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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. “WASHINGTON, D.C. -- For the first time in Gallup's measurement over the past decade, Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism” Not all but definitely most.
  2. So it is Democrats who are greedy short sighted capitalists bent on the destruction of the planet?
  3. You guys are like a bunch of third graders hurling insults at recess. Meanwhile let’s check in and see how that green energy transition is going… Ooops! Not so well!
  4. I’m sure those executives were at COP 28 and attended the seminar on sustainable yachting. BTW isn’t California run by a super majority of Democrats? The greedy executives could only get what they wanted if the greedy politicians and bureaucrats got theirs as well.
  5. Some more evidence
  6. “The intellectual foundation of the progressive movement, though, can be traced farther back — to the French Revolution inspired by Rousseau and Robespierre. The central faith was that the “collective” was more important than the “person.” Robespierre said, “The people is always worth more than individuals. ... The people is sublime, but individuals are weak.” Following the progressivism of Wilson were communism, fascism and Nazism. All believed in the state and tried to marginalize religion.”
  7. Identity politics BTW Hitler was a progressive
  8. I agree, and this wouldn’t even be an issue if the calls to kill the Jews wasn’t coming from the “silence is violence” crowd.
  9. Actually I encourage the push back, I want my ideas to withstand the crucible of criticism and the test of time. My sauce would indeed be week if I were to cry every time my notions were challenged
  10. Only in the brain of delusional lefties does spending 7.5 billion dollars on one charging station equal success
  11. Thirty years ago you were at least twenty years younger
  12. My folks neighbor spent $$$ on geothermal and the savings never paid out, they are now suing to try to recover some of their lost money. Geothermal, just like wind and solar sound great in theory however they often fall short in practice.
  13. Coal was just supplanted by a cheaper fossil fuel, natural gas. Hardly a green energy revolution. BTW that characterization of the state of California’s solar industry was by a solar power trade group not me.
  14. In my scenario both vehicles were at a gas/charging station with their respective lines three vehicles deep. Gas vehicle gets topped off in about 10 minutes, EV? Hours.
  15. BTW did you catch the thread about California’s collapsing home solar market? What’s up with that? 17,000 jobs lost right before Christmas? And I thought Gavin Newsom was a progressive.
  16. From the BBC “While electric vehicle sales in the United States are rising, demand has slowed. According to a July 2023 Pew Research Center survey, half of Americans say they're unlikely to consider an EV, and 13% are sure they don't want one. In fact, according to the report, the share of the public interested in purchasing an EV is down 4% from May 2022.…A recent S&P analysis showed that among people who do make the switch to an EV, some feel considerable disappointment. The survey showed nearly half of households who own a non-Tesla EV decide to buy a gas-powered car next.” Imagine it is a Friday afternoon, you want to make it to the DZ and get on the sunset load, you get to the charging station and there is a line several cars deep, you are now looking at at least an hour’s wait. Unlike a normal car which can charge 400 miles of range in about two minutes, you will be stuck waiting and waiting and waiting…
  17. I wish, but enough about me.
  18. That makes perfect sense as wind and solar need to be backed up by thermal and/or hydro for those times when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. For China it’s not renewables or coal it is renewables and coal, and we haven’t even mentioned India…yet.
  19. Except not exactly “After the permitting spree of the past year, China now has 243 GW of coal-fired capacity currently permitted and under construction. If the permitting rush is not stopped until projects that are currently announced or in pre-permit stages have gained permits as well, there will be a total of 392 GW of new coal-fired power capacity in the pipeline.” the permitting spree of,currently permitted and under construction.
  20. It was a rhetorical question The great energy transition announcement of COP 28 was just more words. The host nation throws a big party, bureaucrats, politicians and hangers on fly in on their private jets, make lots of pronouncements, make empty promises and check their calendar for the next big party. Nothing actually changes, (other than the ever growing level of CO2 in the atmosphere.
  21. China is doing its part, building hundreds of new coal fired plants to power the factories to meet the anticipated demand for solar panels and wind turbines…Which begs the question…why not use wind and solar instead?
  22. “California’s once-thriving residential solar industry is in ruins after state officials slashed rooftop solar incentives…That decision has now led to the loss of over 17,000 solar jobs in California, says a new analysis by the California Solar and Storage Association” This is what happens when you take the training wheels off.
  23. It’s only correct +95% of the time
  24. “This was the year the auto industry's race toward an all-electric future took a detour.” Just what I predicted at the beginning of the year.
  25. Compared to 70,000+ international combustion engine trucks. Meanwhile in Germany… “Sales of new cars fell in Germany in November, official data showed on Tuesday, dragged down by plummeting demand for electric vehicles”