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Everything posted by ChasingBlueSky

  1. No, I think there are plenty of people that need to be educated on politics, race relations and the current campaign issues. It would be great if there was some solid reporting that could help clear the air, however it won't happen if fluff stories like this exist taking up the air time. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  2. Agreed, I'm not a fan of this at all. But I'm also not part of 90% of this country that is god-fearing. The problem here lies in the disingenuous motives of the opposite side. The GOP is far more interested in finding talking points and issues to bash the opponent instead of standing on their own issues. If they heard the Obama supporters speaking out against this you would see polls up until November on how many faithless liberals were not going to vote for him. The GOP would create a strawman out of this and then beat it to death by trying to scare secular liberals to vote for him. What they can't understand is that we understand that we can support part of a platform, hate other parts but still prefer the whole over the opposition. It's a bit complex for them since they are conditioned to trying to a Reader's Digest simplistic writing style. As you can see, the GOPs have already jumped all over this thinking it's a major issues for guys like me. Oh how wrong they are. But I will sit back and laugh at them while they waste their time not talking about the strengths of their own campaign. I'm sure Bill O will have plenty to say on this. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  3. Give me a break. And you wonder why real issues don't come up during a campaign. I'll bet that CNN gave air time to this bullshit yesterday instead of talking about education plans or social security issues. It's fucking dumb that this is even considered news worthy _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  4. If you read the internal reports and the stuff they pass on to shareholders, this is part of the problem. They admit they over extended the company but feel they landed plenty of profit during that time. Their solution is to downsize and to get back to presenting the true "Starbuck's Experience" which is supposed to go beyond just getting good coffee. I wouldn't connect this to the recession as they have been discussing this for nearly a year now. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  5. For those that care: Interesting little quote from it: _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  6. This guy in Chicago sent over 2,000 Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizzas (Lou Malnati's is some of the best around, the best pizza in town depending on who you ask) to our troops for 4th of July. DHL donated the means to get all the food over to Iraq and Afghanistan. Even Gen Petraeus sent him an email on it. They wanted it to be a surprise but coverage from CNN and MSNBC ruined it for them. As of this morning they are sitting in Bahrain waiting out a sandstorm happening in Iraq and waiting on final security clearance to head to Afghanistan. Just thought it was cool to hear some good news going into this holiday. Also he may be doing this again soon. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  7. I would have preferred them sticking closer to the idea of the original story. For those that don't know, it's a world where all the superheroes are dead or defeated by supervillians in a private war. It nods it's head to nearly every comic book icon in the process. (and this movie does the same by trying not to ignore that movies like Matrix exist) As Dexter has shown, an amoral, evil supervillian can make for a good protagonist. That being said, I still liked this movie. It wasn't a masterpiece and it certainly doesn't hold up well against the other comic book movies this summer. There are plot flaws but I for some reason didn't get distracted by the loom or other shortcomings. I'm not sure it will hold up to repeated viewings for me however....which is what I ultimately judge most action movies by. It was interesting watching this movie being filmed last summer side by side with The Dark Knight here in town. I remember one week I had Batman on one side of my office building and Wanted on the other. My old office building makes itself into a dozen or so shots in this one. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  8. Well, I doubt you want to get pizza from my local area which is about as good as you are going to get. But the original Gino's downtown is damn good, even if they went flashy touristy a few years ago when they purchased the Hollywood building. BTW, Chicago pizza =/= Italian. It's something all on it's own now. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  9. I agree, but let me know when you go so I can be inside waiting While in Milwaukee you have to stop by Kopp's Custard. You can't beat Gino's East downtown for the best pizza in the city....and the Chop House has the best steak in all of Chicago. If you have the cash, a trip to MK is very worth it. But if you are going to spend that much, you may as well go to Tru. (Both will be over $100/plate) Wildfire is good, as is Cafe Iberico if you want a good tapas and sangria. Lalo's downtown is a decent Mexican place as well. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  10. Where did you get that number? It's way high. Very high........ 485,000 in the city itself pre hurricane, as of this year only 265,000 have been able to return. The metropolitan NO area was just under 1,000,000 according to a few documents I have read. Even if you look at just the city limits of NO, there are still 220,000 people that have not returned or been able to re-establish roots since Katrina. As a reminder, Cedar Rapids is around 100,000. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  11. I never called anyone that choose to stay by any negative connotation. Adults make decisions that not everyone agrees with at times, I have no problems with that. Just to be certain: I'm referring to #3 and I think you are trying to claim I am going for #4 which could border on judging. After the storm was done, too many NOLA residents also fell into #5. Should we continue this redundancy? There is nothing buried in my word that is judging. You are trying to finding something that isn't there. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  12. Something I picked up in the short amount of time I spent in Florida is that some people won't ever evacuate a storm. I guess that has impacted my thinking and I consider them victims to the storm and flood. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  13. So were you there or not? I wasn't there, nor am I judging anyone that reacted to the situation they were in either. I had and still do have a high level of compassion and sympathy for them. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  14. Iowa activated their emergency plans. NO did not. Clearly the evacuation plans in NO would have prevented the destruction of the city. The tragedy came after the storm, not before hand. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  15. 1,000,000 people displaced, never knowing if their city will ever drain, or if they are going to get help, and not knowing if they will have a place to work again either. The disparity of losing everything combined with the anger and frustration of everything else related to the dumb politics around it .....well, the mind can only take so much. I can't even imagine what it was like and I've heard stories directly from my friends brother who was in the Superdome during the storm. I can see how mob mentality set in rather quick; not sure how anyone who wasn't there can sit back and judge them. It's much better to sit back and be righteous on the Internet about how much better you are. Cedar Rapids is at best 100,000 people and not all of them are displaced. Plus they only had the flood to deal with, not Cat 5 winds that level your entire region. The POTUS was on site shortly after and ordered troops onsite the next day. The police never left the Cedar Rapids area either, maintaining a level of security during the entire flood. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  16. Trying to get a job for Fox News? Great spin job. Sorry, the claims came from the original poster and those that backed him up. Nice leap thou trying to claim I'm racist, care to toss in "I know you are but what am I" as well? I have to go into a meeting, but I'll have to find the claims that refute the comparison to Katrina that the media has broadcast as well maybe later on today. Don't have any more time for interwebs arguments right now. Meanwhile, I present this: _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  17. Somehow you overlooked my statement where that attitude HAS been broadcasted from Iowa, Northern Illinois and Wisconsin. It's not as loud as it was in NOLA because the devastation is not ANYWHERE close to what it was from the hurricane. I did see one person say "I hope we don't have a repeat of NOLA with Fema here." I'm certain it's selective attention to the topic, and I'm certain that deep rooted racism is encouraging people to make these wild claims. Ignorance tends to blind people from the truth. Another thing to think about with the flooding. Ever since the storms hit Iowa and Wisconsin, this area knew the flooding was coming. In fact we knew pretty much the exact day the cresting would hit the area. Further damage was prevented by simple sandbagging of the levee and around buildings. Most towns in this tri-state area around channel rivers have a 500 year flood plan because it's happened before and we knew it will happen again. Since the last time was in 1993 reaction time was great because we saw what inaction did last time. The people along the Gulf had no such options. Basically they had to grab what they could and run, and hope they ran the right direction because no one knew exactly where it was going to land or turn once it did. By ways of comparison, Northern Illinois damage will have been fixed by the end of the year, Wisconsin will have most of their damage fixed by then as well (the Dells area will be fixed by next spring), and Iowa will take till next Spring for all the damage as well. Meanwhile in 2008 we still have entire neighborhoods in LA that haven't received any restoration efforts yet. Most insurance claims up here will be settled by the end of next year while in LA the insurance companies are trying to claim that they don't need to pay for anything. Again, there is a world of difference between the worst natural disaster this country has ever seen, and some flooding. Even if the media wants to take one person's quote on the comparison and run it as their opening headline, it doesn't mean it is true. I think some people have forgotten just how huge Katrina was and just how massive the damage was. And if you believe those that have left the Bush Administration, there was a massive failure to prepare and handle that Hurricane. Do you think that Michael Brown was the scapegoat because the local governments screwed up? I'm sorry, but the ignorance surrounding to these claims really gets to me. This is really an apple to oranges comparison. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  18. One other thing on the looting, since you didn't take a few seconds to search on Google. Since the flooding was localized, it was easy to put up blockades and force people to wait in line for hours to register to re enter their neighborhood. If you didn't have a wrist band on, you went to jail until they could sort things out. It's also a lot easier to control a city in Iowa than it is one of the largest cities in the country that had to move almost the entire population hundreds of miles away. Most people in this area only had to move away by a mile. Then there was the 1993 flood that prepared most of this area on how to react to this sort of tragedy. And despite all that, there was still opportunist crimes in the area around the midwest floods. There really is no comparison to Katrina here. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  19. Apparently you haven't been watching the media all that close. To save you 30 seconds of search time on Google, I can tell you the news broadcasting out of Chicago shows people in Iowa, Northern Illinois and Wisconsin all begging for help. They haven't had to complain loudly because GW was on the ground shortly after the disaster happened and ordered help there that was on site with supplies within a few days. The other difference is that everyone knew the water would flow back into the river once the rains stopped. In NOLA no one was sure just how long the water would be around, then you had all the little problems a Cat5 hurricane produces. But I wonder why the people who are still waiting on ANY help at all are complaining in NOLA??? Oh ya: Luckily the media jumped all over this and the items will be returned. But nice job of jumping on the viral, racist email bandwagon. I guess this is why those Nigerian lottery emails still get replies. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  20. I'm asking because every time someone starts to toss out real world examples, they are accused of cherry picking and some NRA sponsored numbers are tossed out. I personally cannot make an informed, very well educated opinion without all the facts. Now, I've not dedicated as much time to pursue the numbers like the fanatics on this website and figured they would know of such a pool of information. If not, it makes me wonder how people toss around only half the story. It makes me think that if those numbers exist and are not presented that this is all spin. But if those numbers don't exist I have to wonder why the research hasn't been put up yet, especially when there is a chance they can help your argument. Am I making sense or just rambling.... _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  21. Yes, it would be fluff if it stands alone. I would like to see comparisons and empirical conclusions. Just showing one side is, well, one sided. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  22. Do they keep a database of crimes that were NOT prevented when the person had a gun on them or in the house? The data is one sided if there is nothing to compare it to. Not picking a fight with you John, but you need both sets of data to make a valid point. Otherwise it's just NRA fluff. BTW, Someone in Chicago is pissed:,daleygun062608.article BTW, Daley is pushing to have his brother in the Gov Seat next election, could be dual Daley's in power here soon. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  23. There is video proof of McCain doing that. I would like to see your proof of Obama doing it. Not some stupid viral email, but real solid links to information. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  24. Interesting that Scalia feels that "The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it" should be interpreted but the 2nd shouldn't. It makes me question on how he will approach the 4th since he is a strong proponent of textualism. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....
  25. So much for those 'crazy' activist liberal democrats. _________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again.....