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Everything posted by Orange1

  1. But remember Cooper asked for the stairs to be down on take-off... So, does this maybe point to him having some experience with DC9s? We have been confused about the instruction to have the stairs down on take-off because we know they can be lowered in flight. Maybe he didn't and assumed it worked like a DC9? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  2. Polygraph tests mean nothing. If you believe what you say it will show up as true. Smebody who believed they were abducted by aliens will be shown to tell the truth. Tacomaman, you are getting tiresome. You and Jo should start an "imminent revelations" club. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  3. Um. Care to explain what a "negative relationship" between DNA samples might be? So so far with your conclusions about DNA, you can't rule out any suspects yet. The same argument can be used for all of them. Next suspect please? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  4. As seen in a number of the canopy collision incidents... They say you can do everything right and still die. Part of this is you can do everything right and somebody else coming up behind you can still kill you. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  5. but...but...but... couldn't you get hair restorer via mail order in those days? Seriously, I think you have a good point on the hair. 377, did we ever see pics of Braden from then? Georger would have picked up on the hair issue for sure? ExBlue, the sleuthing very welcome... (can you find Mel?) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  6. ....but ...we have another one sucked in! If I had a dollar for every time someone said something similar, why I'd...I'd ....have as many dollars as DB Cooper Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  7. I do think maybe the FBI should be pushed a bit on Mel? At least as possible as others they have checked re fingerprints. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  8. Georger.... It was a J-O-K-E. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  9. Uh, Blevins? The smileys were a subtle hint that I wasn't being serious. The point actually being that that theory is no more ridiculous than some of the ones we see proposed here. And I might remind you that there have been cases of plants (remember when Russia was the enemy?) that no-one picked up on for years, even in jobs that required security vetting. May even still be some out there. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  10. Now THIS -- could blow the case wide open! Olive skin? Dark eyes? You guys DO know what the average Israeli and Arab colouring is right....!! We may have a new lead! Remember Cooper being described as "accentless"? Doesn't that strike you as just the type of "fluency" learnt by a foreign secret service agent to pass as local? Anyone got an Israeli paratrooper database? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  11. Some guy allegedly using an assumed name either jumped out of a hijacked 727 or didn't, and either lived or didn't and seems to be related to 1/2 a dozen people that don't know each other...oh and it's a lot more than 1019 pages, this is the SECOND thread! Excellent summary. The other poster asked for "solid evidence", not a bunch of arbitrary pictures. These include, for example, a "mystery man" in Salt Lake city and a mystery child of somewhat indeterminate gender. Thankfully my memory has blocked out what the convoluted supposed " links" to the actual case of Cooper were. Oh, and there have been warnings of numerous imminent revelations that would shake us all, but none that actually materialized. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  12. I'm not buying any books if that is a sample of the writing, no matter how good the underlying story might be!! Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  13. Where do these guys learn to write?? "Plunged into the forests of the Pacific Northwest like a golfball on a soggy fairway"?!! Dodgy prose aside, thought the article pretty decent. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  14. Vicki, have the FBI compared his prints to the ones found on the plane? LTlurker, been a lot of discussion about unreliability of witness sketches. 377 can probably sum it up best. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  15. In the same light-hearted way I would respond that Farflung probably has the best chance, because that humor will get through to anyone eventually
  16. Fwiw my view on Tina: I agree she is not a public figure. Actors, musicians, politicians etc go into their jobs with eyes open about the fact they will be in the public eye. Someone for example willingly giving newspaper and TV interviews about their suspect also puts themselves in the public eye. You don't become an air hostess with the expectation that 40 years later some journalist turns up on your doorstep despite a well-telegraphed desire for privacy. That said I agree with 377 re his assessment of a 'lawsuit'. Bruce left when asked. He tried to spin the most from his brief encounter that he could, but he didn't force his way in or camp out on her doorstep or anything like that. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  17. Jo, now you are blaming Jerry for Duane being dropped as a suspect! This is despite the fact that fingerprints and DNA both came back negative. You are blaming everything except the obvious. From what Carr said they had already dismissed Duane but tested the DNA anyway because you kept on and on at them. Your idea that they should undertake more tests is patently ridiculous. Why? Because when these too come back negative you will again find something else they should test, and when that fails go back to expecting them to be your personal PI agency to find out stuff you want to know about your husband even though it has no bearing on the case whatsoever. Honestly' if anyone else was demanding all this about "their" suspect you would have a very different opinion on what the FBI should do! And because of your stance on the DNA you can't use that as a good reason to dismiss LD. Oh, the irony. Vicki, have you got Mel's DNA or fingerprints in the system! I'm sure this has been asked but I can't remember...sorry. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  18. I have no interest either. If she had agreed to talk to you about the case I would have loved to read it. But no interest in seeing photos - it sounds a bit tabloidy, and given your description of the encounter I doubt she was captured in a willing, smiling pose for the camera. If the photos were indeed captured paparazzi-style, I have even less desire to see them. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  19. He IS on the DB Cooper list! Vicki just takes a somewhat different approach to certain other people.
  20. A jump from 10k is high for a static line jumper, especially military, but someone like that could easily have gone to a jump school and got on to free fall within a few jumps. Normal static line to freefall can be done in 6-8 jumps depending where you do it, and maybe fewer in the old days. The choice of 10k points to some experience in my book. Does the average Joe know that it's a common jump altitude that you don't need to pressurize the plane for? 377, for the life of me I cannot remember why we stopped discussing Braden. Other than this thread is a sorry example of "he who shouts loudest..."? Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  21. One more to say enjoyed exblue's post. A voice of reason always welcome here
  22. Orange I didn't forget it - that theory only came up because I because of the letter we just discussed about McNeil. First it is there then it is not there - the FBI seemed to create magic regarding the prints and not having any answers about the incident regarding the McNeil file and the FBI refusing to talk to you - what might you have thought under the same circumstance. Remember that theory about changed prints came up with I was arguing with Carr about the prints and the McNeil file - asking him to check the prints against all criminal files on Duane. This was when he went in to his long tutorial about master prints...but, he didn't seem to understand that back in the early days - computers where only as accurate as the individual making the input. Jo, you clearly didn't understand what he very patiently explained to you. Actually that was quite amazing about Carr - he never lost his temper with you, was always patient and courteous, even though you treated him like dirt here. I miss having him around. (corny alias and all) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  23. Oh for heavens sake. Yes Jo it must have been a spy opening your mail, tapping your phone, and hacking your computer. More likely, however, is that you have mentioned it before, possibly on this thread, and someone picked it up and added it to the Wiki article. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  24. just because I feel like it (and am watching other stuff) to remind you that there are more important things going on in the world than solving a 40-year old hijack. The bottom is falling out of the markets today. Southern Europe is in crisis. Oh, and ...if any of you have anything at all to spare, maybe give a thought to donating it to famine relief. Even a couple of dollars goes a long way to feeding a kid in Africa. Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.
  25. Just about everyone gets labelled either FBI or an author by Jo. Nothing surprising. I kind of expected the worst when she was asked about the fingerprints, but somehow we didn't end up with the whole convoluted "Duane managed to get his fingerprints changed in the entire system by doing something in prison " story. (Not sure why - whether she has finally accepted it was a ridiculous story, or whether she just forgot that bit.) Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.