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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. Yeah, I'm a big boy, I don't the moderators to protect my delicate sensibilities. Call me what you will, I will not take offense.
  2. If you find yourself at the pointy end of my rapier wit, you may want to rethink your position.
  3. That would defeat the implied purpose of an internet forum, which is therapy. Therapy is the venting of unresolved emotion. The only objectivity in an internet forum is the observation, notation and analyzing of subjectivity. The trick is to vent without getting banned. There are two ways to debate. a) Well thought-out reasoning to show the limitations of the other side's arguments. b) Infantile name-calling to prove to your opponents that you are just as dumb as they suspect. Or c) Present a well reasoned argument, and spice it up with some rhetorical flourishes.
  4. I thought you were coming over more like the pussy component of the right. Oh the lefties said something mean to me because I voted for Trump! Oh I'm scared of Inauguration day! Oh they continue not to like my candidate even though he won and it's just not fair! You guys ever tried behaving like grown adults? I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not going to the Inauguration. However I think it is unfair to the small businesses in DC to have to worry about having a brick thrown through their window by some punk in a Guy Fawkes mask.
  5. Yes I agree that the "pussy" component of the left will be sheltering in place however the "asshole" component of the left will be whining in the streets. And yes I know that I am a dick.
  6. And you wonder why nobody takes lefties seriously Nazis, and re-education camps? Really guys?
  7. This is one of the main weak points of the Canadian health care system. "Socialists are happy until they run out of other peoples money" M. Thatcher
  8. They didn't touch it for the same reason Obama didn't make a big deal over the Russian hacking; in there wildest nightmares, they never thought Trump would win.
  9. However, at the next opportunity to talk about smaller gov't. they will still say that is important to them. #1 - I hate how my property taxes are going up. #2 - Did you vote for the school bond measure? #1 - Of course, I did; schools are important. ************** #1 - I hate how my property taxes are going up. #2 - Did you vote for the new library measure? #1 - Of course, I did; libraries are important. ************** #1 - I hate how my property taxes are going up. #2 - Did you vote for the measure to add more firefighters? #1 - Of course, I did; the city is expanding and we need the coverage. And the end of the day, most people simply cannot correlate their votes to their taxes. Jerry Baumchen Hi jerry, How about, #1 I love free shit from the government #2 Aren't you worried about higher taxes? #1 f**k no I don't pay taxes I truly think that if we were required to pay for the services we receive, we would be more judicious with our demands. On the other hand, I did vote for a property tax increase to fund a new high school building, because I have kids that will eventually attend that school. I DID NOT vote myself free stuff paid by others.
  10. Obamacare has not collapsed. And the Rs are coming to see some of the realities of power. Meanwhile Trump is not even sworn in yet and he is already making BHO's legacy look pretty good. So how is it looking now Brent? I am man enough to admit when I'm wrong... I was wrong, it looks like Obamacare is here to stay.
  11. Well I'll be... look who fell into my nice little hole
  12. "In terms of average annual growth, the pace of this expansion has been by far the weakest of any since 1949. (And for which we have quarterly data.) The economy has grown at a 2.1% annual rate since the U.S. recovery began in mid-2009, according to gross-domestic-product data the Commerce Department released Friday." Just what part of "the pace of expansion has been by far the weakest of any since 1949" do you guys not get? Sorry for no clicky, iPad acting up
  13. No I reinforced and expanded on them, as Kallend would say, "you are having some reading comprehension problems today."
  14. Looks like I was right. MSNBC is stuck on outrage after the Trump press conference. I had to turn to CNN for Tillerson's confirmation coverage.
  15. Settle down, I know you are still emotionally scarred from the election results, so I will cut you some slack. I sourced every single claim, just because you don't like it doesn't make it not so. Your failure to understand basic economic terms reflects poorly on you not me.
  16. What you take, and what you don't take, is entirely your prerogative. I support you 100%.
  17. No, you obviously can't/won't wrap you brain around what the definitions of recession and recovery are, not the HuffPo spin, but the actual definition. I will give you a quick primer. Unemployment rate, deficit, and jobs created are no more acceptable than the workforce participation rate, the number of folks on food stamps or the poverty rate. It is based on something I like to call GDP (gross domestic product). Class dismissed.
  18. You should stick to engineering, when it comes to economics you are in over your head. BTW I did not back down, I doubled down and provide proof. FYI GDP is the accepted metric for determining recession and recovery.
  19. Just where am I backing off of that reality?
  20. It is sad to see you reduced to name calling, although I know it is just your way of conceding the point.