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Everything posted by Lozza

  1. I can some what understand what you mean. I just got back from a Boogie and gave up most of the FF stuff to do 2-way flat stuff with a low jump number person. However it doesn't mean that I'll stop FFlyin. Can you fly on ya Head? Back? Side? How about doing some Atmonauti. Hybrids are always great fun and you learn so much in the process. In saying all that I still love all aspects of Skydiving. Get on some decent sized RW jumps and if you're up for it find someone that can get you into CRW. I was amazed at what can be done that under canopy that close to others. Scary, na extremely fun. But get coaching as well, there is no point fluffing around trying to do something for 20+ jumps only to have it all wrong. Yet in 5 coached jumps you will at least know what you should be doing. Just for fun to do a Jungle Jump. No predetermined slots, everyone just gets out and takes a grip, once everyone is on you must take another grip on someone else, but if you just had a grip on an arm you're next grip must be on a leg, or head, whatever. It's one of the funniest thing's you can do; the chaos of everyone just scrambling for a grip, and three people on one arm is funny as hell. Always push yourself and you will stay happy and motivated. Lozza.
  2. I think we all know what it's like to be in your position? So I to agree with Rob, what untel that G4 turns up. The last thing you want is a premature opening in a head down or a sit? There is nothing wrong with the good old RW jumps, they teach you alot that can be transfered to Freefly, and you never know when you might be on a bigway or a hybrid and those flat skills will come into they're own? Hey, besides, once you've got your G4 you will have to test it out, on, lets say a heap of freefly jumps....... Lozza.
  3. Hi LilZilla. Like everyone else said, don't rush the head down thing, get confident in head up, movement in all directions etc, and like WRONGWAY said learn those backfly skills. However if your ready to progress there is nothing wrong with trying. First of all be sure to jump the correct jump suit, if your jumping head up in tight fitting legs and baggy top, this wont work for head down, get a suit that fits the same all over or correctly for you, it will be more beneficial to learn in, than say baggy legs and tight top. I gather your rig is free fly safe? No Velcro on those riser covers? Racer? You don't need to be in a stand to start, like 78RATS said go head down from the door. The best way to do this is jump with someone that can fly head down. Get them to hold on to your shoulder straps and roll into the head down position. With them holding the shoulder straps it leaves you free to fly. The general position to get yourself going is legs as wide as possible. If you keep reinforcing this on the way to altitude it will help allot. Also by bending your knees you will fall faster, (less surface area in the wind) by hooking your feet up, or down in this case you will fall slower, (cupping the air.) But at this stage you really don't need to concern yourself with that just yet. Your arms should be slightly bent and just in front of your body, not out front as such, if you put your arms out to your sides below shoulder height then move them forward (around 30` from the line of your body) until you can see them easier while looking forward that's it. Then rotate your hands forward so your palms are not cupping the air, you don't want to fly head down hanging off your arms. With your arms and hands in this position it will leave you open to take grips later on. (You should be able to see your arms in freefall.) There is however the shape of your body, arching or de-arching, that you won't be able to see yourself, this can only be corrected with that great thing called coaching. If there is no one around that can fly head down with you, leave the door on your back so you can watch the planes line of flight, then roll back until you start going head down, easier said than done unfortunately. You can also leave in a sit then roll over to you side, you don't need to throw yourself into it just ease into it. Once you have started this roll it will keep going or it will put you on your back so you need to really pump your legs out to stop it and get going head down. Picking a point on the horizon will help. If you can jump with a few people on an Atmonauti this too will help transitioning to head down? Also if there are other people on other jumps on the load be mined full that you will track around in the sky until you can hold a steady head down. Pay attention to your height, you will be falling faster, If possible jump with 2 audibles, and wear goggles that wont slide down your face in freefall. But really, spend the cash and get coaching, it's the difference between doing 50+ jumps trying to get something your more than likely doing wrong, and doing 10 jumps and getting it right. Remember to, be patient, you don't need to rush anything in this sport............. Lozza.
  4. Yea this is going a bit too far for the smokers out there..... Be all good if you wanted to quit. Lozza. Hmmm........ Burger King.
  5. Microsoft antispyware? I thought Microsoft was spyware? All those updates seem to do is shut down other programs on your system so Microsoft can slowly take over ya computer Lozza.
  6. Richard Perle resigned Febuary last year. Like I said in my last post, better they're crumbs than someone else's? I am by no means defending what they did, and still do, but I'm not upset that they did it. Lozza.
  7. ???? What ???? In congress, much like other governments around the world it is the only place you can get a change of any real significance. Lozza.
  8. I use to think the same way.... If living with USA as the all mighty superpower over the world? So be it, rather USA than China. (nothing against the Chinese, just an example.) Remember USA is just one country out of 192, no matter how big and powerful the place it couldn't survive on it's own. So if they predominantly thought about the USA future, fine. They helped most of us out in the process. (western worlds.) Lozza.
  9. Yes it is... I have a degree of dissent towards my country. However it seems he likes to bag the hell out of the people that are trying to make America, (and the world a safer place) that is been unpatriotic. He doesn't seem very devoted to his country, other wise he would be allot more productive than destructive...also unpatriotic. Is to voice your concerns or not conform to the general way of thinking, he has gone way past that. He may be trying to get a so called policy of national independence, that is nationalism, that can be just as bad as been unpatriotic. The two are so closely related they can be interpreted as the same... Nothing, he goes past just questioning, he should run for congress and voice some of those questions/concerns there? Yes that is BS...its way over the top. This is a very strong word, I don't see how jingoism can be confused with Patriotism, they are at the opposite ends of the scale. This word could be used if people believe in his BS facts? Perhaps Mr. Moore needs to be a bit of a ultranationalist however??? You as American's have got to realize he is not helping you as a nation. Now more than ever people need to stop listening to his BS and do something worth while if they have concerns, ranting about what is wrong, hoping someone will hear you and do it for you will not work. Be productive... Lozza.
  10. Lets look at it this way. No matter how much one or many dislikes Bush or America without the place, or with a soft President, all western countries would be getting terrorized. He, the country America, did what it did for the better of the world. To true, if that had happened we wouldn't need to worry about the current acts of terrorism, there wouldn't be any. Have a read and look at this, I reckon there out there? ---------------------------------------------------------- The pictured Iraqi jet, an Russian MiG-25 Foxbat, was found buried in the sand after an informant tipped off U.S. troops. The MiG was dug out of a massive sand dune near the Al Taqqadum airfield by U.S. Air Force recovery teams. The MiG was reportedly one of over two dozen Iraqi jets buried in the sand, like hidden treasure, waiting to be recovered at a later date. Contrary to what some in the major media have reported, not all the jets found were from the Gulf War era. The Russian-made MiG-25 Foxbat being recovered by U.S. Air Force troops in the photos is an advanced reconnaissance version never before seen in the West and is equipped with sophisticated electronic warfare devices. U.S. Air Force recovery teams had to use large earth-moving equipment to uncover the MiG, which is over 70 feet long and weighs nearly 25 tons. The Foxbat is known to be one of Iraq's top jet fighters. The advanced electronic reconnaissance version found by the U.S. Air Force is currently in service with the Russian air force. The MiG is capable of flying at speeds of over 2,000 miles an hour, or three times the speed of sound, and at altitudes of over 75,000 feet. The recovery of the advanced MiG fighter is considered to be an intelligence coup by the U...S. Air Force. The Foxbat may also be equipped with advanced Russian- and French-made electronics that were sold to Iraq during the 1990s in violation of a U..N. ban on arms sales to Baghdad. The buried aircraft at Al Taqqadum were covered in camouflage netting, sealed and, in many cases, had their wings removed before being buried more than 10 feet beneath the Iraqi desert. X Marks the Spot The discovery of the buried Iraqi jet fighters illustrates the problem faced by U.S. inspection teams searching Iraq for weapons of mass destruction. Iraq is larger in size than California, and the massive deserts south and west of Baghdad were used by Saddam Hussein to hide weapons during the first Gulf war. U.S. intelligence sources have already uncovered several mass grave burial sites in the open deserts with an estimated 10,000 dead hidden there. In addition, Iraq previously hid SCUD missiles, chemical weapons and biological warheads by burying them under the desert sand. U.N. inspection teams found the weapons in the early 1990s after detailed information of the exact locations was obtained. Top U.S. weapons inspector Dr. David Kay is known to favor human intelligence as the primary means to find Iraq's hidden treasure trove of weapons and secrets. While there are rumors of Iraqi chemical and biological weapons being shipped to nearby Syria, the weapons may very well still remain inside Iraq buried under the vast desert wastelands. Some critics of the Bush administration have claimed that the inability of U.S. forces to uncover weapons of mass destruction is proof that the president misled the nation into the war with Iraq. -------------------------------------------------------- You never know? Lozza.
  11. One and the same? You've got to be kid'in. I don't bag my native country to the stage I need a armed bodyguard... I don't go around with a bomb strapped to my body and blow others up because've different religious beliefs. But that's for another thread. Partially true, maybe? But because I am proud of my country doesn't mean I dislike Iraq, (for example) just some of the people there. It also doesn't mean I don't dislike anything about my country, there are heaps of things, I would never go on international TV and tell the world... Like Greene said If Moore dislikes America that much he should focus his time, energy and money on changing it for the better, not try to swing others down his unpatriotic way of thinking. That only creates allot of people sitting around pissed about a few thing's because they unfortunately put the wrong TV channel on at the wrong time. They are not going to do anything for the good, they will just become a Sheep and follow in his shadow. Sorry to anyone that has done something for the good, and has become Shepard. Now I do admire a few things he did, (I have watched him too) like the bullet's at Kmart, well done. Lozza.
  12. Lozza

    First Head Down

    Just when I thought Freeflying couldn't get any better, we go head down. I have been coached by a friend to for the last couple of months to get general Feel for Freeflying and perfect my technique. So after getting good body position we decided to give head down a blast. what a blast it was. We left the plane linked, and after a bit of a rocky start I managed to get my act together and there we were, head down. I never thought it would be that much of a laugh. The look of everything upside down and the extra speed was incredible. We held for about 10+ seconds then broke apart, and went into a sit. For anyone that is just starting out in Freeflying, get a coach, or someone that can coach, it helps heaps, and is worth it. I would not be where I am now without it. To everyone else that can all ready do it...Wicked. So thanks Rich (Tustinr) It's much appreciated. Lozza.
  13. I also agree.....facts???? Now I'm not an American so some news I may not get? However what I can't understand is how someone so unpatriotic to there own country hasn't been shut down, freedom of speech or not. Like I said I'm not an American, never been there, but I can't stand the way he talks about his own country? Lozza. I wonder if he has diner at Charlton Hesston's now?
  14. Welcome Eric. I too fly aircraft (I hate saying I'm a pilot ) but once I found Skydiving I have some what lost the passion for powered flight. "I am absolutely hooked, and cannot wait to start jumping more!! " That's what I said and never looked back. Skymama is correct in saying that been a pilot helps out with your canopy skills while learning. Good luck Lozza.
  15. Na Brits your crazy because your into that BASE thingie.... Just kindin I wanta try that one day. Lozza.
  16. Funks I fell your irritation. Unfortunately this is a problem for most western world countries. Iammdrennan it would be great if all immigrants learnt the countries predominant language, in my country we too have major racial tension for this reason alone. "If people don't want to be stereotyped, then tell them not to act the stereotype." This is one of the funniest things I have ever read, because it's so true. Most of the time it's not a stereotype, but the truth. In NZ the dark skinned youth, and some white skinned dress and act like the hardcore gangs of America, not that I know what they look or act like but what I have seen on TV? This is what irritates people so much is they aren't even interested in they're own culture, but the culture of gangs in another country. Bill I don't know what those words mean, but if there anything like the ones we get, it just shows some peoples disrespect for others. Jimmy I don't think there would be a problem with them moving in if they could speak English and weren't ripping off his car, while the father was watching....That shows very little Character on his behalf. "Better to get along with people than to badmouth them" I've tried that, I'm willing to change, I believe they don't want too? In my neighborhood it was 4 boyracers in they're little Jap car that killed a 4 year old girl 2 months ago. Lozza.
  17. I like Bill's teaching method. When I did my training we used stills, and video. The videos give you a 3D view; (on a 2D TV) so it’s easier too visualize the situation. Since then I have seen many videos of Mals and actual Cypress saves, all of which I fell make one a safer more conscientious skydiver, from packing to landing. Lozza.
  18. Good to know I know some people that seem to. May see ya there? Lozza.
  19. Yea dude, even when a jump goes wrong, it's still fun laughing at the carnage. Not brownie points? Yea Yea....
  20. I also agree, and I would like to add the number of jumps shouldn't reflect one ability as much as I've heard at DZ's and read. Not wanting to start a massive debate or a word war but I have jumped with people with far higher jump #s and their skill is nothing fantastic, in saying that low jump #s good skill. Like Jeff said, We all progress at different speeds, not just in jump numbers but in overall skill as well. I understand the number of jumps you do reflects your skydiving experience but maybe not your skill. Just a thought. Lozza.
  21. No I was pulling at about 2300, A rough guess for I was under canopy around 2000, 300ft +/- 50ft is the norm for my canopy to open. (If you get to going on real bigways) Myself and others are of to Nagambie in Australia in March and I have been told by a mate that everyone normally pulls at around 2500 or lower. It's not a big issue for me, now that I'm a bit more experienced and can appreciate the 'big ground' look more. Cheers tom. Lozza.
  22. At the 2nd Boogie I attended I was on a 8-way. On about 3rd one, everyone else had far higher jump number than me (80) so I focused harder not to mess up, as you do. At 4 1/2k we turned and tracked, at 3k just about to wave of and pitch, another jumper tracked at about a 45` angle past me and pulled, as he past me I turn slightly tracked a bit longer and pitched. My opening height was about 2.3k, not overly low compared to a mal, but the lowest I had gone. Once on the ground he apologized for his tracking angle. So yes I would track further and pull lower to avoid freefall/canopy collision, or in this case, a collision while both under canopy. Lozza.
  23. Thanks for the advice/heads up Jeff. Not that I'm looking at getting a camera at this stage, or any time soon. I don't really need one anyway, with 7 others at my small home DZ flying a camera, (95% of the sports skydivers,) I see heaps of myself on film, it's great. Probably far to hard filming myself anyway.... Lozza.
  24. Hi Steve. Planning on jumping in Auzzie next year. Myself and a few mates, maybe half a doz plus, will be at Nagambie, may see you there? But unfortunately haven't jumped there yet... Lozza.