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Everything posted by Orange1

  1. Sure. And then she will actually deliver on the latest imminent revelation she promised us weeks ago Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  2. Google should indeed take a dim view of this - see this story about JC Penney ... Done a different way but still 'faking' on the search ranking and if they're not shy about sorting out JCPenney I'm sure they won't be shy about skyride... Sounds like a call to the right person, possibly one of the guys mentioned in the article, should do the trick? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  3. Oh, my mother was wrong plenty All this talk about Scott makes me think of --- -Janet! - Dr Scott! - Janet! - Brad! hmmm... is there a connection we haven't yet realised? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  4. Sometimes I wonder. No chute has been found. Cooper would have been crazy to walk out with the chute. Could he have gone into the Columbia? Open chute or closed chute that would have been fatal and the chute and body might never be found. The money could have been dredged up and ended up in dredge spoils at Tena Bar. 377 Dunno about dredging but I think the chances are high that this is a good reason neither Cooper nor chute nor other bills have been found ....... you know ........ Occam's Razor Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  5. Indeed! With much the same result I fear. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  6. Scott died in March of 2001. How could you be emailing and receive any reply from a dead man? March 16, 2001 William "Scotty" Scott, 81, who piloted the plane hijacked by the notorious D.B. Cooper died on Sunday of prostate cancer at his home in Green Valley, Ariz. oh what a tangled web we weave ... even if only ourselves we do deceive (with apologies to scott (the other one)) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  7. (sigh) you keep trying to argue logically with people who are not interested in rational, logical argument. all they want is for people to accept their irrational, illogical proposition. your intentions as always are noble... but so far i don't see much turn I'd love to see more work done researching Vicki's dad. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  8. And blah blah blah. Jerry did not say you said "bad things" about H; he said you said H did not want to talk to him, or something along those lines ... which you just admit you did. Is your calling Jerry "despicable" another example of this kindness and courtesy you claim to show to everyone? I really don't understand why other people get banned for personal attacks and you manage to just go on and on like the energizer bunny with them here. Quade? Is there a reason Jo gets teflon treatment? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  9. I don't think Jamie is interested in coming back... he has a life it seems Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  10. I do actually remember this incident. I can't remember Jo's exact words but it was something along the lines Jerry said, then someone else (was it Bruce? Blevins?) spoke to Himmelsbach who confirmed he was a friend of Jerry. That aside, this thread is getting really tiresome. It seems to have become more about egos and agendas than anything to do with Cooper. I don't know who he was but I am pretty sure he was not Duane or KC. Oh btw Knoss, the more you write on here, I think the less anyone believes it was Duane. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  11. ok, i'm confused by the van gogh reference. and aren't there supposed to be crows in that one? something looks edited but not nearly enough of an expert to know Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  12. If Dante had known about this thread he would have had a 10th circle. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  13. Jo, again a whole long post that did not address the point I made. You said: I was questioning how valid it is to believe that someone's entire life, or at least his entire presence on this thread, has only one aim and that that aim revolves around you. Especially when it is patently obvious from even a cursory reading of his posts that that is not true. That is where the reference to either egoism or persecution complex came in. -- btw, it's not exactly like you've never threatened anyone here ... even if those threats don't carry as much weight as you had hoped (recent ones i can recall are the threats to 'expose' the location of jerry's mine, and the hundreds of lawsuit threats that 377 patiently and tirelessly tells you are without merit) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  14. I'm trying to decide whether this sounds more like sheer arrogance/egoism, or the more difficult problem of a persecution complex. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  15. Point of order, that is true in the US but not in the UK or countries where they still use British spelling - London Calling and Guns of Brixton are generally the most well-known and London Calling and the albums before that seen as the definitive ones. So maybe we find someone called Black Maria pitching up in one of Knoss's elaborate tales ... Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  16. Tommy Gunn!! oh Bob, you really do have the ability to make people laugh. You're wasted on this forum, you really should be writing comic novels. Just, maybe, names like that are a bit too cliched, huh? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  17. Help me out. Is "irony" the correct term for what's going on here? Mark If you're not delusional, yes. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  18. I know someone who knows that aliens exist because he was abducted by them, he was in a spaceship and can describe it too. Should we arrange for you two to meet? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  19. Hey! They train monkeys to assist paraplegics with their daily tasks. How is this much different? WE know who Cooper was. Jerry does not. Well, Bobby, your sideways rantings may obfuscate the real search for Cooper, but you sure have proven you're good for a laugh. Of course any comments you make in this regard about Jerry could just as easily apply to you (or Jo or anyone else you care to name). Can you PROVE you are not the "monkey" in this case? Can you PROVE you have not been brainwashed into behaving like this by ...say ...MKUltra to lead everyone off the trail? Can you PROVE Duane was Cooper? No, no and no. Thought so. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  20. JT was a cover-up!! HAHAHAHAHA that is the funniest thing I heard all day. Actually i think it is Jo and Mr-ban-and-unban-myself-at-will who are the cover-ups, because they have probably done more than anyone to deflect attention away from whoever the real Cooper was and keep on trying to turn this into a discussion about Duane. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  21. I thought that too, of course that is gross revenue ... Jerry what grade is your ore? Do you extract the gold yourself or just sell the ore? I been down a gold mine - a deep one
  22. Oh Jo for crying out loud, are you deluding yourself on this now as well? The posts are in public for everyone to see... where you repeatedly asked Jamie if he was sure his mother was his real mother ... and including Jamie's repeated pleas to you stop. "Compassion" is hardly the word that springs to mind. It appears you don't only selectivly filter the evidence but also selectively filter your memory of what you yourself do! What you my dear where unaware of was that I did NOT want to expose something that I felt was private. Jamie was off making what I said in PM's and trying to be discreet - sound like trash talk. Do this senario:
  23. Oh Jo for crying out loud, are you deluding yourself on this now as well? The posts are in public for everyone to see... where you repeatedly asked Jamie if he was sure his mother was his real mother ... and including Jamie's repeated pleas to you stop. "Compassion" is hardly the word that springs to mind. It appears you don't only selectivly filter the evidence but also selectively filter your memory of what you yourself do! Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  24. Since Bob Knoss unbanned himself. @377, if you mean literally - yes there is, I don't do firearms. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  25. Really? This shows everyone what you really are. Yup Vicki, this is the typical response of a male who cannot handle the fact that the world is full of females smarter and more capable than they are. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.