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Everything posted by Orange1

  1. Farflung, that was brilliant. And more plausible than some of the other stuff we have seen here Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  2. You say "other than he can put him in a chute" as though it's meaningless. Do you remember your first post here on, Jo? That is supposedly what you have spent all these years on here trying to do. So Blevins is not just one up on your case then, but a very significant one up, judged on your own basis. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  3. On the other hand . . . since you KNOW about it now (and quite frankly I'm surprised you didn't, it's kind of common knowledge), then what could possibly be the government's reason for keeping the DB Cooper story secret? Think about it. They're willing to admit to all sorts of truly heinous acts in the past and you can find some really gruesome stuff if you dig or even some insanely wacky stuff like the First Earth Battalion, but DB Cooper they'd keep secret? Why? Even assassination plots to kill Castro have been made public. What reason would there be to keep something as trivial as a parachuting exercise secret after all these years? There wouldn't be. Agreed. Even I, on the southern tip of Africa and literally half a world away, am aware of these things in the internet age. And 377's point about conspiracies not staying secret is spot on, as we have seen time and time again. This is precisely why all the conspiracy theories around this case are hogwash. We know about MKUltra, etc etc. We know about all sorts of stuff the CIA did in all sorts of places. For a country whose democratic and free press systems allow all this to be known, allow all sorts of dirty deeds like engineering coups and assasinations to be known, hell even allow its own president to be brought down (in other countries I can think of woodward and bernstein would have been 'mysteriously' killed or disappeared and the washington post shut down) ... never mind Occam, any rational person would battle to see anything that important that it would still be hidden today. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  4. All that long post did, Jo, was underscore the fact that you were wrong to call Blevins a hoaxer. Edited to add: thank you for deciding to use different colours rather than bold. It really is less jarring, can't speak for anyone else but I appreciate it. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  5. I don't know about most of the 15 years but I don't recall anyone on accusing you of being a hoaxer ... just pointing out that you don't have a single shred of evidence to back up your claims. And no it's not the same thing, a hoaxer sets out to delude people, we know you honestly believe what you're saying even if we don't. But by the same token you were wrong to call Blevins a hoaxer, and rather than defending yourself a simple apology for using the wrong term might have sufficed. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  6. Was it Farflung who posted the list of factors and said it sounded the most plausible of all we have seen so far? Why do we all fall into the trap of listening to those who bang their drums loudly when the truth might be sitting quietly in the corner? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  7. Your pics are gorgeous Georger
  8. Personally, I think one should always live life to the full and provide for loved ones, no matter how much time you think you have left. Many people do ... without resorting to criminal activities. It's interesting how extremely angry and defensive you get when someone mentions Duane's health, Jo. Saying someone is sick - even erroneously - is not "derogratory". Knoss is right about one thing - you do have buttons that get pushed very easily. Personally I find your red bold comments rude, but maybe that's just me. Jerry - baby O technically I guess is no longer a baby
  9. Who is that one person Jerry? Al's response is puzzling. He is acting line he has been threatened but I can't see what he is reacting to. Maybe he can explain. Big conspiracy theories are interesting but 99.9999 pct of them are fantasy. He hasn't presented any tangible evidence to support his claims. Reminds me of UFO abduction stuff. Lots of emotion, but no tangible evidence. 377 I presume Vicki's dad. Jo's response is puzzling too, she is very quick to defend (in red) Duane's health, yet she claims it was his health issues that (supposedly) motivated him to do the crime in the first place. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  10. Um, yes - to actually fall 10K, you are correct. But there's the minor issue of needing time to pull your ripcord and open your canopy before you hit the ground. Generally, even in the old days you want somewhere between 1-2K min for this, not an inch or two. So, I say again, 60 seconds from 10K = splat. Vicki - somehow, somewhere along the way I missed the fact that your dad has not been seen since 1971. So apologies for the incorrect assertion in previous post! Re the now-banned Jamie - he didn't actually say that there was the money in the attic - he said that there was "evidence" that his dad was Cooper. I'm not sure what this might have been - possibly some of the hot 20s, possibly the actual ticket (why would the real Cooper keep something so incriminating though?) or ... whatever. I'm sure if he finds the evidence it'll get to the newspapers. On Quade's point re the safety deposit boxes - according to Cook of course that was Gosset's method of keeping the cash. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  11. 60 seconds from 10K? tumbling? = splat, surely Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  12. Either Weber was Cooper, or Christiansen was Cooper, or Jamie's dad was Cooper, or or Vicki's dad was Cooper. (Preceding seasons included: Gosset was Cooper, Mayfield was Cooper, the whole crew invented a Cooper, or it was a mind control experiment to make lots of people think they were Cooper). Or someone else was Cooper. Most of us think the last. Guru continues to deny he was Cooper. Cooper may or may not have survived the jump. Clearly if he didn't none of the names that have been put forward were Cooper. The 2 Duane adherents argue among themselves as to who is more crazy because each has their own version, although both of them involve conspiracies and conjectures that are wildly unbelievable to everyone else, not least because they never manage to come up with logical answers to simple questions. Vicki keeps a low profile. Blevins has a TV program and a book arguing his point of view. Jamie is after a lost briefcase which may contain evidence that it was his dad. Jerry was pronounced deceased by Knoss but has magically resurrected on the forum. Quade banned Georger for a while and we get the feeling more bannings may follow. I think that's it? Anything of substance I left out? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  13. That is NOT FAIR representation of the COOPER part if you are producing are encapable of looking AT all of the suspects in justification because you stand to gain finanially. RIGHT! Yes Jo, Robert should take a leaf out of your book about "fair representation"... right Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  14. Hi Jerry. Very relieved to hear that
  15. This is actually quite funny. This response is exactly the type of response Jo gives when people get angry about something - always "reading" something else into it (e.g. some of her posts to Georger). Seeing as this thread is currently going nowhere in terms of Cooper, just Jo and Knoss fighting over whose version of Duane-was-Cooper is correct, we may as well pass around the popcorn...? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  16. Jamie came to this thread looking for answers - and what I read into his post is how I answered. The McCoy grandchildren did NOT approach Knoss. I have a lot of compassion for Jamie and simply presented to him other alternatives for his memories. Because of a family story I know - I felt I needed to make him aware of these other possiblities. Oh really? And when he asked you to stop and you kept on and on badgering him - now you say it is all the acts of a kindly philanthropic little old lady? Face it Jo, there is no difference. Jamie came here looking for answers, not for someone to start spinning wild stories about his parents and keep trying to say he was given away by a teenager involved in something kinky that YOUR husband was involved in. Though of course that is part of your conspiracy mindset - you just could never accept, I bet, that the reason Jerry and McCoy knew each other could have been perfectly innocent - met through skydiving, met through military, whatever. In your mind there "has" to be a link - this is classic conspiracy theory. I'm not allowed to use the D-word As for this bit - Quade, I hope you will be fair in your meting out of warnings etc ... Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  17. How is this different from you badgering Jamie with some wild claim that he was given away by someone Duane knew? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  18. Really? 2 skydivers from the same era knew each other? Indeed, there must be a conspiracy Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  19. Might I suggest this as a possibly more appropriate theme song in light of this 'detour'... Nope No workie Oh, I hate it when that happens - I get hat sometimes. See what happens when you try do the right thing and use the official videos!! See if this one works better ... Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  20. Might I suggest this as a possibly more appropriate theme song in light of this 'detour'... Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  21. I was offended but am generally not the type of person to go off complaining to moderators - to be honest I have been more offended by something Jo once posted. (a few posters stood up for me then and I just left it at that.) It would probably have to be something so obviously offensive that Quade would ban the person on the spot before I felt moved to complain anyway!! I just need to go back to my old mode of ignoring the posts of certain people. So there you have my one and only new year's resolution - feel free to call me out if I seem to be slipping on it Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  22. this boarders on sexual predator talk and shouldn't be tolerated! Quade, serious question. Is "name calling" allowed when it is an accurate description of the person? If someone is actually being a sicko, is it still considered a P.A. to call them that? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  23. I said, "unbiasedness is in the eye of the beholder". There are an awful lot of people who "know" stuff about the Cooper case. Would be fantastic if they all agreed with each other As for credentials... yeah. That guy who linked the MMR vaccine to autism had great credentials too. Look where that got everyone. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  24. btw guys appears the real DB Cooper has been jumping in Hawaii recently - Guru, can you account for your whereabouts in August?!/profile.php?id=502882760&sk=wall fun DB page. The skydivers might smile, the "real investigators" need not bother. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  25. Unbiasedness is in the eye of the beholder. Anyway you contradict yourself, saying he is credible but lots of far-out stuff you are not ready to buy? [Why am I even answering this? Who told this guy how to find us here on DZ rather than leaving him to talk to himself on Facebook??] Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.