? Do you volunteer to help out at orphanages for abandoned AIDS babies, or help organise events for kids from a disabled children's home? Have you even got any IDEA what kind of misery a billion people live in on this continent? Do you even know there is a famine in east Africa at the moment? Have you heard of a place called Dadaab? Did you see the picture of a 7-month old child that weighs less than a normal baby weighs at birth? Or the one of the grandmother that got wheeled hundreds of kilometres in a wheelbarrow by her grandchildren to get to a feeding camp? These are people with REAL problems, Jo. Not people who throw a hissy fit blaming the FBI because of something they chose to do themselves!! btw...if you manage to come up with evidence Duane was Cooper, great. But for obvious reasons, including the fact that we've heard this all before, not holding my breath. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  17. No-one took anything from you, Jo. You decided to spend 15 years of your life chasing after this. It was your decision, your choice, not anyone else's fault. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  18. Jo, seriously. Between the conspiracy theories, MLK, RFK, Freemasons, CIA connections, mafia connections, changing fingerprint records, secret jump training, whatever else I have forgotten about over the past few years, and now code-breaking, you could write one heck of a novel. One that would make a Dan Brown plot seem like Enid Blyton. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  19. And georger hits the nail bang on the head..... (although I suspect less diplomatically than, say, 377 might have written it....!) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  20. your insurance companies seem to work different to ours? here, you have an accident, no matter whose fault you both hand over to your insurance companies and let them slug it out with each other from day 1 without you personally having to argue anything with anyone (well other than a slanging match with the other driver at the scene perhaps...!) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  21. Jo, He is described as right-wing/neo-nazi, Christian fundamentalist, islamophobe. Did not like the tolerant policies of his government. Sad to say but if you trawl the net today you find people who still idolize hitler and his policies. Remember this is one of the richest countries per capita in the world and has one of the most equal distributions of income- it is not a country where low income people feel threatened by immigrants taking jobs (and I must stress even if it was these actions would not be justifiable, just perhaps slightly more understandable). Seems like a pure hate crime in other words. You can blame economy and society all you want but at the end of the day you need to blame the criminal for deciding to commit a crime, whether a massacre in Norway, an armed break-in near you (this is pretty much a fact of life where I live by the way - everyone I know has private armed response security) or, dare I say it, Duane. Everyone has choices in life. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  22. Please all spare a thought, and a prayer if that is your thing, for the people of Norway. I was in Oslo just a couple of weeks ago, and the thought that someone attacks innocent citizens in one of the countries in the world most synonymous with peace is sickening. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  23. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  24. No, Jo. The edit was to clarify I figured out what the phone call was. Again: if you had bothered to read (or comprehend) what you were responding to you would know that I was not implying anything about a phone call. And another leap of logic: I have nothing to apologise to you for. Perhaps you should rather consider apologising to me for going off on a rant accusing me of accusing you of something...just because you didn't read a post properly. (Which also means you can keep your lectures on reading posts and incorrect allusions to burning bushes to yourself.) And you still do not seem to understand my aims with the photo idea, but I can't be bothered to explain it again. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  25. Jo, perhaps you should actually read what you think you are responding to. There was nothing about a call in the post I made. (I have no idea what call you are referring to anyway, either something discussed in the posts I missed while I was away, or mentioned by one of the two posters whose posts I currently generally don't read, or missed for some other reason.) (Edited to add: from the above post I have now deduced there was a call made to Blevins.) And actually there are other females here ... Amazon, Vicki. Though, admittedly, neither of them have complained about other people writing 'nasty' posts to them and then gone to write vitriolic posts to others when they feel like it. ...and the original post was clearly referring to more than one person anyway... ...but this is a great example of your leaps of logic leading to indefensible conclusions. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.