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Everything posted by bigbearfng

  1. +1 I understand a lot of folk want to come up with a system for this, however keep in mind at a larger DZ the numbers of jumpers of which so many are visiting and some don't even speak the same language. Plus hasn't anyone heard that just getting skydivers to a dirt dive is like herding cats!?
  2. He actually said that shit!!??? If there was a DA anywhere out there that had the balls to file aid and abet charges on these type of assholes I would volunteer to be the one to cuff and stuff em!
  3. I know asking a neo-con for evidence is asking too much, but perhaps you could provide a citation. ___________________________________________ Dude! this has nothing to do with "neo-con" or anything else political! Everybody else here understands it's the privacy provisions that are putting folk in the middle of the lawyers legalese catch 22 BS again. And yes as above, when you call the hospital and ask how your family is doing, the staff is apt to not tell you anything for fear of their jobs. Probably going to make it even harder to ID john/jane does too.
  4. But a police officer also has to have good reason for doing so and in this article they did not. "in this article they did not" Hmm yea, the press always writes accurately about skydiving incidents too...... +10 with the above-need more REAL INFO.....
  5. Just wondering who else has already been caught in the middle of conflicts between public safety and hipaa. Seems like all the previous clarifications from court decisions from the old hipaa have been thrown out and now they're starting over deciding on how to interpret this boondoggle rewrite-so the conflicts between mandatory reporting of crimes/victims vs hipaa is back all over again. Sucks! OK end of rant.......
  6. Also keep in mind dust devils-and if they come in over grass or the runway there won't be any dust in them to see. They've scared the crap outta me before!
  7. Remarks of Chairman Jim Hall before the Parachute Industry Association September 20, 1997, Chattanooga, Tennessee In both of these accidents, the Safety Board found that the parachutists on the flight were not properly secured by seat belts or restraints. This was extremely important because impact forces were survivable, particularly at Perris Valley. Had the jumpers been wearing seat belts, lives may have been saved. The Safety Board made recommendations both to the FAA and to the U.S. Parachute Association following the Perris Valley and Hinckley accidents. The recommendations urged the FAA to require mandatory use of seat belts by parachutists, and develop better safety restraint systems and seating with parachutist industry. ______________________________________________ My first urge was to write a WTF; then I started to copy and paste info to answer some of your questions(easily found if you really wanted further info than the basic NTSB report) I really don't get where you're coming from with your post???? You do know that DanBC works at Perris now? +10 to Quade's post.
  8. To learn more about it they have to learn to pack their gear, inspect it, learn how it was tested, learn how it's repaired etc. It's a process that can take years or decades. _________________________________________________ And I believe that was his point-for newer jumpers they initially feel lost when it comes to gear and decisions about it and so have to rely on TSO/riggers etc and have trust in them.
  9. more uber vid.... ducking under my puke repellant umbrella now.
  10. I think I've got's that smile from the Extenze commercials! You go girl!
  11. Come on Dan, what else do you expect by now.....after all Cliffwhite is.... SUPERTROLL!!!! -------------(please don't feed the trolls.)
  12. cliffwhite has got to be the worst troll around here-lets starve him out!!!!
  13. Once again...please don't feed the trolls! If they don't get fed they might go away eventually...hopefully!!!
  14. Please don't feed the trolls!
  15. Looks fun! But then you have to break it down each time for on the lift? Hmmm, I'm picturing lift off from the top of Mammouth Mt when the winds howlin!
  16. No trolls here and I don't feed trolls.
  17. Hey clifftrollwhite.... If you want to have a real discussion about issues with your provocative posts; How bout being clear about your point? And try filling in your profile? If you want to tear at the "establishment" OK. Make people think-do the right thing. But if you want to tear at the individuals that put their butts on the line then you're pretty clueless. After having friends and family been there, with some lost and more still in harms way....... Well try mannin' up a bit and at least fill out your profile. Otherwise later troll.....
  18. Blue skies bro. You will be missed by many.....
  19. The jet's been a couple years now and the Cessna was before that. So yea it should be called rare occurences, but the "impact" of the potential sure does make a lasting impression and seems significant when it's your own butt puckering up out there!
  20. No not necessarily. You've seen it happen, ok. Now if you're going to say that this happens to be a signifcant problem, I would say you're a dorkzoner. Like I said, I've never seen it happen and no one else I know has seen it happen. Maybe they just have better traffic controllers at Perris/Elsinore? Sometimes I have to remember that all DZ's and their safety-culture are not created equal Hmmm, My home DZ is Perris and both times for me were at Perris...... Talk to Tim bout aircraft not on radio and flyin HUA...... For me-one a new pilot toolin along low and cruised under our 4 way as we opened-a slow moving 182 out and low against the ground is tough to see. (I look closer now!) Second was a small jet-blasted thru jump run between groups at bout 9000ft. He was goin fast!!!! At his speed he had to be so far away on exit I don't think anyone could know he was coming till too late. And I'm sure I looked real spastic pointin at that jet with my eyes bugged out! O boy! Can I be a dorkzoner now too?!
  21. I hope they're also giving you FATS training? And no not calling anyone fat! That's firearms training system.
  22. My only criticism of Crowley is he used poor tactics....if Gates was a bad guy with a partner in the res Crowley as an initial responding single man unit may well have been toast. Personally.....(having worked patrol as a single man unit with some ah shit I fucked up tactics on that one and I'm really lucky to be alive moments) Report of Burg in progress-2 of them-ask for BU en rt. first one encountered in res-uncoop, refuses to show ID-(gun drawn on entry please) , he gets tazed or OCed (or if a weapon shows he gets shot) and cuffed. wait for back and then clear the rest of the res. at gunpoint. Sort out the rest of who he is after you're code 4! (Loudly verbalize all commands and make sure your digital recorder is rolling) So Crowley was actually being pretty low key at risk of his own neck........ And Gates/Obama would really be yelling if the above tactics were followed! (Too bad!) Hmmm, OK I figure someone here's gonna pick apart the above tactics So I'll just say it now-then please don't work patrol cause you probably won't last long!
  23. Fact is anyone-no insurance, even no ID, no english, etc etc goes to an ER and they will be treated! (And most have already figured that out.) Even admitted to the hospital, surgery done and then discharged just like anyone else. Now who do you suppose that cost is passed on to???? You and me! So I guess there is already de facto universal coverage for all........
  24. Go to the site; off to the right is the jukeboxes-all the way to the 40's!!!! Glenn Miller band just for you!