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Everything posted by justchrisdsp

  1. i am just curious as to what your favorite skydiving traditions are. these can be traditions just at your dropzone or that you have found common throughout skydiving, doent matter. i think my favorite however is the ash dive. i think it is a great way to go. i know my motto is "your only bad skydive is your last" but i think that is one exception. oh well time for your opinions. The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  2. The founding fathers of the USA were Christians who did a pretty decent job of creating something of merit. the fouding fathers of this country were publicized deists. i hope i spelled that right. the people that started this country came here to escape religious persecution. the problem is that you cant escape religious persecution. it is human nature to believe that you are right and to try to force your opinion of right on others. america was founded on the all encompassing idea that we are all essentially right as long as we are not interfering with someone else's ability to be right, i personally have things that i think are wrong whether that be based on religious belief or on societal morals. the one thing i feel is truely my over arching belief is that everyone else i see or dont see in this world has the right to express their own beliefs. the problem is that a society with full freedom does not function properly. thats why we have to have some group telling us what is right and what is wrong. i dont even really think it has to be a representation of the majority of thought. it just has to be a group that is willing to step up and put an order to society. man was not intended to live in a chaotic state. he was meant to have laws and rules. while these rules cannot be all encompassing and while they cannot keep the whole of population happy they are essential in keeping society held together. the great thing about mankind is that it is always changing. sooner or later enough people will get behind a new idea for how to better keep a country and its peoples together and will overthrow the current system. it is the only constant of society that everything will eventually change. i say all this because i believe it is important for us to realize who we are. we are brothers and sisters in this world. whether you believe it was God, Buddha, or nothing that created us we were all created to live together. i will do for an atheist all that i can the same way that i will do for everyone of my christian brethren all that i can. i may not believe in his choices and yes i will probably try to let him know about mine, but if he wants to believe what he wants to believe that is his right. not only was he given that right by our government but he was also given that right by every major religious text from every major religion. in all religiouns it is your job to bring the word of your faith and the job of your deity to change his/her heart. we cannot force our opinions on others. we have to let them know what we think as individuals and let them decide. untill they break the law. then the law must be upheld. but the law can be changed, if it is an unjust law or an unjust representation of public belief then it will be changed, i dont personally believe in all of the laws in this country, and i certainly dont agree with all of the politicians (bush) but i will uphold their decisionns as lawfull untill i or someone else can bring about their change. i will break a trespassing violation to jump off of an amazing cliff though. i wish that everyone in this community could have the freedom to express their opinion and then have the open mindedness to be able to put differences aside and crank out a few amazing jumps on the weekend with our brothers and sisters of the sky. blue skies to everyone. i will personally make a jump with each and everyone of you no matter your religious, sexual, relationship, or political preference. i dont care if your black, white, jew, christian, gay, bi, straight, ugly, or not. The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  3. for all you female college jumpers around the alabama area, we at skydive al in cullman are having a chick boogie, 12 bucks for all the women who decide to jump. awesome fun, drop me a line if you would like more info The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  4. thats what im talking about, my school's team is actually doing pretty well this year for a change, but have i been to one game, no sir, been jumping jumping jumping. go blazers though. but i'll just read the box score afterwards The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  5. i put write your own, my reason is for the insane number of jumps that can be made and the insane number of different types of jumps that can be made, being able to do some cool stuff you havent done before The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  6. what we always do is take an extension cord, cut the protective rubber from around it and take two of the wires and shear them down to the metal, then take the metal and attach it to beer cans, then one person takes one beer can and another person takes another then you form the star by everyone holding hands, my favorite is the 2man star, hurts like hell but is reallly fun. my triceps muscle cramped up so bad that it hurt for a week. The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  7. what is the best choice of clothing for learning how to sit, ive been wearing shorts and a sweatshirt, trying to get the least drag on my legs, any good ideas or will just anything work. The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  8. i dont know if anybody rememers but today is the day of the dead. kind of a quaint holiday and i think that as skydivers we should somehow recognize it. what with the depravity of denouncing a fellow jumpers final moments. the act of learning from another's mistakes has become the simple act of telling other people that they are stupid for not knowing why he/she died. ladies and gentlemen, this is a dangerous sport. the things we do in the sky is always overshadowed by the fact that there is always a ground waiting to meet us head on if we decide to take our rapture too far, and i gaurantee that the ground will not give way. i want to thank everyone that i have met in this sport and everyone that i will meet; i want to thank all those that have come before and died so that innovations can be made; i want to thank all those that have lost loved ones and have stored that knowledge to pass on to others so that the same will not occur again. still i find it hard to believe that, as a community (and dont deny the truth, no matter what your discipline or skill level or involvment, this is a community), we do not take more care to watch over each other. we have factions and splits to the point where one person is willing to decry another's safety if it will "get him out of the way". we have people purposely hosing planeloads so that they can get a better spot. most importantly and outrageously we have people who are too much of an ass to let someone else tell them that they might be in danger. skygod or not, if to play with the edge you soon will fall off. my only hope is that, on this day of recognition to the past lives, we stop and take a moment to think of what we are doing and why. remember that the people that you jump with and the people all over the world are your brothers and sisters. like those that share a common religion we share a common bond of the proportion that only those in the experience can understand. we are unique to the world of outsiders in that we all have enjoyed the rapture of freedom while relying ourselves on the boundaries of that which we cannot control. remember brothers and sisters that our lives are not permanent and that our only lasting impression in this world is that which we place upon others. take a moment today to remember those that have come before so that you may truely begin to understand to importance of that which you do today. BLUE SKIES, BLACK DEATH! - The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  9. what are you doing to that poor animal, hilarious though The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  10. go to alskydiving.com, the supposed facilities for chicago skydiving look earily like the ones for pell city's alabama skydiving center. and by earily i mean exactlyi the same. someone explain that to me The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  11. i know some of the staff at uab that jumps, only one other student and no professors that i know of though The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  12. bigway is right, we need to petition the uspa to do somehting about it, are there any law buffs around here that can help me out with getting a petition sent around, maybe get some signatures. i am a little young to understand the full process of taking something like this on but what i lack in knowledge i will gladly make up for with youthfull exuberance. i say we get a petition started or some kind of signing list saying that if the uspa does not do something about this we will not renew our membership or some kind of other monetary threat of action. it seems that money is the only reason people get off their asses to do anything anyway. like i said i would love to have a lawyer or someone experienced with such an action to help me get something like this started. hope to hear some good responses The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  13. i called up the one in alabama, pell city, i asked them if it was a different dropzone under a different name, i said i was interested in a tandem and that i was close to the dropzone i mentioned, no shit they said "yes that's us" so i was like ok, then i said are yall in the city it says yall are in, the guy goes yup that's us. so i asked him to confirm the directions from huntville. the dropzone he was lying about and telling me he was is about 20 minutes south of huntsville, he told me i had to drive all the way down to bham and take 20/59 to get there, and i said, but isnt where i'm going between huntsville and bham, he said dont worry just follow the directions and you'll be there in no time, he then tried to get me to give him a credit card number to reserve my spot for a tandem. so no shit, if i had been a whuffo, i would have had to drive 2 1/2 hours out of my way passing a perfectly good dropzone that is 20 minutes away to make a tandem. not to mention that pell city has its dropzone in the local phonebooks of every major city in alabama, plus a few in surrounding states. i personally think this is bullshit. i think the uspa should step in and make some kind of rule about ethical business practice. the only thing that 1-800 skydive, and skyride are doing is killing the enthusiasm that bring in new jumpers. if i had had to drive 21/2 hours to make my first jump because some asshole wanted to make an extra dollar then i never would have continued in this sport. i have called pell city numerous times asking if they were different dropzones in alabama, i asked them if they were emerald coast, i asked them if they where skydive alabama, and every time they have falsely said that yes they are the dropzone mentioned. i dont know what the fuck kind of operation they are running there but it is complete bullshit. they need to be shut down, if not by the bbb. then the uspa, and if not by the uspa then by jumpers. business practices like this should not be tolerated by anyone. oh and by the way. i hope everyone has a safe and illusrtious jumping career. even those assholes at ASC, and skyride and all other bullshit organizations. i hope they get their asses raped in jail, but let them jump safely. The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  14. i have actually just been swapping some emails with a chick that jumps out of pell city, so i think im gonna go down there one weekend and see if there are anymore uab kids jumping, who do you know of that jumps from uab The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  15. when is the college boogie, cause i am freakin there whenever it is The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  16. that is awesome that yall have that club going, i've been tinkering with trying to get a club started here at the university of alabama at birmingham but cant really find anyone interested, so if there are any interested parties reading this please contact me, i think its great that there are so many jumpers out there who are not just working to become better jumpers but working to become better students as well, i think it will be a great thing for this sport in the future if people see that you dont have to be some extreme junkie to skydive, you can also be a consumate professional. i also want to give a kudos to all universities and governing bodies (that includes dropzones) that recognize the hardships of being a college jumper (money wise) and help out a little bit with student rates on jumps and college boogies and other things like that. and if anyone of you guys is ever in alabama, drop by skydive alabama in cullman and maybe we can do a jump together, although i suck major ass, but a jump none the less. The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  17. 0-14-keg 14 great jumps, did about 6 rw jumps, couple of them ended up in zoo dives fun anyway, 1 hop n pop, and the rest were me practicing my sit, actually held it for a while too, as for the beer, i lost twice in a game of beer hackey, inquire further if you want to know what that is, and i landed on the tarmac trying to get real close to the hangar so i could pac and be on the next load, also landed in a field a within walking distance of the dz cause of a pretty nasty line twist The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  18. just got mine, awesome is all i can say, the rig fits like a glove and the container feels mucho secure even in a sit at 170 mph. go out and get one of these
  19. ive come to realize that, since i started jumping, weekends have become to me what christmas used to be. let me explain. the whole first of the week flies by, until thursday. thursday takes four years to get through. then friday comes and, bamm, i'm at the dz. then what happens? the weekend flies by cause im having so much fun. in the words of the great steve martin, paraphrased of course, monday felt like one day, then tuesday felt like about four days, then of course wednesday felt like 3 1/2 days, and then thursday morning, well that felt like a 1/2 a day, but then thursday afternoon felt like 7 days, then friday morning well that only felt like 1 day, so in all its been about 23 days for this weekend to get here. gotta love that guy The only bad skydive is your last! chris
  20. everyone else put their college and i forgot to, university of alabama at birmingham here, so far i have not found another licsenced jumper at this university. yea i would agree that part of the conservative feeling is lack of jumps, i have just found that the ones ive met would save jump money to go party, i personally would rather save party money to go jump, just a me thing though, and i would like to here more about this collegiate boogie, does anyone have any info or a website with info in on it, im gonna be running a marathon in orlando on the weekend of january 7, is it around that time, good to here the feedback from other college jumpers though, keep up the flying and studyin, i know its hard. The only bad skydive is your last! chris
  21. we had a weather hold this weekend, like freeflynicki i am from alabama but a different dropzone, we decided it would be kinda fun to go parasailing, but damned if all we had was a truck and an old 300 sqft. canopy. we made due though, fun weekend, one of the most fun ive had in a while The only bad skydive is your last! chris
  22. awesome story, i jump with my dad and i have to say that those jumps are my favorite, so im pretty sure that she is stoked everytime she gets in that plane for a load with you, keep it up The only bad skydive is your last! chris
  23. im just wondering how many college jumpers we have on dz.com, also as a side not wondering if any of you college jumpers are from alabama, just really lookin for more people my age, also im wondering if anyone here has any opinions about the attitudes of college jumpers, from what i have seen, very limited as it is, college aged jumpers are a little more reserved in the air and more rambuncious on the ground (partywise), just wondering if any of you more experienced and older jumpers have noticed the same thing The only bad skydive is your last! chris The only bad skydive is your last! chris "sonic wookie" harwell Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez
  24. you should go as an old lady and when people say "who are you?" you reply " yo mama!" or go as a night stand with the number 1 on it, ill let you figure that out The only bad skydive is your last! chris