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Everything posted by jjiimmyyt

  1. I think being a parent must be the hardest job in the world. I respect everyone that does it well. However if you are going to take kids into that kind of enviroment maybe you should think about for a minute and consider what the risks are. People can be stupid some times and when things go wrong they look for someone to blame. Is it appropriate to take small children into an area where there are large predators about? Not my call to make, that is down to the parents. I think it is a similar issue to kids doing tandems. Edited to add: Sorry, my 1st post came over a little preachy, that wasn't my intent. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  2. Nice, after watching that The Who set I am very tempted to buy a pair of waders and get my oldish out there again. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  3. I thought The Who rocked the fucking house down. Long may Glasto keep having '60's relics headlining the show. I'd love to see Clapton or the Stones there. fuck that. The Who are still rock gods, but stones, fuck man they sold their asses out in the eighties as they hiked they're shit round from stadium to stadium. If they could have realised at least one decent album since, oh I dont know, for fucking ever I could agree with you. They are like U2, some people like them, but the rest of the world is just wishing they would fuck off and die. I mean, Mick Jagger, I know he has shagged loadsa bints but what the fuck is the point of him. Skinny fricken pensioner doing his faux alszeheimer dance whilst twats go 'oh the stones great live band'. See this stick, no, closer, closer, .. Oh i am so sorry about your eye. Sorry,didn't mean to do that. Honest. it was meant for your ears as you really honestly do NOT FUCKING use them. Right, now on to Clapton. I fucking loved Cream. Reason called they were called Cream, they had floated to the top and they were the best. But Clapton on his own is a self indulgent whiny twat who needs to cut his own fingers off before he does any further damage to his own hallowed rep. And that is why I am going to hell.
  4. You also must have missed the lesson that if you are in a bear area the only time you go near your food store is to gather, then cook, then eat, then dispose of any remains of your food safely. That means safe for you and the bear... You do not have so much as a snickers wrapper in your pocket, he will smell it and will rip you, your tent and family to shreds to find it. That is what he does. Food should be stored in a locked, very strong, metal box or hoisted into the trees in such a manner that bears CANNOT get to - not a cooler FFS - both of which should not be in a position to allow the prevailing wind to carry to your campsite. Both entail being several hundred yards away, at minimum from camp. Sometimes I think you guys think your National Parks are Disneyland without the rides. They should be areas of wilderness where the animals have free rein (and base'rs :o). Fine to camp out in but appreciate the risks before hand. Possibly that comes from the sense of 'conquering' the country on the way out west. Count how many north american bison there were before westerners came and now. Do not do the same to the bears. It seems here in Europe we go the other way, we do have national parks, and there the animals are the priority. Although sadly some individuals dont respect that. How ever in this case, you can't blame the dad for saving his kid. He should have planned better, made sure the food was secured. End of day, he did not run his campsite properly and as such he got off lightly, his kid is still alive, thank Jeebus. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  5. Right, back to Glasto, The Who set fucking rocked, The Tommy Medley was sweet as hell, goose pimple time. Second album I ever bought was Tommy. Just watching the Mika (sp?) set. Love the scissor sisters /elton vibe he has got going on. Also any song that refs HM Grace Kelly has to be good. What do others think who have been watching? And come tuesday if you went post your photos. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  6. Good lord sir, Glastonbury part of the Arthurian legend, say it aint so. You must be some kinda of professor or somtink. Next you'll spin some line about getting leyed in Glasto. Was it Keira Knightly or that bird out off that John Boorman one (see what I did there - I'd like to call it arthurian entanglement - what would be your observation on that?). As for my very tongue in cheek response, it just would be nice if for once the shermans on this Canadian/African website would drop their stereotypes when someone who doesn't live south of Canada or north of Mexico posts. We've all heard the bad teeth, smelly and fat jokes before and they just get real old. I sort of expect better from these guys. BTW all the french girls I know smell lovely, don't know about the guys, never got that close enough to notice. btw Billy, please keep posting pics of fat naked chicks, I'm trying to start a verison of that silver ring thing going in Jersey and there is nothing to put teens off sex than pics of unfortunate fat american ladies with no clothes on. Back to normal programming in 3..2..1... Sorry for the sarcasm guys but some times, well you know. Bonus pints will be paid to any one who can point out all of the intentional crappy physics jokes there. John, you can apply, but to get the beer then you have to explain quantum entanglement in such away as I understand it without telling me my cat is dead and alive at the same time. (I know you may be uncertain about how to but it may help). Better go, got to go and finish watching Glastonbury. If you notice any spelling mistakes in this post are you sure they were there before you looked at them. Come on, at least one of them made you giggle a bit. If not I should have done my A levels. Edited to add: Sorry I should have put a better spin on this but hey. and to Billy, please keep posting funny pics, they most (when not vomiting) of the time make me laugh. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  7. Just watching The Who play live right at this moment on the BBC. Fuck me, they are kicking ass, I wish I'd been around to see them with Moon and Entwhistle.
  8. Works out at about £00.27 per day. It keeps me out the pub so I reckon it actually saves me money. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  9. Damn, got this a couple weeks, been playing since 10 last night it, it is now 07:20. It's worse than crack. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  10. Thats why I said UK, Europe "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  11. He aint my prime minister, I live in (old) Jersey which is internally independant from the UK. Its only a tiny little island, 9 by 5 miles, with 100k people. We are closer to france (in distance) than the UK. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  12. Jeez...And there are probably some frenchies there that smell... Americans are fat etc etc etc "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  13. Website for it here http://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/ Basically it is massive festival held most years on 7 farms near the village of Pilton, near Glastonbury, UK, Europe. This year they have over 2000 different acts, ranging from big name pop/rock/indie/dance acts to world music, jazz, performance artists, acrobats, jugglers, opera. Basically if you like it there is probably someone playing there you want to see. This year there are about 150,000 people camping on site. Its also traditional that it piss down a couple of times so the site turns into a giant mud bath. It, in short, is simply amazing and good value for £150 quid. I went 3 or 4 times in my twenties 4 days of drinking, watching great bands, meeting great people. It is kinda like a boogie but without the jumping but with the nakedness "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  14. This years show is pretty good. I haven't been in about 10 years, I think I prefer watching it on the telly nowadays. Just watched Iggy and The Stooges, amazing, they had the crowd up on the stage for No fun. Last night Arctic Monkeys were good and so was Lily Allen this afternoon. Really looking forward to The Who. Anyone else watching? "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  15. Chris thanks for the response. i was hoping that some one such as your self would reply. I have to say right off the bat that this pilot and I dont have the best relationship, but I am not out to crucify him as others have suggested elsewhere. I just want to know, if we, as jumpers, should be paying more attention to the CofG in KAs. The KA seems like an awesome jump ship, and Dunkeswell seems to a great DZ, but the pilot in question looks like he has decided not to respond, even though he was very active in promoting the DZ and plane beforehand. I dont know, he maybe too busy on other projects. That is fair enough. However he is a BPA pilot examiner and as such we kind of expect very high standards and from what has been suggested on UKS he may not have held himself to the same standards. I do feel like a real cunt for bringing this up as I still have warmth for the pilot but if we dont know what went on how can we ensure this doesn't happen again. I've lost 2 friends to this sport already, I dont need any more gone. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  16. Not my plane "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  17. How much of an issue is CofG? Could say 6 or 7 jumpers in the rear cause a stall? Edit to add: On run in. With 3 jumpers on the outside. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  18. So how much is a repack on one of those things? "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  19. No, it might get wet. You could get one of these http://www.panasonic.com/business/toughbook/home.asp "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  20. One thing to do is go eat at Chez Julian, great food. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  21. Here are a few here...http://www.beautifulagony.com/public/main.php NSFW of course. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  22. Needs multiple answers. I'm kinda jealous and also interested.
  23. You might have a slow opening. That is alright, he'll have a slower landing. "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  24. I am a Pastafarian and proud of it! "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave
  25. Sounds more like a pirate than a ninja, pbuhna "This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave