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Everything posted by SeaKev

  1. I'll take your request into consideration. Good! I hope thats sincere 'cause when I show up wearing nothing but my body paint, my brass nipple guards, and waste chain... I would suspect you would keep your distance, not stare and keep your camera in your pocket. I'll keep my camera in my pocket.
  2. I'll take your request into consideration.
  3. How 'bout'll be worth it!
  4. No no no, MORE Goldschlager must be chugged this time! Last year was far too tame. What are you trying to say?
  5. 7:32am. I was sleeping in that day. Definitely a morning person. Hmmm....I wonder if they'll let me do a wake-up call at LP?
  6. I'm all about peer pressure! Not to mention all about postwhoring to bump this thread up. C'mon, people, it was idle for almost 10 hours! Alright, Gia. It's time to suck it up and get your jump on. I'll race ya to 300.
  7. These folks should be able to help.
  8. You know shit like this is what got me in trouble with my now Ex-girlfriend when I invited her over to watch the LP video without previewing it first. It only stays there if there are no witnesses!!! This is what will get you in trouble.
  9. Ya think? Blues, Dave I thought what happened in prarie stays in prarie. The naked Bar dives...... The released video is what has been deemed viewable by the general public. The rest....well you're just going to have to find out for yourself.
  10. Finally got around to posting these of my kids at Perris on Easter weekend.
  11. Phree, I contacted Tiffen directly and they told me that B&H could get them if they don't have them in stock. I'm looking for the same thing, just haven't had the time to deal w/ it lately.
  12. SeaKev keeps threatening to show me that video... Kev - whatcha doin this week? I'm glad you asked. Tonight I'm going to Tacoma for dinner w/ a friend. Tomorrow- g/f tax. Wed.- union meeting. Thurs.-open. How about Thursday?
  13. Nice rig. Welcome to the club.
  14. Any ideas I have would probably get you in even more trouble at home. Repeat after me: "What happens at LP stays at LP".
  15. Depends on which rope. The manila is for the lake. The other that I carry in my truck...I'll leave that up to you girls to decide.
  16. No hurlin' in the truck. Other than that, game on.
  17. Nope. Madame Shell hasn't spoken.
  18. It's up to you, girlie. I've got the rope. It's good firehouse stuff and it's free. It's rated @ 8,000# break. Plenty, even for the sketchy shit.
  19. I think I might have it covered. I'm headed over to another station to check on some rumored surplus 1" manila.
  20. I'll be there. Let's see....booze, check...rope, check...stalking, hmmmmm...must locate my copy of "Stalking for Dummies".
  21. All this talk about booze, ropes, stalking.....
  22. Seven more sleeps and the road trip begins.... eight more sleeps and we're there! This is gonna be a tough week. Lisa's coming?! This is getting better all the time.