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    Skydive Burnaby
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  1. Stay away from the Niagara Falls tunnel,....it will be a waste of time and money. If you're in New Hampshire, Montreal, Canada is closer than Niagara Falls and they have a proper wind tunnel. The owners of the Montreal one are currently building one near the Toronto area, but it isn't expected to be up and running until next year NEVER GIVE UP!
  2. I have metal in my neck and have never had any problem jumping. NEVER GIVE UP!
  3. Yes the parking lot is the only landing area off that object. I told the camera guy I would near the storm grate. I have a set of G-Form stuff, shirt, pants, knee, and elbow pads. They are super light, and fit great! http://g-form.com/our-products/athletics/ NEVER GIVE UP!
  4. HAHA!! I didn't actually break it on landing,...just bent the front wheels in a bit! Rolled around for another week in China with it, as it was the only chair I brought with me. I brought it back to them and Adam said he would just give me a new chair,.....but that was back in Sept. I wanted to use it for my jump at Bridge Day. The last I heard from him, he said he couldn't get parts in time for me to take it Bridge Day, and I haven't heard back from him again. NEVER GIVE UP!
  5. Why not just get some video of some of us other cripples jumping to show the Dr. Then they can see it's not that big a deal. There are many Para's and even Quads that I know who have jumped! Gimpboogie has lots of video, Pookieland just posted some new video, Dale Elliott has lots out there, and I also have some. If the Dr won't sign after seeing some of these videos then get a new Dr NEVER GIVE UP!
  6. No we haven't met yet,....but YES I'm in a chair. I am not the politically correct type,.....and I always refer to myself as "The Cripple" I poke fun at myself and my situation because I feel life is TOO short to get worked up over such little things. If it offends you......and you prefer "Gimp" then so be it. You can check out some of my video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI9UC0cFDCQ Edited to add: I hope we get to jump together one day! NEVER GIVE UP!
  7. Way to go man!!! I agree,...next edit show your landings, so other cripples can see how easy it is for us! NEVER GIVE UP!
  8. Contact John here: http://www.extremechairing.org/ He is a quad and has done a few skydives already. He'll be able to help you out. No reason your friend can't jump NEVER GIVE UP!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ShrG9GRl6A&feature=plcp Here's a quick edit. Hopefully more to come later. PS the only injury I got from this was a couple scratches on the back of my left hand NEVER GIVE UP!
  10. Congratulations!! ANYTHING is possible! You will need to think things through carefully with the help of your instructors. gimpboogie and dale elliot have a few videos you can watch to get an idea of what worked for them. You may need to modify those things to best suit you. We all do things a bit different so find what works for you. I like to do things my own way like this: http://wvgazette.com/Entertainment/201210200076 NEVER GIVE UP!
  11. Thanks Fish!!! Tomorrow at 11:59pm PST the contest closes Keep the votes coming in to the end! Here's the video you guys are voting for,...for those that haven't checked it out yet https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=501613195169 THANKS to everyone who voted!!! NEVER GIVE UP!
  12. WELCOME BACK!!! You'll figure out what works best for you. I land with nothing, others use the strap NEVER GIVE UP!