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Everything posted by juggalo

  1. I got my 100 Mile Freefall at Xenia Ohio also. George Raby was the guy that organized it. Did not know he passed Have to dig that up too off the subject a little but I got an A in Advanced Girls Gym in high school helped train our girls volleyball team waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  2. Had A few working airshows a few years back doing the Elvis thing. have to dig up the old logbook to find them Bob Hoover Col. Joe Kittinger Col. Robert Morgan - Memphs Belle Sean D. Tucker Patti Wagstaff Lot of fun meeting those folks waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  3. thanks i'm wanting something temporary for stills waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  4. Does anyone use this type of lense? Why or why not pros cons all advice appreciated. thanks waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  5. 1 entanglement with drogue due to instability then improper emergency procedures 2 out of sequence handles during a malfunction causing entanglement of main/reserve waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  6. my bad it was 6 eval dives not 4 to score 12 points b waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  7. I went thru AFF CC in 1986 with Paul Sitter as the CD and Dan B-C as one of the evaluators and one of the original AFF I’s that worked with Ken Coleman, but his name escapes me for the moment. The course was hard, scoring then was much harder than today. You had 4 evals to score 12 points total with 4 points max per dive. A funneled exit resulted in an automatic 2 point reduction, so the max you could get for that jump was a 2. Most courses had a 50% pass/fail rate for years. I’ve been evaluating since 1988, broke in under Don Yarling. Became a DE in 1993 for our region and have worked with almost every CD out there up to the late 90’s. Now there are so many spread around I haven’t had a chance to work with 2 or 3 of the newer ones. When the USA changed the scoring format, 6-7 years back it only required a 51% to pass. With input from CD’s and DE’s it was upped to 75% to pass. Heck of a lot better! The current scoring and evaluation system is good but easier than in the past. The problems I see in our instructional hierarchy are that someone can get a coach, AFF and tandem rating as fast as they can take a course. There used to be a requirement of 1 year as a “Jumpmaster” handling X number of students and assisting with so many FJC’s before going to an ICC. Thee you were trained to instruct and graded on that ability. So many people now have very little experience working with students I think they are in over their heads trying to learn all the aspects of student training and gear etc. all at once. USPA should look at putting back some requirements for time spent at one level of instructing before moving up. And no way should someone get a coach, tandem and AFF rating in a year let alone a month like I have seen some do. The Pre courses today work on some skills but some are best learned hands on. Pre courses are also a newer concept. When we went to the AFFCC no pre course was around, but everyone had several years of jumpmastering, usually instructing although then you could get just an AFF JM rating, that the only difference was you could not teach FJC's. But we all were used to gearing up students, training them for FF maneuvers and jumping with them as they advanced. Plus a lot of us had done “buddy jumps” before AFF came along. So what I’m saying is I believe that we were better prepared overall to take on a new instructional method. Is AFF too easy now? Not really as far as CC’s go, but like a lot have said here it depends on the CD and the evaluators. That’s why CD’s should used DE’s whenever possible because the DE’s have been appointed by USPA as the top evaluators due to their experience levels. That will help maintain consistent scoring. As for anyone getting a tandem rating, probably too many do that should not. Personally I know of some that flunked AFF several times got the tandem rating and were dead; as well as their passengers; in less than a year. Standards need to remain high this is a dangerous sport. Peace brew waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  8. There is a lot of stuff going on here. Let’s see where to start The Boogie I started in 79 and really remember when the boogie re-started in 87. Back then it was a restart of the 1st boogie, Freak Brothers was the big one up to Richmond starting up again. (FB1897) Richmond was also home to the nationals for a while until a bunch of BOD members trashed a hotel and the city ran jumpers out. But it was for the Waynesville staff to have a chance to get away and play for 3 days. The other DZ’s n the area did the same. I know this cause I worked for all of them, at one time or another and flew over on their planes to go. Some where along the line this changed not sure when. Got into demos and competition and lost sight of area happenings. The boogie also gave area people a chance to meet, jump together and get to know one another UDSkyjunkie The dz’s did not have a formal lawyer agreement like we need now days but everyone in the region came to play. Wild blue, History repeats itself ask the French about? Diem bien Pu? or something like that as well as WWll . You’ll have to look these up maybe. Training today We rely way too much on technology. The emphasis to excel at every level or moment of a training jump is off the chart. So people need something to remind them not to smack the big green ball while they are lost in the middle of a coordinated turn on jump 9 or so. Don’t EVEN go there I know what the training requirements are.!! After I was a student and an experienced jumper we we did not wear AAD’s audibles or hell a lot did not wear a helmet. Helmets cut off your senses. Can you smell earth? Yes you can! Blue umbrella /Green bowl anyone know this? In the first 10 years that cypresses were around we had 200 fires. That equates to 200 dead people!! Add that to the fatality reports. I remember reading in one of the “saves by a rigger or shop” that packed a lot of reserves a letter by a guy that in short , couldn’t find the main handle or the reserve one either, his solution was to lay flat and stable till the cypress fired. What mindset is this?? I know of a guy that had totals on main/reserve in the day. Did he wait for an AAD? no he ripped the reserve container open!! Never give up and don’t trust anything mechanical. Cept your chute and hopefully you did not date your riggers wife. Jump training should teach personal survival skills situational awareness a lot better than we do now. Chris G. I agree that S/L was and still should be a more used training method. Its cheaper per jump, there is less to know and perform on each jump and you can go a little longer between jumps and still learn skills, stay current and be safe. AFF compared to S/L is like doing math with a calculator or pencil and paper. You will get the same results, one is just faster. With the new ISP all students will learn the same skills over time. For those of you that think S/l is archaic or dangerous I disagree. It all falls back to having a good instructor / Teacher (john A). a lot of people worry about S/L students landing off or poorly. I helped some friends start a DZ down south some years ago and in their 7 or 8 years they never had a student land off and had 1 sprained ankle. AND they did not use radios!! TRAINING was good. Mike A. 2800’hop n pop exits SWEET!! I’ll be the fly next to you. For the military guys I’m sorry but it only takes a few bad ones to sour people to the whole. I respect that you served, but look at bikers images over the years. And see above about history repeating. This kind of rambles and I apologize but there are so many views and topics and people that don’t know the areas history that I tried to touch on a little of each. Have questions let me know I’ll try to answer them. Peace Brew waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  9. whew thats a mouthfull well said waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  10. a little late but those of us that jumped them called them X to death
  11. Its a Sad Sad day!! I've known Janie since my 1st jump at Waynesville. She was running the hot dog stand there "Mother Jumps" A great person and longtime friend. My heart and prayers go out to her family. peace brew waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  12. Oh it happened all right!! I'm the old bald guy and I'm still trying to get the images out of my head and I'M still in therapy after watching that show! Wassup Kyle!! waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  13. rated in 1986 current ever since waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  14. Anyone know about a canopy called Aero Glide made by Aero Glide Inc. out of Kennesaw Ga. The label doesn't give much other info thanks waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  15. oh back here again its ben a long time I was the 3rd camera and I was hanging camera got turned off when the plane hit me in the head great fun No video except the green light and climbout then the stall and wham! You can see me in Tony's video up the hill in all black.Tony left a little before me I was holding on for the exit Looking back the biggest thing was no mention of overcrowding the ramp. Which was a big error given the amount of experience on the load. Bird, Pig Praeter, manwell just to name a few with combined years probably around 90 to 100 and 30k jumps or so Just goes to show that the basics should never be forgotten. But now its just one of those "no shi@@ I was there stories" b waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  16. you can read my answers in the general forum waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  17. juggalo

    fake posters

    but of course never have jumped think its for crazy people waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  18. juggalo

    fake posters

    real close 5012 waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  19. juggalo

    fake posters

    with all the info passed around I thinks its important for younger/newer jumpers to at least be able to know if the poster is real and if they really should be giving advice. waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  20. juggalo

    fake posters

    no just a nickname/handle I like waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  21. juggalo

    fake posters

    don't eat cornflakes waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  22. Whats the worst that could happen? DEATH?? just kidding you wil be fine its normal to be scared I'm afraid of the student thats not afraid! peace Rev. brew i'll pray for you in my religion of choice waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  23. this is not about you. this is for the others that post with bogus info brew For all of you that post with some bogus license or other BS name or experience !!!@#@# off I post under juggalo and my profile is accurate!! If you can't then don't post cause you don't count! brew Waving off is to tell the people on the ground to get out of my landing area waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area
  24. juggalo

    fake posters

    For all of you that post with some bogus license or other BS name or experience !!!@#@# off I post under juggalo and my profile is accurate!! If you can't then don't post cause you don't count! brew waving off is to tell people to get out of my landing area