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Everything posted by MochaSkyChick

  1. Is he growning a white beard? Because based on Vanilla Ice's career, it doesn't seem like he knew when hold em and when to fold em. (had to throw that in there ) and a beard is the closest he could get to being like Kenny Roger's. Not that I'm a huge Roger's fan. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  2. I appreciate any and all input. Statements like this let me know that some do feel that more time spent on RW will in turn build skills needed for Freeflying. Thanks
  3. I was wondering how many RW jumps you did before you started Freeflying? At the moment, I have 136 jumps which are a mix of mainly RW jumps and some attempted Freefly jumps. I really want to become disciplined in freeflying but felt that I needed to stay on my belly a while to make sure I can properly fly my body. I’ve heard from several folks @ my drop zone that this is the best policy because do to the increased speed of Freeflying you need to know how you body flies. Since, I’ve tried to set a jump goal before I transition from RW to Freeflying and in the meantime I have been competing in the GSL meets to gain more skill in Relative Work. But I really want to know how many jumps did you wait before you started doing mostly Freefly jumps? I know that the answers may vary since some people take to skydiving like a fish to water while others are on the verge of getting a bowling ball; then there’s everyone in between like myself. Thanks heaps PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  4. I agree. Febreeze can get the funk out of just about anything! If it's hardcore stink-stank you may want to Anti-Bacterial Febreeze. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  5. ROTFL - That was priceless PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  6. Well I've read through a lot O threads...what would be defined as "weird"?...Discuss PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  7. If I had a lot O money, I'd have Webster add Ginormous (Gigantic & Enormous mix) to the dictionary. Every time I hear someone say it, it's so funny. Wheeew….it’s amazing the little things that keep me amused. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  8. I didn't check my spell check...I know it's Eccentric PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  9. I always thought Crazy was still Crazy. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  10. Why is it when you’re a broke skydiver, whuffos think your crazy? Yet if you were rich, you would be considered eccentric? PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  11. LOL, So I guess handing my camera to someone to take a picture of me is out of the question too? PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  12. So I shouldn't walk around Time Square alone after dark saying things like, "I'm not used to the big city. Could someone give me directions to the nearest bank so I can deposit this sack of money.” PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  13. theyre usually the ones lying in the gutter bleeding! lol Geesh, something tells me I'd better get my company to cancel my upcoming trip! PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  14. You won't be disappointed. It was very good.
  15. Me likey...even better than the first. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  16. Outta where? If you're making sandwiches, be sure to throw some Original Lays up on it for that crunchy, I need to go to lunch. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  17. As long as you don’t expect her to make you a sandwich and bring you a beer after carrying all that heavy crap PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  18. Sooo...guys aren't into the girls who have kick @$$ trucks but could only tell you that it's big & shiny??? Guess, I'd better tell my co-worker to hold off on her upcoming purchase. PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  19. So you meet the girl of your dreams but her truck is nearly twice the size as yours...what do you do??? Dum-Da-Dum-Dum PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  20. You know, my mom says that my grandpa was Dutch Irish and my Grandma was Lesbian, so that make me ¼ Lesbian – Eric Cartman PMS #62 Zarza R[red
  21. I was an extra in "College Virgins Gone Wild!" Actually, I was out there for my company's in-house training. Vegas isn't really the best place to send employees for training and then expect them to actually study. PMS #62 Zarza R[red