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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. Not everyone will stop, but most people will opt out. I don’t see EV adoption exceeding 15% in the next year. Fanboys are all in and normal folks are saying “not right now”
  2. Happy new year brother! I was wrong about Tesla, full stop. I never said it didn’t work for Seth, I just added some much needed context.
  3. Just wait Bill, just wait. The trend is not your friend my friend. You guys are not dummies, you know the wave of early adopters has crested, why do you persist in this nonsense?
  4. Not some folks, most folks as indicated by the dramatic drop in the growth of EV sales.
  5. It is going to be a much harder lift to convince folks to replace their affordable, long range, towing capable, quickly refueled, easy repaired, value retaining vehicles with expensive, quickly depreciating, slow to recharge, expensive to fix, limited range and towing capacity EVs with dubious infrastructure support.
  6. I don’t even know what to do with that
  7. You must not have children BTW there is a big difference in taking a break because you want to and taking a break because you have to. Not to mention the massive depreciation of EVs relative to normal vehicles (50% vs 30% in three years) which negates any financial advantage EVs have with regard to “refueling”
  8. Assuming a Tesla 3 and available superchargers at every stop you would have spent at least two hours charging, as BillV put so eloquently, “my time is more valuable than that”
  9. How about saving some of our lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and graphite?
  10. You must not realize you don’t have to stand outside you car while refueling anymore than you would have to stand outside while charging
  11. excluding Tesla fan-boyz From the DoT “Level 1 Level 1 equipment provides charging through a common residential 120-volt (120V) AC outlet. Level 1 chargers can take 40-50+ hours to charge a BEV to 80 percent from empty Level 2 Level 2 equipment offers higher-rate AC charging through 240V (in residential applications) or 208V (in commercial applications) electrical service, and is common for home, workplace, and public charging. Level 2 chargers can charge a BEV to 80 percent from empty in 4-10 hours”
  12. Do you charge at home or at a charging station?…..That’s what I thought. BTW only around 60% of drivers have access to a garage or carport. On a road-trip I start pumping, hit the bathroom, grab a coffee and I am back on the road in five minutes. While EV drivers twiddle their thumbs for hours while they wait to recharge. That is one of the reasons why around half of EV buyers go back to a normal car for their next purchase. Tesla owners waiting to recharge
  13. Save the planet? Or enriched politicians and their cronies? The former is an unrealistic and unnecessary fantasy the latter is no gamble it is a sure bet
  14. Don’t forget flying cars and personal jet packs. BTW I don’t recall the trillion dollar government program to facilitate the transition from 8 tracks to cassettes to CDs. I believe the market and the market alone drove those changes. Not to mention the hot new trend in music format is vinyl LPs
  15. I could easily have an EV as a second vehicle runabout however the economics would not make sense. I’ll stick with my Accord coupe, V6 278hp six speed, paid off and more fun to drive than a glorified four wheel sewing machine
  16. “The Biden administration’s push to entice more Americans to buy electric vehicles is falling short of expectations as consumers fret over prices, battery range and a lack of charging stations.” An EV might be a good option for a second vehicle, if you have a garage and can charge at home. It will not be an option for anyone lacking charging infrastructure or ever needing to routinely drive greater than the full charge range of the vehicle. Really, does anyone want to spend hours waiting to “refuel” their vehicle? This simple reality is reflected in the slowing growth in EV demand.
  17. Democrat mayors weren’t unlike today
  18. Is there no limiting principle? Anyone from anywhere can just come and stay with no regard to the limitations of schools, hospitals and other public services? Biden started this fiasco by playing Santa Claus with our immigration system, someone is going to have to play Krampus to get it fixed. Merry Christmas everyone
  19. someone is wishing for a wet Christmas
  20. So you sit back in the cheap seats and snipe at someone who has the balls to put something out there. If I were you I would do the same. It’s better to remain silent be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  21. They can go to the US embassy in Mexico, we are talking about the situation on our southern border. UN definition of refugee: Someone who, owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country No mention of folks looking to get a better job BTW I would love to hear your plan
  22. The current situation is that when a migrant presents themselves, they claim asylum and are released into the country (by the millions) there is no means of tracking or accountability. The Biden Administration is solely responsible for this debacle. Their policy is “please don’t come, but if you do you will be allowed in”. This only encourages more migrants. It was only a few short months ago the border crisis was a figment of FOX news propaganda. Now that Democrat mayors are screaming bloody murder folks are beginning to tune in. BTW if the only people who are allowed in were actual legitimate asylum seekers and not economic opportunists we wouldn’t even be discussing this issue.
  23. We don’t have an immigration crisis with North Koreans, try again. BTW the VAST majority of these folks are economic migrants, not political ones.
  24. Now you are just making sh*t up, why would a government want to go through the trouble of imprisoning someone when they can just facilitate their removal. Put some meat on the bones of your fictional scenario and name the country(s)