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Everything posted by PrivatePyle

  1. Kinda famous DC bands: Fugazi/Minor Threat Bad Brains Pietasters represent!
  2. "You climb obstacles like old people fuck. Do you know that Pyle!?" --Gunnery Sergeant Hartman
  3. no really......that's my hair....can you say Flavah Savah!
  4. "I think rotisserie chicken is really just a morbid Ferris wheel for chickens." --M. Hedberg he was an awesome comic pvt pyle
  5. Congrats on your 100! See you in September.
  6. Don't forget your early 80's DC Punk! teen idles SOA Goverment Issue Youth Brigade iron cross minor threat * * * ----- -----
  7. Ah good ole feature creep.....You need to address the issue ASAP before your customer walks all over you. If you can't talk them into an hourly rate you will need to have them (or help them) draft up a requirements document (screenshots don't count). The document needs to be as specific as possible (detailing what functionality, services, etc. you will be providing) have them sign off on it and acknowledge that addendums will be allowed but are susceptible to fee renegotiation. Good luck!
  8. What's your work out like? Have you tried pyramids? I gained 30lbs of muscle using a routine similar to this: Bench (5 sets) 10 reps low weight 8 reps med 3 reps high 8 reps med 10 reps low weight (failing or getting close to failure on the last sets) ..and 4 sets of 8 of varying chest and tri exercises (working with enough weight to fail on the last sets). [using a similiar routine on my Back/Bi/Shoulder days] When I plateau'd I would switch to much lighter workouts for a couple weeks then go back. Curious to hear what other peoples routines are like building muscle mass as well as definition. -Pvt Pyle
  9. Tascam is a good brand name they make decent products. I had a Tascam 4 track back in 92 that worked well for me for about a year. 4 track recordings aren't going to be the cleanest things you've heard but IMO are a good starting point before you decide to invest the bigger bucks in a reel to reel or digital solution. Pvt Pyle
  10. Rollins Band -- End of Silence tour 93 w/Tool In a place about the size of my living room.
  11. The spot was not bad I was right behind him in the jump order and I got back fine from 3k, there was also a jumper behind me dumping at 13k which also made it back with out problems though he was not flying a 280. Personal attacks, attitude and all that aside the instructors intent that day was to have a safe skydive. funks could be the god damned 'Woodsy the Owl' of Skydiving Safety but that day in the eyes of his Instructors and fellow skydivers he wasn't. Obviously a poor job has been done trying to communicate that to funks. The instructors I know all have their own methods of teaching (some yell, some hand hold, etc.) but I am assured the underlying message is nothing but beneficial to the skydiver be they a student or D holder. There is stuff to be learned here (probably from both sides) whether we want to hear it or not is up to ourselves. -PvtPyle (trying to bring this thread to a close...but kinda feel like that spam email you get about stopping spam)
  12. Your post pisses me off. Most of the hangar watched your descent behind a tree line into what looked like farmer McNasty's and a car was sent (not sure if this was your friend or not) but came back later saying they couldn't find you, moments later some one said they had spotted you walking back adjacent to the hangar. Manifest was notified that you had landed off, we knew the general vicinity were you landed, someone went to go find you. As far I can tell the DZ is not at fault. In my opinion your own actions flag safety concerns. -The instructor told me you did not want to go over emergency procedures in the training harness. -When you left your goggles on the first ride up you told the instructor you wanted to jump anyway. -On the second ride up I heard your 2nd instructor of the day ask you how stable your sit was you said "very stable". I watched you exit and then immediately cork. -You made no effort to speed up your rate of decent when under canopy (and the Hop and Pop at 13k behind us did not report any problems with high winds) The only thing you should be faulting the DZ for is letting you freefly that P.O.S. Vector with the pinflap that doesn't fully close. Why you decided that that rig was freefly friendly is beyond me. I'm sorry you had a miserable experience but suggest you look to youself before you try to justify the cause of your frustrations on my DZ. -PvtPyle
  13. I had my first cutaway on jump 22 (same day as redtwiga. Hi Aviva!) Always expect it but don't let the anticaption freak you out. Easy to say I know, what helped me during and after training was focusing on what I needed to be doing at that moment all the way from getting in the plane to landing the parachute: i.e. arch, check my altimieter, keep good body position, wave off, pull, count to 3, pray, etc. If you include the training harness in your dive flow before each jump: training harness, dirt dive, mapping a landing pattern you will be putting yourself in a better position for handling the unexpected. -Private Pyle (fellow newbie)