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Everything posted by Bodyflight.Net

  1. Do women on birth control who are choosing to have "protected" sex play into your scenario anywhere? I don't think anyone said your child, regardless of the method of conception, had no right to live.
  2. On a basic level, yes I could, however I could still not make anyone else. Personally, I would love to see society RETREAT a bit, I feel like technology has done as much damage as it has done good. For instance, we cheat death all the time, obstructing the natural selection system that ultimately trys to prevail. We do it in the name of love, science, etc but we still do it.... I think if the welfare system was removed, these effects you mention would happen inevitably, as the government wouln't be funding, birth control, abortions, or even women's health care. That would make us think twice too, wouldn't it?
  3. Quoted for emphasis!! Applause are in order for the most comprehensive look at the after effects of such a ruling. I think we have a winner!
  4. I've answered many of your questions, now answer misskriss's and mine please before I answer you... she asked: Do you volunteer at shelters or are you becoming a foster parent? Are you willing and able to go to an abortion clinic and offer to house and care for the mother till the baby is born and then raise that baby yourself? I know I'm veering off subject here but as you said.... we are all part of humanity. and mine, do you care full time for your children, if not, then do you have children?
  5. It is difficult I know, and you are probably right, if I am correct, most of my list has come from those of the pro-choice mindset. It's a shame, still it stays mostly to one side, but I shall keep trudging through because someone has to. Besides if noone was interested the thread would die...
  6. My impression is that limited intelligence is lurking? You are comparing a human being to a virus? This isn't the matrix you know.. Maybe you should take a good look at what being a parent means to you.. I take a good look at what being a parent means to me every day as I care for my child.
  7. If you'll notice, the numbered sentences, reflect other's opinions, and I shall add yours, which has already been pointed out by others, and is a given. Again, there is NO arguement going on, therefore there can be no "undermining". We are creating a list of side effects, as you pointed out, THANK YOU, not all of the effects are negative.. What is wrong with that?? #9 More babies will get a chance at life.
  8. My question was clearly stated: Suppose Abortion becomes illegal..what then? I'm sorry you missed that part. and no I will not engage you privately, thanks for the offer though.
  9. A virus (the flu, strep, staph, etc) is alive and functioning, shall we condem you for taking medications to kill an innocent virus or bacteria alive in your body? Viability IS relevant, Rhino
  10. I think the difficulty with that reasoning is It's impossible to ask a fetus what it wants It's hard to give rights to something that can't speak to us. It's also difficult to give rights to something that can't breathe in our atmosphere. When a woman becomes pregnant, our body begins to attack the fetus as if it were a foreign invader or virus... some of us have to get a shot in order to prevent that. What is your take on that? I mean if that is what our body does naturally... why should our perspective be any different that what happens naturally? My perspective changes drastically on this issue when the fetus becomes viable.
  11. #7 Women would still seek abortions, legal or not. That was your addition to the list, correct?
  12. I have to rely on the manufacturer and my doctor. Thanks for the tip... I'm impressed at your medical knowledge though... smart people help both sides of every cause... keep at it!
  13. No I read it, but again, it offered nothing new on the subject and in fact misrepresented my original post. So no I didn't bother.. As if I set forth guidelines on who should be born and who shouldn't, I could tell by your first contribution that you were not willing to discuss the issue since you were not reading everything. You can read my comments to that here If you are saying that we would have more people in the world as a result of abortion becoming illegal, I think that was already well stipulated, don't you? This is not about being for or against abortion, there have been a great many of those threads here already, I don't personally care which side of the issue you are on, anymore than you should care about what I feel about it to talk about this. We are discussing the possible reprocussions of such a law that would make the procedure illegal.
  14. I guess you have nothing to contribute to the thread, since you obviously missed the point. It must be hard to believe so strongly in something that you can't see the nose in front of your face. So, contribute... what possible results do you see if abortion was outlawed. If your so passionate, back it up, since you volunteered to participate.
  15. Your reference material is quite outdated, alot has changed in the last 14 years. Let us also not neglect the fact that an IUD is one of the LEAST used forms of birth control therefore making it not a research priority. And I'm not sure about the "eggs flushed part" since they don't due sterilization procedures on pregnant women, why would you expect to find a fertilized egg in a sterilization procedure? I think we got sidetracked.. again how does this bear on what would happen if abortion was illegal?
  16. from the manufacturer of my IUD: "The exact mechanism by which copper enhances the contraceptive effect of intrauterine contraception has not been conclusively demonstrated. Various hypotheses have been advanced, including interference with sperm transport, fertilization, and implantation. Clinical studies with copper-bearing intrauterine contraceptives also suggest that fertilization is prevented either due to an altered number or lack of viability of spermatozoa"
  17. Paragard- Copper Phagocytosis, is ingestion and digestion of cells, that is not what copper IUD's do to sperm. (imaginining big bad IUD eating up the invader sperm!! LOL.. could be a good sci-fi flick) One function is to be the block & tackle, however, that does not escape the fact that it ALSO prevents implantation for strong swimmers. That's why it's so effective. Besides the TRUTH of the matter with IUD's is doctors are not so sure why it works so well, they just know it does. You might also read between the lines of how periods and cycles are heavier and more traumatic in general once an IUD is inserted.....
  18. An IUD which "change the lining of the uterus and prevent implantation." Now, how about you?
  19. I thought it was HILARIOUS, and just what we needed... but yes, back to reality!
  20. Your wrong on this point, depending on which method of birth control you use. I know that MY method of birth control prevents implantation, of what you might consider a life. Theoretically, that means I have had countless self-occurring abortions in the last several years.
  21. I never set a standard, you have not understood my examples. These were only a couple of the scenarios in which women seek abortions, not a standard by which to have or not have an abortion. I was un-planned as well. Please do NOT CALL IT UNWANTED, because unless you were raised by someone besides your biological parents due to choice then you WERE WANTED, and simply unexpected. Do not confuse yourself *unless you are one of these* with the millions of children ALREADY who wonder why their parents didn't want or love them..what did they do wrong? That is an emotional scar that ruins lives, no joke.
  22. Your probably right, but I'm thinking that anyone who would do that, would do it regardless of the issue at hand, ya know? Infuriating, I know.
  23. LOL!!! That's classic, brings a smile to my face!! I certainly understand the other side of the issue, though, and that is also important. So, so far we have these opinions: 1. More single mothers would be out there high & dry 2. Pro-lifers and other such organizations would be out of work ( of course maybe they can then go care for the extra million kids each year) 3. Prevention would be worth a pound of cure 4. It is unlikely that we could handle the influx of children into the welfare system and other such agencies 5. Many more parents would be abandoning their newborn children at "safe havens" 6. Many couples willing to adopt would have no problem with a shortage 7. ??
  24. This is not well thought out.. first of all, I could say that ANY guy is the that really won't help alone, and the very procedure that is necessary to determine DNA during pregnancy results in 1 death in every 200 tests as well as countless other risks to the health of the potential life. Oh, and as soon as you can carry the baby for us, I am more than willing to let you do that!
  25. YOU GO GIRLS!!!!!! I love to see women step up and take action!