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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. If you are correct that the numbers of ICU beds in America is sufficient, what then is your plan for distributing the sick to available beds in each state?
  2. And today he's calling it a National Emergency. Christ, what a tool.
  3. Turtle, one last time: you have way less money than you think and it is worth way less than you believe. You can't take money to the grave but you can take financial security to the grave. There are no circumstances when dying with money in the bank is not preferable to dying with no money in the bank. Play it safe.
  4. I guess Keith has experience in those positions which is great stuff. I do not. But I've traveled Asia plenty and that's what forms my opinion. For example, sitting down at the fanciest Dim Sum restaurant in Kowloon and watching people spit their chicken bones and other inedibles on the floor. In that same restaurant the bathroom was at the back of the kitchen where you passed the cooks chopping chickens to bits on the floor. Buffets are reach with your hands affairs where you might just lift your kid up to do the same. Unless the world has changed in the last few years it's easy to see how things spread quickly there. And like it or not some of these viruses can jumped to humans.
  5. Oh lovely, here we go again. Tell us all about your entrepreneurial efforts in New York.
  6. Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe he just likes lions.
  7. Well, I've spent no time in those positions. And no, we don't need another panic. But that won't stop perception from doing it's thing. Stay cool, the world won't hear it first on Speakers Corner.
  8. Right. That's not the way it works there. We went to Hong Kong in advance of the Beijing Olympics just to see things knowing that Hong Kong would be a gateway city. There was standing in a queue politely Tuesday's, no spitting in the corner Thursday's, that sort of thing. Not a dent. Bottom line: you got nothing you take what you need to live. That's Asia. When we jumped into the new, under construction, Suvarnabhumi Airport for World Team the government announced that no birds would be a problem. The workers would just eat them. Bada Bing.
  9. Sure, but those are two of four strains believed to be zoonotic. I don't know how much time you've spent in Asia but the markets are amazing places. Basically, if it creeps, crawls, burrows, swims or fly's it goes into the pot. Covid-19 was a zoonotic transfer. One more and panicked fleeing may be the order of the day.
  10. (DAILY MAIL UK) – ‘Highly pathogenic’ bird flu has broken out in two Chinese provinces near Hubei since the beginning of the month as Beijing struggles to contain the novel coronavirus currently ravaging the country. Nearly 2,000 fowl were killed by the H5N6 strain of avian influenza on a poultry farm in Sichuan Province, Chinese agricultural authority announced yesterday. Just eight days earlier, 4,500 chickens were reported to have died of H5N1 virus in the province of HunanFour outbreaks of H5N6 bird flu were also reported in western China’s Xinjiang in January alone.The latest outbreak in Sichuan took place at a county called Xichong in Nanchong City, which is about 12 hours from Wuhan by car. H5N1 and H5N6 are thought to be zoonotic viruses.
  11. JoeWeber


    Love for a peaceful God?
  12. Nope. airdvr cast another Obama aspersion ("Still think Obama is responsible for the economy?") and I simply wanted to sort out how much and how he actually participated in the economy. As conversations on SC are want to do it quickly spiraled down the toilet with evasive non-answers. Now I suppose if you took both ends of a spiral and pulled tight you'd get a linear so maybe you are right, I don't know, people are saying. And, by the by, non-linear thinking used to be called scatter brained. Isn't that interesting? WWIWW2WW3
  13. Bill, Bill, Bill. Llib, LlIb, LlIb. Bill, Bill, Bill. See what I'm saying? No? Then let me spell it out for you, things go both ways. Capeesh? Comprende? Verstehen?
  14. JoeWeber


    I have my latex glove on, index finger dipped in Astrolube, and stand ready for your screening Coreece. Possible? It's all about the message you send. Sorry, he's a damn idiot and no leader no matter who is delivering his message.
  15. JoeWeber


    In the coming Ronpocolypse toilet paper will be the new currency, think shit-coin if that helps, where one sheet will be worth one Top Ramen. A whole roll is like salvation so just imagine having a case stashed.
  16. I hear that. I usually start the day in the 80's. By the third hole it's often 90 or more but that's just because I'm getting short on balls.
  17. Hell if I can remember. You any good at golf?
  18. Entrepreneurial Commercial Real Estate as in with your own money and if you screw up your employees suffer hard? Are you a developer who has survived a few recessions and presidents? If that's the case then you definitely have seen a lot of how things work.
  19. Not this election, absolutely not. It's not just a matter of hating Trump, Turtle, I hate what he is doing to our nation. I hate what he is doing to our fellow citizens. I hate what he is doing to our courts and the rule of law in our country. I hate that we are an International laughing stock with a ridiculous buffoon for President. And last, but not least, I hate his stupid hair-do.
  20. Idealism is a powerful force, especially among the ignorant. I recall being a dumb ass kid, too young to vote, going door to door for Bobby Kennedy and believing it with every fibre in my body. Didn't have a clue what I was believing, mind you, but I damn sure believed it was the right stuff to believe.
  21. I'm more thinking about Bernies supporters staying home on game day, not the primaries.
  22. I'm hoping that we'll look back on this morning and see an inflection point. I'm hoping that while there is still time to cool their jets Bernie tells his supporters that, for the good of the nation, he is dropping out and endorsing Joe Biden. Unfortunately, like most politicians, he is too selfish to put the nation above his own aspirations. But hope in one hand and spit in the other, as they say.
  23. Obviously. And that short sighted view is why we have Donald J. Trump as our President.