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Everything posted by StearmanR985

  1. Interesting. For what ever reason, I seem to prefer the steeper glide angle. Oh well, we are all different. BTW, my necklace is still treating me well.
  2. Spectre 150 loaded at 1.4:1 Winds: A good 10 mph PRO packed Jumped once so far (damn work gettin in the way) My initial reaction is that this is truly a great canopy!! Opening was nice and soft. It responds very quickly to toggle input. Turns are fast but altitude does appear to drop quite rapidly with hard turns. Front riser turns take a bit of effort to initiate but once established it seemed easy to control the rate of turn. I did not attempt to make a hard turn on fronts at this time so I do not know what kind of pressure it would take to maintain a hard turn. The canopy responded very well to rear riser input as well. You can plane it out, if you so desire, with very little rear riser effort. I found the best part to be in the flare. Flare power is far more than I expected. When I first started my flare the canopy responded immediately. In fact, I had to hold it for bit as I got closer to the ground before finishing. By the time I did tip toe down (sort of), I was only at half brakes. I realize the 10 mph wind was helping but the flare response still thoroughly impressed me over the Saber2 170 and my Tri 175. Even though I have only jumped it once so far I feel that this will probably be the one I purchase. I fell in love with it from the moment I first pulled on the toggles. Once my hands were in the toggles and I started experimenting I felt right at home. That's my take thus far. Any comments?
  3. ROFLMAO I have done that, more than once...... Thanks for posting!!
  4. Well, if what I have read is indeed true about the Spectre I have an idea that I will not need to demo anything else anyway. Something tells me it will most likely be the canopy for me. I am aware of the situation with the Lodi incident jumper last year. In fact a friend of mine was one of the first on the scene to assist. I would hate to have this thread go bad so can we forget I said anything about the "other" canopy? Sometimes I just don't know when to STFU. Thanks for the replies and the concerns over safety, and yes, I really do mean it. Jeff
  5. Hey Iwan, One of these days I really will get out to Byron... Been so busy as of late that it is hard to leave the home DZ though. I am most definitely aware that I still have much to learn under any kind of canopy. Have a great day!!! Jeff
  6. Would you mind elaborating a bit on this point for me please? The reason I ask is that a 150 Stiletto has been made available for me to try as well. It is good to get a heads up on what to expect between the two canopies. Thanks for replying, Jeff
  7. Hmm, does this mean no tucking the nose and maybe pulling the slider slightly away from the nose?
  8. First, I need to thank RC at Action Air for getting me set up with these demos, he has been very helpful. Looking forward to now being able to compare the Sabre2 demo with the Sepctre. I have not found any negative reviews on the Spectre but I would still like to know if there might be something to watch out for as compared to jumping my 'OLD' Tri 175. Words of wisdom would be appreciated. Jeff
  9. :5:1 One case owed for first "DEMO" jump early Saturday evening. AWESOME!!! All I can say. I shall pay up this coming Saturday with my usual, a case each of Budweiser, Coors and Sierra Nevada. Gotta take care of my skydivin' buddies!!!
  10. SON OF A SON OF A SAILOR Always has been, always will be. But I love 'em all. Maybe we can get a Buffet Boogie going on somewhere....... Jeff
  11. My daughter is ten, she goes to the DZ with me all the time. She goes unsupervised quite often while there as well. She knows 'the rules' and the fact I will come down on her like a ton of bricks if she does not follow them. Kids are welcome at our DZ, most of my fellow jumpers are quite friendly with the children running around. There is a play set there for them as well. Jeff
  12. It was good but I did not get to jump as much as I would have liked. Hurt my self playing racquet ball earlier in the week so I had to take it easy. Anyhow, the canopy is quite fun but I was still having a bit of trouble with flare timing. I got some video and could see that I was snap flaring a bit and not flaring ALL the way at times. Those are 'me' problems and not issues with the canopy though. It has great response to toggle input and it is VERY FUN to fly and land with. I did not notice a 'powerful' flare unless I put a bit of extra speed on it either using dbl. fronts or doing a light carve. With either of these approaches the flare had LOTS more power. In fact on one landing I still needed to bleed off some speed just as my feet were about to touch the ground so I gave the toggles an extra tug and bam, I was 8 feet off the ground. Now that was a powerful flare!! I am looking forward to checking out the Spectre, hopefully soon. Oh, there is a third canopy I will be checking out as well. Jeff
  13. Thanks Gary, I have been guilty of not flaring all the way (not realizing it) and flaring a bit high at times with the Tri (not so much as of late though). It is probably one or a combo of both of these issues with the Sabre 2. I would imagine I just need to get used to the visual difference of approach angle and speed versus the Tri. I know I am close as my landings weren't too shabby but I want perfection damn it!! I'll get Lorrie (my SO) to get my landings on video, if I can't figure it out from there I'll hit up Ed or one of the other instructors for assistance. Jeff
  14. I nor anyone else will be modifying anything on the canopy. I will check for deflection though just for the experience of seeing it if it is there. I'll get some video and hopefully find someone with experience to watch my landings and advise on flare points. I do believe I will be ordering one these canopies though. It sure is fun!! Thanks
  15. Hey guys thanks for the input. I didn't mean to imply that I needed to carve for better landings I just enjoy doing small front riser carves and it just happened that I noticed the flare to be a bit easier to work with. I assume that the best way to check brake line slack is during flight? How much slack do you think is appropriate? If there is too much slack, is there and appropriate way to double wrap the lines around your hands? Again, thanks. Jeff
  16. Anyone know of a canpoy control course in the area? If not, anyone interested in getting one set up?
  17. My demo did indeed arrive on Friday and I was able to jump it 7 times this weekend. All landings were walk outs and nothing is broke. I will be doing a dozen more within the next 10 days. Observations as compared to my Tri 175: More forward speed. Cut into the wind much better. Lost altitude quicker with any type of turn. Canopy reaction to toggle input was quite smooth. Turns are tight. Flare is controlled and smooth, but sometimes not as powerful as expected which leads to my request for advice. I found my 'best' flares to be after a gentle front riser carve. The increased speed over the Tri was fun (a bit intimidating but only at first) and was quite easy to bleed off. Also, there was good 'feel' to toggle input during flare with this type of approach. On my 7th jump I did a straight and easy (no fronts) approach (due to setting up way to high ) and found this to be my 'worst' flare. I did not really get the power flare I was expecting and had to jog this one out. I used a two stage flare on this one, perhaps I started the first stage just a bit too high. How about some valuable advice: Sabre 2, a two stage flare or a smooth from start to finish flare? So far. The two stage does not seem the way to go but I do only have 7 jumps on it. Also, my first step seems to be a bit of a hard impact. I have not figured out if I am flaring a little high still or if maybe I am reaching with my foot. Do you think the start point of flare for the Sabre 2 is a bit lower than with a Tri? It sure seems that way to me so far... Alright fellow jumpers, bring it: All useful advice would be appreciated.
  18. I have used a vacuum to pack, it works beautifully. To avoid sucking up any lines and/or fabric I used a a fairly low power vacuum with a small nozzel.
  19. Ed Pawlowski (Bodypilot1) He kept it real, safe and instilled confidence. Very important I think. Yep, still my favorite even if he does get mad at me for my canopy 'issues'. Jeffrey
  20. Me too. In fact, I just wish there were canopy control courses around this area period.
  21. I am not that experienced yet. But I am hoping to do a little packing at my DZ this late spring and summer if they'll let me. Nothing wrong with a little extra cash right?
  22. This may belong in talk back but I can't help it. Just got the call this morning that my demo is on the way and may even be here by Friday afternoon. I am so excited I can barely stand it!!!! Now, if I can just land it without breaking any bones........ Jeff
  23. Hey, I am just following the list..... If something happens just kick me to the side out of everyone's way, it'll heal eventually. If something really bad happens, just push me to the side, cover me with a little dirt , give my rig to a needy student and call it good. BTW, I am willing the remainder of my jump tickets to you, if you want them. J/K of course. Jeff