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Everything posted by Kirils

  1. Parachutes of France finally answered my inquiry. The Transfair reserve chute is not TSO'd... Anyone want to buy a cheap reserve?? (grin) Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  2. I am not familiar with this... More info please! I use soft links BECAUSE I can easily get my slider down behind me! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  3. I am always more comfortable jumping a canopy that has been out for a few years. There really is no advantage buying "the latest, greatest" canopy. There have been too many designs shown to be flawed after the initial marketing effort to warrent buying something 'hot off the press"! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  4. Pat Works always talks about "relaxing and letting the wind mold your body". Nothing could be more true in your skydiving education. It applys to the basic arch as well as more complex free fly manuvers! Try jumping from the plane with your eyes closed and feeling the wind, letting it mold your body... (don't forget to open them though...grin) Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  5. I haven't jumped a ZP, but had a similar experience on a Sabre. I shared the chute with a friend and it opened hard at first and I wouldn't jump it. Then over 100+ jumps it softened and I would use it again. The packing technique changed with the opening chacteristics. From Psycho with a tail roll and nose stuff, to just tail roll and nose stuff. Then a a Pro pack with the slider out front and center cell out front. Now my buddy cut a circle in the center of the slider! It's strange... You might want to think about a slider mod or some BASE mods!! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  6. That's a big step in canopy performance. Have you jumped an eliptical before?? I would advise some transitional jumps before using the Cobalt 120... Fly a 150 Cobalt before downsizing, if you don't have eliptical experience. I don't mean to rain on your parade, BUT, it is normally not a good idea to downsize and go to an eliptical design all at once. Good luck! Be very cautious. Please keep us posted about your experience. Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  7. If you buy either one without trying them both out, there will be no regrets. The Reflex is a decent rig (I own 2) and with the price being low for a Hornet....I'd go with the Reflex, if it fits, and trade in the Sabre for a new Hornet. You might want to talk to Roy at Rigs & things about it. When I bought gear from him 4 years ago, my money was tight and he put me into a new Reflex with a used Heatwave main, Tempo reserve and Dolphin and Cypress for an unbeatable price! He will work with you! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  8. On my velcroless Jav risers, I was told to just let the excess brake line flap loose.. I had one loop through itself once and now I use a rubberband to stow excess line. Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  9. Keep skydiving thriving homeside. Buy USA! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  10. I found the control range too great for me. I had to take an extra wrap of line around my hands to get a decent flare. Sell it and get a Crossfire! (grin) Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  11. I will play Devil's advocate here. I have seen jumpers with less than 100 jumps fly a lightly loaded Stiletto without any problems. With a 0.8- 1.2 loading I don't see any problems with the Stiletto. My partner started off with a Heatwave (a similar canopy) loaded at 0.8, and having 15 jumps under her belt. If you are edumacated about the inherent problems of the elipitical design, I believe the Stiletto can be flown by a novice. What I'm saying does not apply to other elipticals. Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  12. I have jumped both. The Hornet is a more versatile canopy and I think it is more fun to fly. The openings are similar. The biggest difference is the angle of decent. The Hornet flies flatter and might take a few jumps to perfect your landings. I'm not knocking the Tri, it's just that it dosen't surf very well and the Hornet has a stronger flare. I'm sure you will be impressed with the Hornet! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  13. Oh..Bill Cole REALLY did a chuteless jump (well, at least part way to the ground). Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  14. Jumping without a chute is illegal, and will get you in a lot of trouble. (grin) Check out the new book about the great jumper, bird winged suit inventor, Bill Cole. Skydiving magazine recently (Dec 2001) had an article written by Rob Price about the amazing jump and talks about the book. Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  15. I saw a Xaos on E-bay for $1200.00 (grin) Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  16. I've been attempting to perfect my sit for 3 years. One thing that bums me out is how fast I drop and how quickly the dive comes to an end. I bought a large winged sit suit from Tad's Sportsware and it has slowed me down significantly. Most belly flying lizards can stay with me, or I can drop with a head downer. It requires a lot strength in the shoulders and arms to hold the slow flight, but the speed range with this suit is fantastic! Some think that the suit is "cheating"; but it gives me more versatility than other flyers. It somthing you might consider.... Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  17. Congrats! Swooping is fun when done properly. My guess is you stepped down too early. Moderate the dive until you feel comfortable with the speed. You aren't really going any faster across the ground than in the sky. Fly the canopy across the ground. When you want to put your feet down, say "O shit!" 3 times before you step down. The canopy will fly a lot farther than you realize! Good Luck! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  18. I have recently become the owner of a new Parachutes of France Transfair 208 reserve. Is this thing jumpable here in the USA? ie...TSO'd??? Thanks! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  19. Thank you. It appears I have the Super version. I am amazed how "thin" the profile of the wing is. The reefing system is a bit crude, but the wing design is really high tech! I wish someone would update this design and market it. This canopy is incredible! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  20. Thanks, but I have made repeated requests to Chris, with no result. Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  21. Bill, the rig has a "TSE" cert. on the right riser. Any idea about that? thanks! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  22. I need some expert advise! I recently purchased a rig from a girl in England, a 2 pin Tear Drop mfg. date of 1990. I have repeatedly tried to find out if the rig is TSO'd for used here in the States. The manufacturer will not respond to my inquiry. (4 letters) I know the 1 pin Tear Drops are OK, but what about the 2 pin???? Can anyone offer me advise? Thanks! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  23. Thanks! The Evolution is really a great performer. It looks awesome in flight! I really wish they would have made it in ZP. The D bag is really a strange config, I plan on upgrading it to a more conventional deployment system. Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  24. Does anyone have experience with the Para- Flight Evolution canopy? I just purchased one and would appreciate any comments. Thanks! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...
  25. I'm stumped, I own a 160 Tri and a 150 Diablo. The front riser pressure MAY be a little less with the Diablo. Turns are much, much faster on the Diablo and openings more quirky. I'm loading at 1.4. The old timer front riser method is a great idea! Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...