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Everything posted by Dagny

  1. Is this really a problem? Do people have so many presents that we need our trees to be flipped to accomodate them? I need a tree with NO space for presents underneath that way no one will be disappointed to see so much empty space! Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  2. Thanks, Linz, for the mention. Seeking out a Do physician for management of musculoskeletal dysfunction is a great idea. I've seen one for hip pain from running and non-surgical management of an ACL tear. In working with a family physician last month, we used manipulations to treat chronic pain. It's not always a permanent fix, but it can be depending on the source of pain. We can do the spinal cracking of chiro fame and soft tissue/muscle energy techniques common among physical therapists while managing your medical problems. It's worth looking into. In fact, many DO's have worked out billing through insurance and know how to code the therapy so it doesn't all come out your pocket. Here's a way to see if there are any in your area: Find a D.O. My only other recommendation is to be aware of the limitations of chiropractors. For example, I'm working in pediatrics right now and just saw a young girl who was the restrained driver of a motor vehicle accident a month ago. She came in complaining of jaw and neck pain. Her chiro has been treating her for whiplash injury and stated that she likely has TMJ problems. He sent her to us so we could order an MRI for her. When I examined her, the TMJ issue wasn't apparent as there weren't any signs of it, but her raging ear infection sure seemed to have a lot to do with the pain. That is their limitation, so you may see a chiro, but also have to see a MD/DO. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  3. Damn, man, that is cool! You and linz are now officially my heroes. I hope to emulate you one day soon. Hope I have good news next year, too! Now, go enjoy some beer!!! Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  4. From what I understand, Sams and Costco and any store that has a "membership" has the right to stop you at the door because you paid for and, thereby, agreed to abide by their rules. That means you really are supposed to stop at the door and let them count your items and mark your receipt. However, other stores you shop (like Best Buy, for example) don't have the right to stop you at the door to search your bag or view your receipt. I tried this once with some friends at a K-mart. We walked past the guy without stopping, but he started yelling and followed us out the door. We finally stopped and he highlighted the receipt along with a 20 minute lecture on how it stops theft or something. Legally, though, you can walk out of any store but one of the membership only places and do it without any real repurcussions. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  5. Kris is ten feet tall and bulletproof and has the Messican Cajones to prove it. Personally, I think he needs our prayer and vibes. Someone's gotta put a good word in for him. Tonight, Kris decapitated Jesus! Oh, he SAYS he was only trying to fix the crucifix on my chain, a memento from my catholic school days. According to him, it was bent and he was simply repairing it. But, when I saw the body of Jesus separated from His head, I knew that Kris was one bad ass dude. Immediately, I dropped to my knees and prayed for the redemption of his soul. He simply laughed. Foolish boy. Please pray for his forgiveness. Seriously. How big a sin is it to decapitate the Son of God? Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  6. I believe in karma. I try to be a person and do good things in life. If karma exists, than it's all good. And, if it doesn't, than at least I can feel good about myself and sleep well at night. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  7. There are a lot of ducks and ducklings around my apartment complex, but there is a policy in place that they keep hollerin' about to not feed them. They generate too much poop, or something. Basically, all it means is that we feed 'em when no one is looking. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  8. Many ***VIBES***, Joe. Keep faith. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  9. They're hairy enough! I'd like to see you take on an epilady without a shot of whiskey to help you through! Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  10. I liked serving tables. If you like getting cash nightly, then it's not bad. But, you definitely have to be able to deal with people in bad moods who blame you for things outside of your control, slow times punctuated by mad hectic times during the lunch and dinner rush, and deal with walking out with 10-15% in total tips knowing you deserve more than that, it's all good. I liked the people I worked with, the company I worked for, and talking to and serving customers. Mostly, it was good. Sometimes, it wasn't. My only advice...do your best to get employed by a middle or upper class restaurant. By all means, avoid the lower end restaurants. Understand, too, that making decent money comes with dinner shifts more than lunch shifts, typically, and sometimes, due to lack of superiority, you might not get a lot of dinner shifts at first. At least, that's how it was for me. Lot's of lunches (take home $20) and the occassional dinner (take home $60+), but over time I was able to pick up more lucrative shifts. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  11. Per Merriam Webster: Etymology: French réfugié, past participle of (se) réfugier to take refuge, from Latin refugium : one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution The word refugee does not preclude someone from being an American Citizen. The people of New Orleans, in fleeing, to escape danger, or an inept power that didn't fully prepare the city for a hurricane greater than a 3, became refugees...or evacuees...or displaced...or temporarily homeless...or whatever it is you prefer to call them. BUT, it does not make any of those titles racist. Besides, living in a state other than Louisiana is a lot like living in a foreign country. Trust me. Anyone who doesn't know how to make a good roux or properly boil crawfish just ain't right. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  12. Considering that this country was founded by refugees and continues to grow with refugees, I think it's racist to discriminate against refugees by calling them second class or not American citizens. The surgeon I'm working with this month is a "refugee" from another country. I'm fairly certain he'd be relatively unhappy to hear that a refugee is not equivalent to a citizen. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  13. I'm so annoyed about these pics. First of all, the pics were online only and came from two different sources, so can't really be compared. I know that one came from the AP, but I believe the other came from the AFP or something of that nature. But, if we're just talking about the perception and the color of those people's skin, then I'd like to say that I don't believe the so-called "white" woman who was finding food as opposed to looting was caucasian. She looks as if she could be a light-skinned "black woman" or "latina". And maybe she isn't, but I think the whole race issue being brought into a natural disaster is absolutely ridiculous. Race relations are bad enough in New Orleans without feeding the notion that looting is due compensation for oppression or that assistance didn't come fast enough because NOLA is a poor town or by perpetuating the race divide by exploiting photographs and captions from two independent news sources or making inflammatory accusations and proclamations to media. Seriously, it has to stop. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  14. I call BS. Though that has been a long-standing rumor with a ton of unique variations (the city's gonna blow the levees on the westbank to save the city, I'm sure you've heard that one), it's completely unsubstantiated and total heresay. Besides, even if there was going to be a purposeful levee breach, it wouldn't have been the 17th st canal. Besides there is no distinct "wealthy" part of New Orleans. Not enough to divert floodwaters from it and drown the poor...especially considering how incorporated the section 8 and "wealthy" sections are already. Fun theory, and I love a good conspiracy too, but it's just not substantiated. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  15. Very cool, man, thanks. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  16. Hotels aren't housing hurricane refugees for free, trust me. My sister and her husband couldn't afford a hotel for more than two days. Now they're in a trailer. Two friends of mine are students and couldn't afford a hotel, so they're crashing with some out-of-state friends. And my aunt and uncle were taken in by some woman in Arkansas because all the hotels were booked or too expensive. I just don't want anyone to think that hotels aren't turning a profit by taking in refugees of the storm. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  17. I heard slidell is almost completely under water. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  18. I don't think asking why New Orleans continued to develop a city that exists below sea level is any more pertinent than asking why people build near fault lines or in areas frequented by tornados. The city was developed long before it's relation to the water level became an issue and, being a popular city, continued to grow. I think N.O. has done a good job of holding back a tragedy of this proportion. I mean, the last major hurricane to hit the area was Betsy almost 40 years ago and it didn't result in damage this severe. My family has had our house there for the last 22 years and, in that time, have flooded only once or twice (in inches, not feet, of water) and have never had a hurricane hit the city dead on like this one. The levee and pump system has worked fantastically for a long time. I don't see living there as being any different than involving oneself in a sport where a major F up could have dire consequences. You recognize the risk and you proceed with caution, but you keep on. That's how I view New Orleans, a city that always knew the risk, but kept on. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  19. Quoting CNN: When I worked the dome during Hurricane Georges in '98, the people in the dome became crazy restless, bordering on hostile, in wanting to leave after the storm. I can only imagine, given the current conditions, that things are much worse now. They're going to have to be careful because once that many people set their mind to leave and decide to just go for it, it's going to be more than the national guard can handle. (despite the fact that they do a damn good job policing restless crowds) Hopefully they'll evacuate everyone (to where, I just have no idea) before the situation becomes newsworthy. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  20. I heard that a large part of Metairie is flooded. But, it may include only the area closest to the 17th street canal and the Lake. I did hear, though (third hand) that Rummell high school was dry. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  21. Can you actually reach your family? I talked to my parents for the first time in two days because the stupid phones won't work. I can't reach the rest of my family or my friends to see if they're all alive and well and dry and safe. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  22. Yeah, new orleans is in a bad way. All my friends and family got out and I'm thankful for that. I'm devestated over this whole thing. The flooding, the houses, the personal belongings, the cars, the dead people floating in the water, the destruction, the loss of jobs and the delay in schools...my poor city. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  23. Yes, please. Grilled.
  24. Lake Pontchartrain is brackish. And fire ants...and sharks, apparently. Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali
  25. Wow. That's a lot of happiness. Glad you weren't that happy on our wedding night! Seriously, now, do I have to put you on contact precautions? Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic. -Salvador Dali