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Everything posted by Bodyflight.Net

  1. Lifted Entertainment last year at the convention yes.. out of Chicago Illinois, and that's the crew whom ran the events (ahem) Yes, better toy this year FOR SURE!!!! We're counting the days!!
  2. Hi, We consult with Vertical Velocity and the owner for Bodyflight Network. At this time we are personally unable to verify the "actual" speed of the air but I can say it's not one of the slower ones. It's a small machine and it has no safety cushions of any type. First time flyers are attatched to a make shift harness system. Without visiting personally, judging from video, photos, and talking with Shea, this isn't a great freefall trainer, but could prove to be fun on other levels for beginners, whuffos as well as seasoned tunnel rats! This is not the one from last year at Rantoul which is not great for skydivers either. This year at Rantoul we're bringing the Adren-L-N tunnel which is VERY fast and very skydiver friendly. It also has no cushions but it does provide wall to wall air and enough room for two way RW and plenty of speed for freefly.
  3. Our forum isn't as active as this one is, we get the wrong type of crowd for that. I thought Ikonboard was flatfile ??
  4. I lease my VPS's with Verio, my servers are located in Virginia. I'm a reseller.. btw what kind of webhosting company charges for bandwith??
  5. seen this?
  6. You just don't want to do the research. Little boy watches a wrestling move on tv, performs it on the nearest other little kid, kills her. Cause, effect. This incident is not to be blamed solely on wrestling, however, before we could see that stuff freely on TV the worst things kids did was play kickball in the streets and spin the bottle, heck american kids invented the garage band. Now they mimick people like Brittney Spears who should put more clothes on. Look it's all a statement about who we want to become as a country. I don't think we need less clothes, less morals, less respect and less eduction. Since when did it become morally acceptable to make fun of people's shortcomings, to be sexually explicit in public, to degrade humans and laugh.. to vandalize property and get a joy out of it; disrespect our parents and make it into a TV show, act like spoiled brats and call it free will? There is a cause and effect and that is the force behind most of the censorship and laws as I see it. It's been real guys/gals, but unless theres something more groundbreaking I gotta get back reality over here. Thanks for the stimulating chat though, sure glad we still have the freedom to post.
  7. You too.. please cross reference violent acts by american children & adults BEFORE the onslaught of all this vocal and visual freedom with the statistics SINCE then. Neither does yours.
  8. How does it put someone at risk if there is NO ONE at the light? Its the same risk level as you listening to the radio. I'm not hurting anyone else....
  9. Banned huh? Amazing these freedoms you don't think we have Making things more difficult to gain access to is not infringeing on your rights in any way.
  10. I always thought the FCC was pretty powerful. Apparently this ClearChannel is also financially powerful and diverse with connections. I hardly think that if he was WORTH the fight, the would've just forced him out. If he was really worth it, they would've fought it. Maybe they wanted an image change. Isn't that their choice?
  11. Ikonboard looks cool for sure, similar to what I'm using in look anyway. Thanks for the tip.
  12. I love your spirit and fervor but is not right. This thread is about Howard Stern being taken off the air. Trust me I'd keep re-writing because I want to get off topic here too.
  13. To think that you make no impact on society is sad. What we all do has an impact on eachother. The denial of this fact is what is wrong today. The earth is tied to us, we are to it as we are all tied to eachother. Why outlaw anything then? I mean if it's bad, then people won't do it, right? Is there any law you agree with? Why can't I run stoplights when I'm in a hurry, even if no one is there? Because a country this size & this diverse needs rules.. just like any other business.
  14. Wow. The governement to me is not much different than an employer. They are in business after all. What would happen if your boss, if his/her positions switched from forcing you to be produce quality products, show up on time, and make the company money and instead spent all his time making sure you were comfortable, had enough desk space, making sure you have PLENTY of pen color choices or what ever you do. The company would go under. I do not want my government run that way at all. I happen to disagree with some things too, BUT that is they way it is. Again, my personal single opinion, is irrelevant, that is the way it is. Thanks to this governement I can do anything I want as long as it doesn't impose on others and my personal moral limitations. (including listen to Howard Stern, maybe not on that particular station but in interviews, books and movies which will still be available may I remind most of you) oh, and mind family fled Cuba only a couple of decades's not the same I PROMISE.
  15. [trying to imagine GWB sitting up late with a stomach ache cuz poor Mr. Stern lost his job] ROTFLMAO if you think that... I don't know what to say to you.
  16. So, your version of a free society is people being able to do whatever they want, when they want, however they want with disregard to anyone else?
  17. Why does everyone keep saying that the governement/president/cabinet etc is making decisions for them. Quote "I don't need the governement tell me.." "I should be able to decide what I..." etc etc etc Back to what I was saying about being a SELFISH SOCIETY> As important as you think you may be, I promise no governement official lost sleep last night because of what YOU as an individual MEMBER of a larger society thought about anything. They are not making decisions for YOU They are making decisions for EVERYONE, the masses, the future and citizens, non citizens, kids, employees, www surfers. I'd like to see what your version of our government would look like. I'm afraid I would be afraid to go out of my house, and what then? Whos the terrorist then if I don't feel ok going out of my home? If society is so skewd in one direction that no balance remains... what then?
  18. Inconvenienced myself? I'm not inconvenienced at all, I have no problem not watching or listening to him. That's the easy part. Dictate what other people can view? C'mon you with the giving too much credit away AGAIN. Do you not take any responsibility for yourself? If you like him so much, buy his books/movies... didn't you record his shows? As a responsible contributing productive member of society we must conclude that providing that censorship is necessary since people have NO RESPECT. If we had respect for other humans, and we wouldn't need censorship. Do you think Washington or Jefferson every imagined this type of social pollution? They were SO naive.. they actually thought we could be respectful of eachothers privacies, rights, morals, religious views, education practices, etc.. They were apparently so wrong. We didn't start out with all these rules and regulations you know, its folks causing harm onto others that has brought this crap on. Stern being fired was a business decision. Maybe even a STUNT to get PR good or bad PR is good. Perhaps they are just sick of him, it's NOT like it's the first time they have repremanded him and cut him off. Perhaps it was his LACK OF RESPECT THAT FORCED THEM to do this.
  19. NO If your a citizen and you don't like Bush, then VOTE. that's the system, flaws and all. Your giving our prez way too much credit. He is not unilaterally destroying or revoking your freedoms. You can thank our DISRESPECTFUL and selfish society as well as the Howard Stern types, and the criminals and terrorists for that. Good luck with that Canada thing, hope that works out for you.
  20. The 2 I referred to were the local oldies station and NPR... thanks for the broadcast list!! and I meant Public as in accessible to the general public.
  21. I'm not sure your thinking clearly here. What kind of crap is the problem?? Grocery stores with cold, preserved & fresh fruit, veggies, meats and so much junk food you could feed a third world country? The phone lines or cable that is connecting you right now to Wait how about the electricity & running water going into your dwelling. Maybe it's the TV or radio you wish to listen to him on... Perhaps it's the sheer idea that you can choose what to wear or eat or look like or where to live or what to drive, what kind of career to have, what kind of shoes to wear, who you will marry, whether you will have kids or not. Are these not enough choices? Does the governemnt really have to cater to EVERYONE? Can we stop being GREEDY for long enough to accept that we have ALOT, we are strong when we work together and we are capable of SO MUCH MORE>>> This is a DEMOCRACY and therefore the majority shall rule. I'm sure if enough people were in FAVOR of him [STERN], enough letters to the FCC and select governement officials would get him back on air, and that is the way we do it in this FREE country. If you want to talk shit and listen to guys act stupid there are many place you can do that ALREADY... lets not include PUBLIC radio & tv into that list of places to display that type of behavior.
  22. [RANT] I'm glad he's off the air. I am a freedom fighter as well, HOWEVER, MY FREEDOM ENDS WHERE YOURS BEGINS My freedom of choice is also important, like many I simply change the channel because for the most part he is a small man feeding off of your rebellion to let him speak his mind, after all it's the law right? But everyday there are less and less channels I can watch in my house. There is ONLY 2 radio stations I can turn on without hearing about sex, tits, ass, f&*!@, somebody sucks or insert your own verbal abuse and disrespect for our society. Thank GOD there's an agency out there WILLING to regulate this fine line and shades of grey MESS. We are free... that does NOT mean we can just go around doing whatever we want. We have to exist together, work together and grow together. That means we all have to have an underlying RESPECT FOR EVERY HUMAN BEING. NO ONE has the right to infringe on my right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that includes radio stations that are not family friendly. Go by a CD you say? Hard to do without the same problem, cussing, sex, drugs, etc. If judged by our entertainment value, I'd say we are a bunch of STUPID PEOPLE with nothing to do but pick on one another. I say to Howard Stern and people like him, GROW UP MAN, get a life. That kind of trash talk is for the adults together when the kids are in bed, sitting around shooting the shit together, drinkin beers, playing cards, WHATEVER you do in PRIVATE, in the confines of your own personal space with consenting adults. It's not for PUBLIC RADIO, which is supposed to be monitored to be acceptable to the GENEARAL PUBLIC. Where is the respect for one another? What has happened to our decency? Why don't we care about eachother anymore? Why is it every man for himself? and another thing... I am so sick of hearing people BEND the constiution to suit their selfish needs, that I can hardly stand it anymore. It was not written so you can DO whatever you want and then use it to justify your freedom to do so. It is a guideline so that we may all learn to work/live/play and grow together and become a PROductive society...not a DEstructive society. What's wrong with some of these people today, have you forgotten that you are leaving a Legacy behind.. our children..remember them? You are creating the future of their world, and remember these are the same people who will be running our government and nursing homes. Do we REALLY want to teach them to have no respect for eachother, teach them that it's ok to be an ass and justify it with a piece of paper that said you were free? I think we are ALL SPOILED ROTTEN and I don't think most of us could last a day in the reality of some other countries just around the corner. We have no right to be flippent about sex, rape, women, men, children, drugs, abuse...etc. It's SERIOUS, very serious and it's about time someone made an example of one of those childish disrespectful media leaders in our society! [/RANT]
  23. gforum & gmail is what they use here. this is nice, don't get me wrong, but it is lacking features I was looking for (not to mention it costs money). Someday I may upgrade, but right now Bodyflight Network doesn't make money so I can't spend any on it. I'm checking out this ikonboard... thanks for the tip!
  24. I didn't set up that system, it was dumped in my lap, and at the time, I was definitely a NON programmer. I worked hard daily to keep it running and when I learned that I could rid myself of that headache by learning Perl/CGI I was thrilled.. Like I said, no system in place now we trashed it completely, but someday, something, I know will come up. Like the forum I was hard pressed to find something NON sql... Thanks for the chat, I rarely find someone who knows this side of the www.
  25. It's a FABULOUS day so far, and thanks to everyone here I will be persuing my 2nd cup of coffee, I usually cut it off at 1 but the other 2 cup drinkers seem so happy, I'll try that too and I got my new forum up and running on my site... plus I made extra money this week for doing practically nothing... how good could it get?