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  • Home DZ
    Skydive Orange
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    AFF Student 1000000
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  • First Choice Discipline
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    BASE Jumping

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  1. mmmm this sushi I have is good.. cream cheese rolls.. How about that freeflying we saw this weekend? WOOOHOOOO I got 4 jumps in!!
  2. I knew I shouldn't have posted!! ARHHH ARHHH
  3. Hey Bro, Nice pics man. I must get my license so I can jump with ya Jason.. its taking so f*&ing long. Hurry up tax returns!!!! I would have to say, this past weekend has been one of the best so far.. for my AFF training.. WOOHOO!!!
  4. David12597


    Hello, good morning all. I am so glad I am not blocked from this website WOOHOOO.. How is everyone this wonderful FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. First time seeing post have installed and joined the team HOOWA!!!!!!!!
  6. Just would like everyone to know about this tonight. I know myself as a newbie I am having a hard time finding any good Skydiving Videos over the net or on TV. So for anyone intrested. http://wings.discovery.com/schedule/episode.jsp?episode=0&cpi=24421&gid=13024&channel=WNG Tonight: Wings Showcase on Discovery Channel. HALO: Freefall Warriors - Part 1 & 2 Elite forces have embarked on month-long training for parachute freefall known as HALO—high altitude low opening. Follow recruits through ground school where they practice freefall maneuvers in the vertical wind tunnel. It is showing On Air (ET): Aug 05 2004@ 08:00 PM Aug 05 2004@ 11:00 PM
  7. David12597

    Hey Jude

    Awesome song, I once downloaded like 10 versions of Yesterday.. the Beatles just own all.. for the rest of mankind!
  8. All the time cuz I am new and I know someone with more knowledge would stomp all over my ass for saying something I don't have a clue about..
  9. Congrats on your 2nd AFF!!!! I am up to jump for my 2nd AFF in 4 days woohoo!!!!!!
  10. Dave Welcome, I am too a new person to the sport and I am already feeling the aches and pains of the money issue, for me its like this.. pay bills first whats left over is all jump money haha. I can't wait till this weekend will be my 2nd AFF jump. WOOOOHOOO!! After letting my coworkers watch my tadem video I have 5 of them coming with me to do their first jump (tandem) they call me a pro at 2 jumps haha I can't wait to jump with them and see their reaction, I am sure it will be the same as you and I.. WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!! David
  11. Congrats Johnny I hope to be where you are at one day in your skydiving career, it sounds like you are having a great time right now.. Goodluck with all you do and with school.. Peace bro David
  12. Ahhhhhh and I was hoping to see a lady there. What a shocker, now I will have nightmares. funny anyways. I think if it were my friends we would have just laughed our asses off..
  13. I have noticed the same thing Duke.. I have 2 good stories I can tell..
  14. Good job I am glad you like it, I felt the same way for mine, I am going for my 3rd jump in Aug. and I feel more prepared than ever Keep up the goodwork David