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Everything posted by Duckwater

  1. I was offended by the J-Word. (Not really but isn't the J word close to the N word in offensiveness?) I wonder if the teach the constitution at Rutgers? If you dont like Don Imus, don't listen to him. But, if you don't like him, DO NOT try to get him fired so I can't listen to him. That is free speech and it is protected by the constitution. And, I have heard women referred to as "Ho's" many many times. This is the first time by a white guy. (Except Santa) White guys call them 'sluts'.
  2. The New N-Word is NAPPY Who woulda guessed? My Guess for the next 10 "N-Words" (As Defined by Al or Jesse) that some poor white guy will have to apologize for: 1. Napish. 2. Non-Napish. 3. Nap-of-the -earth. 4. Neanderthal 5. Nerd. 6. Nancy Lover 7. Naggers 8. Nerbert 9. Nebraska 10. Nazi-Sharptonish.
  3. OMG..... Don Imus called them all messy haired, warm beer drinking, bad toothed French Swabbie wannabees this morning He doesn't know when to stop does he?
  4. I would love to see the video they made trying to explain the burns from turboprop exhaust.
  5. Im thinking he might be posturing for a recession. If there is one, BNI or any other railroad would be a stock to have. We ship a lot of commodities that will not be affected by a recession. Grain, Coal and stuff from China are things people can't do without. We are even putting grain in (what would have been empty) containers to ship back overseas.
  6. How much of a "Warren Bump" should I expect from my Stock options? Im thinking selling at $110....which Im betting happens before year end.
  7. OK......I am going to admit that I might be a little too quick to judge and might be wrong... I just talked to my Dad......Navy Fighter Pilot - VF-51 - F8 Crusader Jock over Viet Nam. He was on the same carrier as James Stockdale when he was shot down. He said that the British Gov is to blame for lack of POW training and certainly for the fact that they obviously had their troops defenseless in harms way. He said that, while on the surface, it seems that these soldiers are cowards, the reality is that they are underserved by their chain of command. He said that heads should roll, but it should be from the top down.
  8. Bill, I wasn't saying that we should have launched Cruise Missles or Invaded,........Diplomacy worked.......I believe it would have worked even if the British Sailors had told the TRUTH and maintained that they never entered Soverign Iranian Waters. I am totally against the use of force, even as a retalitory measure, unless it is the very last option. I am also against copping to a crime you didn't commit. From What a pussy. I can GUARANTEE you I would have said "Fuck you, I was outside your waters...Is there any deodorant in this fucking pisshole of a country?" When they went to work on my fingernails, or showed me video of Mexican Cat Juggling, I might have caved......but only then.
  9. Upon return, all of the sailors are adamant they were 1.7 miles outside of Iranian waters. So, by their own admission, the confessions were fabrications. Im surprised that not a one of them had a 'kiss my ass' approach. It must be because they were trained otherwise. Good for averting a beating, not good for honor or respect.
  10. I am not 'arm chair warrioring' this but comparing it to conduct and behavior of past POW's. The 'name, rank, serial #' bit is based in reality, not hollywood. Research the behavior of our boys in the Hanoi Hilton. The 'torture' that broke these 'soldiers' consisted of nothing more than being locked in the closet while playing pin the tail on the donkey followed by a visit to the Mens Wearhouse Outlet. Had they broke after some bamboo under the fingernails, I might have some sympathy.
  11. Until I saw this commentary, I thought i was alone in my disgust at these British Sailors lack of spine. What happened to this kind of Honor?
  12. Please, Please. Please..... The point that you must focus on is not the cock itself, but those who stroked it.
  13. I have to admit, I am a huge fan of Dr. Kern. Here is a famous piece he wrote after 9-11...You probably have read it: (it was soo good it was thought to be an urban legend) I went to one of his Global War on Error conferences on Norfolk VA this year where he spoke to a bunch of Marine Aviators. It was astounding to see a bunch of Marines mesmerized by a presentation based on their own failures and human flaws. The Fratricide segments brought a few to tears.
  14. The paralells between skydiving and aviation are profound. "The Self Centered Prick" has been an aviation staple since 1903. There is a document that is famous in aviation circles. It was written by a Major in the Air Force named Tony Kern in 1995 about a B-52 crash at Fairchild AFB in Washington. Longer Clip - It is called "Darker Shades of Blue" and it was revolutionary in the fact that it shook the US Air Force to its core. Maj. Kern was not assigned to write this report, he did it on his own and at serious risk to his career, shoved it up the chain of command until it was taken seriously. READ THIS REPORT AND THINK SKYDIVING - MUST READ The similarities between the "rogue" in this B-52 crash and the 'rouge' in the recent mid-air are real. I have met with Dr. Kern, and asked him, "Why did the Air Force fail to stop Col Bud Holland? Dr. Kern replied, "It didn't fail to stop him, it CREATED him". These 'self centered pricks', 'rogues', 'mavericks', whatever nomenclature you want to use are never simply born, they are created and nurtured by an entity too weak to stop them.
  15. I have no idea what the other posts said... im drunk and sunburned in St Maarten and buying stuff I dont need on ebay again. Does anyone know if you can get video from a dv camera onto a comp with a UB cord?? I cant figure it out [url][url] I lucked out though. I came on the night that Erick Morelo is spiining at Bliss.
  16. I have been debating this for a year. I have tried the free previews and they have'nt swayed me. I finally said 'What the hell" and got it. Three days later, I LOVE IT! If you have it, watch the raw feed of the Polar Bear Cub in Germany that was abandoned by its mom and there was a debate to euthanize it (Quickly Shitcanned) The raw and live feeds are worth more than the $24 bucks. Having video without narration is great.
  17. They lost my business when Keely Quit! It was never the same smart ass service! Seriously, I have never hardly even looked at the webpage but Square 1's service in the store is first class. I would probably call them always instead of the webpage unless it was something trivial that I was ordering. If you tell them about a prob, I guarantee they will fix it. But, I have never even been to another gear store so my opinion is not based on a vast knowledge of stores. I cant imagine any store being better than Square 1 (post Keely)
  18. Perris and Eloy are the two SAFEST dropzones in my opinion. Reason 1 - Wisdom Abounds - Both dropzones have a wealth of wisdom and advice, advice and wisdom that, if taken in and heeded, it will probably save your life and prevent you from an injury. I was somehow smart enough to seek out the people that have skydived for years, were respected and asked them for advice. It was eagerly given and it was priceless. The wisdom and experience at these dropzones are priceless and free, but you have to seek it. Reason 2 - Options - I have never been at a DZ where the consequences of a bad spot would be landing in trees or water. Perris and Eloy have unlimited outs, you have to be smart enough to use them if there is any doubt. And, if you want to stay clear of other canopies to reduce the mid-air risk, all it costs is a little walk. Reason 3 - Oversight - Don't be fooled by the number of accidents. These dropzones are hella busy all year long. Im guessing the accident per jump ratio is below average. I know the DZO at Perris has great oversight and I have seen plenty of people grounded. But, sometimes someones first stupid move is their last. They cannot be anything but reactive. Reason 4 - Lack of traffic - There are amazingly few VFR incursions into the DZ, expecially at Perris. Eloy is remote and Perris has a natural barrier, the Ortegas, that people must fly around. Both are well established and known by most pilots.
  19. I cry every time I matrurbate. I use two tissues.
  20. When Frank quit Square 1 I cried like a girl.
  21. Here is EW's list, which I think is dumb.,,20015186,00.html?cnn=yes Movies and TV shows that made me cry: 1. I am Sam - Cried like a baby. 2. The MASH episode where Henry Blake got shot down on his way Stateside and Radar tells everyone - Cry every time. 3. Some after school movie 30 yrs ago where a retarted kid is sent to a farm for the summer, learns that cows like salt licks, saves up ALL his allowance and buys his favorite cow a bunch of bags of salt, and bullies break them all in the parking lot of the supermarket. 4. I used to cry on every Extreme Makeover, Home Edition but now I am so disgusted by product placement and, even more so by the pixelating of any product (caterpillar) that does not give ABC millions to be a part of it, that I dont watch. 5. March of the Penguins is my latest tear jerker.
  22. If you missed the last episode, it was by far the best one yet. I actually learned something from it. The way they took on the "N" word issue is worthy of an Emmy. When you have a TV show where the N word is used over 40 times and the people who are behind think it was appropriate, you have accomplished something. We will never abolish or criminalize the word, and the meaning word is across the spectrum, from a greeting to a friend to a racist rant. But, if the word is used in contects not intended to be hurtful, where do you draw the line? The entertainment industry must take the lead in abolishing the use of the word. I believe that Michael Richards is not a racist, he was just pissed at some hecklers and said the most hateful word he could think of. Had he called a woman heckler a CU#@, we would have never heard of it. He had heard the N word 100 times on MTV. If you cuss in front of your kids, guess what... There is no word you can call me that will piss me off. I dont get why the N word is so hurtful.....I dont get it. Im not supposed to get it. Thanks Kyle.
  23. I have been saying for the past few years that the next 'terrorist' airliner incident will be from a disgruntled/insane pilot. It has happened before. Two sucessful attempts (Silk Air and Egypt Air) and one miraculously foiled. (FedEx) I have friends that are Flight Deck Officers and carry firearms in the cokpit. I think it is a very bad idea. With as disgruntled as Airline Pilots (and Astronauts) are right now, giving them a gun in case they go postal is probably not the best idea.
  24. As a former bench warming runt, I cried. I am not a big fan on the empasis placed on being good at sports. This will be a movie.
  25. Cassie, Along with everyone saying that you shouldnt be too hard on yourself, I think you are smarter than most. You reaized that there was a problem, and you took it seriously enough to ask for help. You had the smarts to ask for advice. You are above the curve in intelligence. I know some disagree with my advice of not jumping before canopy school. Can you do a flat turn at 50 ft to avoid something? I dont think so. And, If you are scared on every jump, why waste the tickets. I guarantee landing will become enjoyable shortly after the class. Can you jump 10 more times safely before the class? Probably. 100 times - likely but every jump without the ability to fly your canopy is a risk. Its like anything, you have to analyze the risk yourself based on what you know and the advice you use to take from others. I gave you specific reasons why an immediate class is a good idea, it is not hogwash advice.