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Everything posted by Lozza

  1. Hi and welcome Doddy, I'm from NZ not to far away... Next year a few of us will be making the pilgrimage to Nagambie, we may see ya there? Good luck with your AFF. Lozza.
  2. QuoteDoes anyone who owns a Cypres expert one pin, feel the need to undue a cheststrap and slip off a rig to access a unit before landing in a jump plane First of all I have a Cypress 2 and not at all. As long as from around, to be safe 1000' the pilot slows his/her decent rate up they won't fire. Most piston engine aircraft won't decent fast enough to make one fire, but the turbines will. So if in a turbine make sure the pilot is aware of this. Lozza.
  3. Skydude I would have agree with Dave. 90 percent of the time If you demo a container it won't fit you as well as a custom made one, so it can be a waste of time and money. Remember if you go crazy with colours on the container, it may be hard to re-sell if you go that way in the future? Just make sure you do order a left had container, it will be alot easyer for you. When looking around, what do you like, look at value for money, for me a Icon had more features than the rest at a far better price. And because I had Aerodyne put a Smart reserve in it worked out cheaper. (not trying to pump the product.) With a main look at your own ability, your not going to be swooping so you don't need a super small canopy, what are the weather conditions like, 7-cells handle the turbulance alot better, and are great for demos, but don't get the same penitration through the higher winds like a traditional 9-cell. So with your main talk to you instructors and see what they have to say, make sure they're trying not to sell you in to one make or model because they jump it, or to steer you away from another because they don't like it. Make sure any reasons are justifiable, and are not putting you under something your not comfortable with flying. (too small.) From the 288 your flying now, something around the 190 mark will be a noticable step down, but not to much. However you might out grow a 190 fairly quick? It's hard to say not knowing you, your weight or you abilty. So talk to those Instuctors. Also check out the gear reviews to see what's out there and what other's have to say about it. All the best with you decision. Lozza.
  4. What you were felling is totally normal depending on the person. Everyone reacts differently to that great thing called Adrenalin. I have filmed a 93 yr old Tandem passenger and it was like he was on drugs, it was like he was still at 10 grand on the ground, and the total opposite for a 16 yr old I filmed, just sat there with the bored teenager look at a family reunion. I have heard of fellings of depression, lack of sleep, nausea, slight mood swings can all be assosiated with different reaction to Adrenalin, alot of people also find if they have a couple of beers in that state they're toast. My first jump an AFF, I got on the ground and said "It was ok." but I love it like on other sport I've done before. You may find that your brain just didn't process everything that just happened to you, To much, To foreign, To fast. A recent AFF student at my DZ was totally blank for the first 10 second of freefall, and then came right and was sweet as. Think about it, I don't know about you but I had never done anything like this before, (what else is there?) I also froze momentary after leaving the plane. So don't let it worry you, after your next one, you will be so aware of your new enviroment you'll love it. we all react in strange ways to Adrenalin. Now I've never done a Tandem, so I can't really comment on the advanages over a AFF while training, however, this time around you will be more aware of whats going on, and you will appreciate what you are doing and why. While out there just focus on what it all fells like, take a look around and soak up what everything looks like, look out at the horizon not the ground, if you wear an Atli take a look at it, just don't fixate on it. The same thing while under canopy, try to get a fell for how the canopy fly's, sure it's alot different to a sport canopy but the principle is the same. Just have fun. Just don't try to cram everything in, you have plenty of time to learn everything in the jumps you will be doing in the future. Like the rest of us, no matter how many jumps or years jumping you will never stop learning, just read the incidents posts. I hope I've shed some light on your situation. I'm just sorry I can't help you with your financals, if you find a way let me know...... Lawrance.
  5. Well done Dave. There in nothing like getting of that student status, yea mate I don't know if Skydiving ever gets cheaper. In the 9 months I've been jumping I can't believe the cash I've forked out. Mainly on all those shouts. Final AFF stage pass, First 2,4-way, new gear, first sit fly, get the idea. or may-be it the guys I jump with? They say it a shout for just about anything. Well done. Lozza.
  6. Hi there Shelly, I to had a long wait while doing my AFF. I would turn up and hang around all weekend without jumping becuase've 15 knot winds! Don't let the lack of instructors get you down or any crashes of others put you off. Because once of student status, and then with your own gear, the struggle and disappointments are all worth it. The thrill of jumping with others in the none pressure enviroment of fun jumps makes you see why you stuck with it. Have fun at the Boogie they rock.
  7. Hi there, and thanks to Sangiro, Skymama, Billvon and all the moderators and staff that make this site what it is, and to everyone else for their knowledge and experiences. I've been jumping for about 9 months now, and whow, how cool is this sport. After doing alot of different extreme sports this is it for me. I just got back from my first Boogie at Motueka in New Zealand, and what a great time. After doing a few 4-way RW coaching jumps with Eric Heinsheimer, and with Richard, Lazlo and Attilla from the NZ 4-way team 'Method', I was extremely lucky to do a one-on-one with Eric on the last load of the week, but we were forced down due to 30kt winds, next year maybe? I also had my first taste of 8-ways and been able to go from the different positions rear float, outside center, etc. The whole week was great, alot of fun and heaps of laughs, I can't wait to get back in the Air this weekend. I never thought anything could be this much fun. (I sound like a little kid at Christmas..) Lawrance.