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Everything posted by Duckwater

  1. Im going to wager that the emotion he should be feeling, which is what Im sure all the other thousands of parents that had their children come home are feeling, is profound relief. Relief so great it cancels other emotions. It seems he is one of thousands that would fling baseless blame at the biggest target. All the other parents are busy loving their kids. Why was he given an outlet? Fox News is a piece of shit for publishing it.
  2. It would be one thing if he knew what he was talking about. I would also give him some leeway if a child of his was injured or killed. I would even be OK with asking questions, not flinging accisations, although the timing is inappropriate and it would be pointless as an official investigation is coming. To call the president a coward, especially right now, is BS. He better be glad he has an unlisted # because he would have got an earfull from me.
  3.,2933,266460,00.html I wonder if the desperate need to place blame is a natural part of the grief process. If it is not, these parents are despicable and ignorant. This asshole should not have been given a podium. You cannot plan or prepare for every situation. A 'lockdown' might have added to the deaths,,,Only a tactical team might have an idea. He needs to be slapped for this comment: “I hold this president completely accountable,” said Shourds. “They are cowards. They can’t come out and say they made a mistake.” Im giving the Pres the benefit of the doubt that he is a good man and he is devastated by this rampage. And now he is being called a coward and somehow blamed and his job threatened? Imagine how he feels right now. If he did not follow some established procedure, that will come out in the investigation. He should not be a scapegoat regardless. The asshole responsible is dead. Period. Sometimes there is no-one to blame. This is one of them. John and Jennifer Shourds are despicable. Their daughter was not even hurt. They should shut the fuck up.
  4. Define Crazy. Bring a whuffo to a DZ and we are all in straightjackets. Sane people kill others using guns too. If insane people dont have guns, they lock their kids in a car and roll it into a lake or drown them in the bathtub or chop them up and eat them. So lets ban Mazdas, Lakes, Bathtubs, Meat Clevers, fava beans, chianti and wood chippers. Whos gonna get rid of all the rocks?
  5. Well, you had better complain to God the Creator. Cain murdered Abel at the get go. We couldnt get 4 people on the earth before we started murdering each other. If you are an evolutionist, we need to ban rocks because there was a rash of Cavemen Murders in the Paleocavelithic era. Murder - So easy a caveman could do it. Dont blame spears, rocks, guns, knives. If someone wants to kill someone, they will find a way.
  6. It was not bad, the tampons were under the reserve flap and the leg straps were glued to where I couldnt put the rig on. There was no danger of me jumping it without noticing. The only thing was me thinking "what else did they do to it?" I have to footnote all of this with I am always playing pranks and I couldnt stay mad, I dont think I would ever mess with a rig but I have gone to far in other occasions.
  7. I agree with everything you say 100%, in theory. The reality is that there are an unknown number of people out there that are on the edge of losing a measure of sanity. Go to the mall and start poking people. I bet 50% will end up hitting you. I take the right, wrong legal, illlegal concept out of it and insert the wild card human factor. I assume everyone is about to go postal. I went postal when I was putting on my rig to go on a jump with a really cute girl. It was now call and I realized someone had hot glued my chest and leg strap hardware together and put tampons in my reserve. Had I not been witha chick, I would not have been near as pissed. Had I found it before now call, it would have been funny. All I did was Jack the offender up against a wall and yelled, which is something I had never done before and I suprised myself as I had never been remotely physical or that pissed. You never know what might light someones fuse. (Gluing their rig is a safe bet prob) Its funny as hell now.
  8. I didnt know that,,,,,but certainly constanly teasing and taunting and being called every name in the book didnt help. The problem is how do you identify these people without violating their rights? You cant. Can you reliably predict the possible event, no. Can you change the way students treat each other? Possibly....And it is the only possible thing you can control. I guarantee that had Dylan and Eric not been tormented, this would not have happened, psycho or not. Kids are mean....It needs to be addressed. I went to a Christian High School and there was some pretty rotten shit that went on.
  9. I think we have demonstrated as a soceity that we cannot control ourselves. How much time was wasted watching the OJ trial. Millions of lost man hours. Can you drive by a wreck and NOT look? I cant, but I wont slow unless I have to. That French guy that claimed to be a Rockefeller and scammed millions....Spent a couple years in jail, then sold his story for Millions. Everyone would probably admit that lending support to any of the above is wrong, but we can't control ourselves. We will also take this horrible tradgedy and spend an inordinate amount of energy into it. Just like 911. Three times as many people died in traffic accidents that day. The average daily murder rate is 45 people. All equally tragic for the people involved. I think we should include them in our thoughts too.
  10. There are cetrain socio-economic classes that are prone to violence and criminal behavior. A lot of minorities are in these classes, as well and a disproportionate number of whites. I dont care what color your skin is, if you are raised in that class, you will almost assuredly continue to maintain the demographic. What sucks is, the blacks with money and influence are promoting the 'gangster' lifestyle. I wish a meteor would hit sharpon and Jackson and then Bill Cosby takes over. The problem is, Bill Cosby's solution will take hard work and lifestyle and attitude change as well as much needed accountability, unlike the current method of waiting for some poor white idiot to say something inappropriate then blame him for all of societies ills. I blame the media for fanning the flames. Every black person I know despises Jackson and Sharpton as much as I do.
  11. I ran into my old boss, Jack Hopkins on a flight to Chicago last month. I saw him 20 rows up and yelled to him " HI Jack!" ..... Did you know that Federal Air Marshalls carry pepper spray? Trust me, they do.
  12. If I come up to you and start tapping you on the shoulder, and just keep doing it, following you around all day.....You are going to slap me at some point. Are you wrong for slapping me? Yes. Am I the reason why you slapped me? 100% With as mean as kids are to each other, Im suprised this doesnt happen more often. The guns are totally innocent. They never insulted or made fun of anyone. We had shotguns in the back windows of all the trucks at my high school. Nobody shot anyone.
  13. I have always wanted to go into a bank with panty hose over my head, stand in line, make a deposit and leave.... Just bank...... It has got to be illegal.
  14. I was saying the same thing today. Nobody ever addresses what led up to it. The columbine thing was predictable. The jocks were mean as hell to the 'nerds', calling them fags and stuff. I cant believe that schools still allow behavior that would get you fired instantly in corporate america. We all just want to demonize them and ignore the fact that the demons were created by the other kids, in part. This Korean guy, who knows.....Probably a whack job like Dalhmer.
  15. Aviation Headsets and GPS's are also often scams. Be VERY careful. You need to look for feedback on similar items, not 20 cent dolls
  16. I get your point, Blair is a twit, but you got to that point by agreeing with everyting I said.
  17. Are you talking Bush or Blair? Either way, I agree 100% (even though Im steamed at you)
  18. Dude, you just made a personal attack on me for what I said in This Post but you obviously agree with everything I said and are actually even more harsh. ????? I used to post drunk too.
  19. #1 - I came back and said that I was perhaps too quick to judge, that the command structure might be to blame. The question of their ease of a false confession is still a very valid one. #2 - I havent had a lot to say about it. How many posts do you have versus me? #3 - You dont know me or have any observed situations, so your claim that I dont have honor or valor is baseless.I questioned someone elses based on actions. #4 - When these assholes sold their story, as their commrades were being killed in Iraq, I lost ALL respect for them. #5 - I thought of calling you a name, or challenge you to a fight, or otherwise return the personal attack but, being that we all agreed not to do that by posting here, Ill maintain my honor with the mods...... What happened to yours? Have a nice day. p.s. ANYONE on the list that really knows me will prob agree that I would have been a total smartass to the Iraninas, right up to the point they went to work on my nails, which is what I have maintained all along.
  20. Bill, Have you ever said "Hey Asshole" accidentally in front of a kid? It is hard to instantly and accurately judge the appropriatness of the comment vs. the audience. Also, I found out at age 35 that my birth mom is Jewish. Can I now make Jew jokes? Can Tiger Woods make black jokes? Its a slippery slope and the line appears to be where anyone who WANTS to be offended draws it. I don't think the consequences for a Comedian offending someone should be the loss of his job.
  21. Have you ever called anyone a name, ever? Have you ever said something that you regretted? Everyone is saying that it matters who said it and under what circumstances. EVERYONE knows that Imus does satire and humor. He went too far. Let it go. A guy just lit his wife on fire. Why is a lame joke important in the grand scheme? Had this been said on Headline News, different story. South Park, Imus, Stern are all known to offend. If you don't want to get offended, don't listen. And, anyone who is on TV is fair game for the butt of jokes IMHO.
  22. If you stick a microphone in front of anyone for 4 hours a day while they talk about unscripted stuff, someone will eventually get offended. I think a little leeway should be given an apologies accepted if they go to far. Was Jesse Jackson fired when he said "heimeytown?"
  23. Imus wasn't being a racist, he was being a GUY! When my married friends get a hall pass and we go to a bar, the wives always ask "What the hell do you guys talk about?" Nobody has the balls to tell them that we visually disect every woman we see like a fetal pig, from ass to boobs. It usually starts with a volley of "I'd hit that" which starts a debate that usually ends with the "# of Beers" it would take. Guys, NEVER talk about women with a fucking microphone near you. Imus should know better. I guarantee Sharpton does it too, but is smart enough to do it off air. (I'd hit 6 of the 10 Rutgers babes, the others are anywhere from 3 beers to a 12 pack)
  24. Shawshank Redemption Forrest Gump Tommy Boy