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Everything posted by tcnelson

  1. and opposed by the we'll do anything to win democrats "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  2. that's not censorship; it's speculation. how do you know, or any other dem, that was the reason? "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  3. if you think you're proficient, go for it. i started quarter front riser turns at about 60 jumps and my first canopy was/is a sabre2 170 at wing load 1.25 at about 25 jumps. i've had no probs in 3 years (love the sabre2 btw). keep your head and think analytically; if it scares you too much, don't do it or do it high! "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  4. figured i'd ask you guys first (seemed plausible to me) "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  5. i'm interested in buying a rawa camera helmet for a pc105 and i would like to know if rawa will custom build the box for a 60 mm diameter wide angle lens. i'm trying to avoid buying a new lens. thanx. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  6. no thank you for your drugged-up-interpretation of the world around us all...if you're not good at science, don't try to make a philosophical statement based on it. ps. skydivers' balls are the same size as most others...we just like to have more fun. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  7. nowhere is one word; and i'm glad there are other thinkers out there... Ted "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  8. i'd take her over terry mcauliffe (whiney bitch) any day. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  9. i'm a senior at wright state university in ohio and i am a chemistry major. i took general chem for a science requirement while i was a psychology major and i liked chem better than psy. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  10. i've seen that one before too; it's the one that looks like its winter time or somethin' right? Ted "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  11. not surprised; most idiots think bush is doing a bad job. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  12. oops; another retard who can't obey policy....i fell so obligated to cry out for him....nope; too busy watching olav and the circus pull off another amazing jump.... "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  13. liberal morons to cause me 2.75 trillion headaches..... "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  14. i got to get the lead out today at sgc for the frist time in two months. two headdown jumps; albeit from a cessna 182 at 8500. the best part was having dinner with dropzone friends afterwards while the rest of the crowd wondered why we were having so much fun.....i love skydiving.....and drinking. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  15. so what should we read smart guy? the new york times, watch cnn; cause they're all unbiased and good sources of info, right? "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  16. yeah, that's what capatilism is all about....everything for securtiy.....and oh yeah, nothing is ever the fault of the failure. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  17. i'm an intermitent law huh?...i'm sure it beats quantum mechanics....i'm already struggling to keep up. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  18. that's a nice rifle.....makes my old m24 308 seem like a mortar
  19. my high school mascot was an should be ashamed.....the best shot i can recount for me was spearing a dime at 150 yds without breaking the outer edge. i had to put an orange sticker on it so that i could see it thru the m24 fixed ten. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  20. VERY is a relative term and oh yeah....AIRASSAULT! "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  21. well no wonder you're a liberal....8 years at SERE school would make anyone crazy. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  22. damn paige, i didn't know how you felt about politics. i should have talked to you instead of slide my truck into a ditch. "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  23. i served my country for five years as a marksman in the army "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  24. you're right on a ball-bag -Ted "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329
  25. i hope you're not! "Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329