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Everything posted by MochaSkyChick

  1. You are VERY wise Sensa!!! Couldn't have said it better myself! PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  2. 2(Night Jumps!):4:0 Night jumps are AWESOME!!!!
  3. I feel you. I can't imagine the guy weird enough to want to be my one. But as I've been told and have tried to believe...have patience and you will find them when you least expect it.
  4. I'm so glad I have this picture. Anytime I get down about my progression in skydiving I can look back on that picture and see how far I have really come.
  5. They made me very tasty pies too! PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  6. What's that? PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  7. Well shucks, you done gone and got me to blushing. Thankya kindly
  8. I used to work at Blockbuster Video back in the day and we couldn't keep it on the shelf. I've never seen but the guys seemed to love it. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  9. Geez...Can't we all just get along? PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  10. LMAO That's definately a new one PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  11. Riiiigggghhhttt..... PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  12. I believe it's Dec 24-Jan 4t. I may be mistaken. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  13. It's kinda like you're thinking, "What's that over there?" PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  14. Hmmm...not dead yet? PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  15. I can make a match of my foot to their @$$ and give em a boot into reality! PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  16. So very true.... Whoo hoo another post. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  17. This thread is absolutely ingenious. By posting a thread about “Thread Killing” it’s surely to go up in flames! Actually I’m an aspiring post hoochie and I just wanted to make a post… PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  18. I never thought of that one. I'm gonna get a bunch o pics made this weekend.
  19. I know. I didn't even knew the photo was being passed around my DZ until around my level 5. A guy came up to me and was like, "You look familiar....OH MY GOD, you're the girl from the photo!" PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  20. Well I have 126 jumps so I'm not a whuffo anymore. That pic was taken Memorial 2002. I've been jumping since then.
  21. Here is the picture on which I was trying to up the quality......OK, you can stop laughing now. I know it's not exactly the poster child for skydiving. But look how much love skydiving now. I just need to get some newer skydiving pics to compare to this one. No seriously, you can stop laughing now. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  22. Nope, sorry. This photo was taken over Memorial Weekend 2002. I have 126 jumps now. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  23. Weeelllll....It's pretty scary and I would want the first photo people on see of me is absolute terror. Nevertheless, I might as well because it would definitely be good for a laugh. I'll have to post it and a normal photo once I get back to the hotel this afternoon. PMS #62 Zarza R[red