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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. We have our standards, you know.
  2. Did you just admit that you are a Christian White Supremacist? That is the "us", you know.
  3. Divert, Ignore, Transfer blame, Scream Fake news or whatever it takes to not confront his held views.
  4. Next up: indicator species like spotted owls and marbled murrelets. Sorry Charlie, weird birds cost less than trees. Let's run that road along that river and get 'er done! Salmon? Fuck 'em.
  5. Then we must stop lest we offend delicate sensibilities.
  6. Jesus Jerry, August 17 is the Topless Taco Festival at Watershed. What kind of Neanderthals are these people?
  7. Crap! Why us again? We make beer and wine and go to strip clubs. How is that pissing off anyone?
  8. Sure Counselor, that's the way it is. He's just an honest merchant hawking his wares with no suggestive purpose implied. Thanks for setting me straight.
  9. Holy Shit! Same as Roger Nelson.
  10. Missing: As a Christian I can not support the incitement of gun violence against anyone. To do so on a billboard against four young women of color, who are also the duly elected representatives of their congressional districts, is especially reprehensible. The God I worship and advocate loves us all equally. He gave us free will so that we might have our own thoughts and ideas and then come to him for salvation. I personally know the gun shop owner who purchased the billboard. This very day I intend to explain to him why such an ad is an offense not only against four innocent young women and the very fabric of our society but is also an offense against the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  11. JoeWeber


    Thanks. I should have wiki'd it instead of going with what I remembered. Maybe that's why they fired me.
  12. OAN is reporting that Hillary Clinton was observed delivering a pizza to his cell just before he was found dead. An unnamed source, identified as Q, said that he apparently choked to death on a piece of Canadian bacon. Goddamn Canadians!
  13. I think the problem now is knowing your 15 minutes of fame is just a few trigger pulls away. Something else not contemplated in Scalia's screed.
  14. JoeWeber


    In that context I think it's the process not the tool. You use a long 2X4 or such and finish the surface by working it back and forth across the top of the forms.
  15. I know. So frustrating.
  16. It's not certain that any limited regulation will turn into full scale confiscation. I want to keep my guns. I simply don't believe it is likely at all that banning assault rifles and high capacity magazines is the first step to my losing my guns. Not in America. To be completely honest, I think a complete ban isn't necessary. Derek V. is a friend. It might not seem it the way we disagree about assault weapons and the second amendment. But I know him to be a stand up guy. He's smart and without question we see eye to eye on some important safety issues. He spent six years in the military, is familiar and comfortable with assault weapons and I think stays current firing them. If someone in the neighborhood must have one he'd be a first choice. I don't know you personally and without question we are in full on disagreement on what the second amendment is about. But, you are clearly smart, you've spent 20 years as a Ranger, have an MBA, lock up your guns, aren't a religious extremist and are probably in the zero percent category for committing a mass shooting. Again, if someone on the block needs to own one you are a good choice. Who knows, maybe you'd be able to save me before you saw who it was. I think most people who think controlling access to assault weapons would see clear to certain people owning them. Honestly Brent, sometimes I think you'd be happy if they were sold in 3 packs at Costco and the ammo came in 10 gallon pails and react poorly, I agree. Surely there is some place short of the extremes where reasonable people can meet.
  17. Because it's in quotes it's true? Because otherwise it's just self serving malarkey. I'll bite, which truth sayer are you quoting? Not true. My point is that faith based truth systems are fairly useless when it comes to addressing reality. You continue to dance around the question because there is nothing you could say beyond its gods will, they're in a better place and yada, yada, yada.
  18. How much crazier can it get? Apparently it is all true and they really did have the orphaned baby fetched for a photo op. How could anyone look at the photo and not be ashamed of this President? What possibly could you be receiving from Trump that is worth the trade of our nations dignity?
  19. What an embarrassment these people are for our country. Trump giving a grinning thumbs up and Melania smiling away holding an orphaned baby at the Hospital in El Paso. If the article is true the White House asked for the baby, who was previously discharged, to be brought to the hospital. Absolute sociopaths. Please, someone debunk this. As much as I loath Trump that would be better.
  20. Or MS-13 gangbangers. After all, it doesn't state "shall not be infringed" except for you. That is your position, right?
  21. There wasn't one. There was a simple misunderstanding over a poorly drawn metaphor.
  22. That's just plain nuts, professor. Why read the damn thing? We're all in the army now, SCOTUS said so.
  23. Do you mean Democrats? For sure they'll lose.