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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. One study demonstrates that the period known as the Roman Warming was the warmest in the last 2,000 years. The other study provides evidence that it was just as warm up to 6,000 years ago. Both studies reinforce the occurrence of an even warmer period immediately following the end of the last ice age 11,000 years ago, known as the Holocene Thermal Maximum.
  2. Hottest year since the 1880’s. It was warmer during the Roman Climate Optimum. (funny that name, today we call it the modern climate cataclysm)
  3. “It’s well known that EVs lose some of their travel range in the cold, especially in subzero temperatures like those that hit the nation’s mid-section this week. Studies found that range loss varies from 10% to 36%. EVs also don’t charge as quickly in extreme cold. Some Tesla owners near Chicago told reporters their cars wouldn’t charge at all” That’s not a problem with normal cars
  4. “some electric vehicle owners are learning a bitter truth: Low temperatures can stop the cars dead in their icy tracks.” “I've been here for over five hours at this point, and I still have not gotten to charge my car," Tesla driver Brandon Welbourne told CBS Chicago. "A charge that should take 45 minutes is taking two hours." This is why half of the country won’t even consider an EV and why half of EV owners go back to a ICE vehicle on their next purchase.
  5. I expect better from you SkyDekker
  6. Perfected? No. But better than the technology it was replacing? Thousand of examples.
  7. Develop the lighter, faster charging, longer range and cheaper battery first. We are putting the cart before the horse with nascent technology that belongs in research labs and not on the road. Still waiting on Lippy’s reply
  8. If I were you I would encourage your fellow lefties to change their registration to R and support her in the primaries, like they are doing in New Hampshire, otherwise buckle up for four more years of mean tweets from the Orange Man.
  9. Why would I want to do that? EVs are horrible. They cost more, they take forever to charge (if you can find a charging station), depreciate faster, cause more wear on tires and infrastructure, perform poorly in cold weather, are more expensive to repair, lack range, can’t tow, cost more to insure, require massive amounts of natural resources to produce, when they catch fire it is nearly impossible to extinguish and 80% of the electricity to charge them comes from fossil fuels, so they aren’t going to ‘save the planet’
  10. <20% “After a year of slowed EV adoption in the US left auto giants including Ford with billions of dollars in losses, some car makers are rethinking their business strategies”
  11. Biden can’t pass laws by fiat.
  12. Did they immigrate legally?
  13. No, I am supporting Nikki Haley, I have FAR to much history to run for public office.
  14. Again I am unfamiliar with Trump’s rape conviction. Would that be like Clinton’s rape conviction?
  15. “I've been here for over five hours at this point and I still have not gotten to charge my car," Tesla driver Brandon Welbourne told CBS News Chicago, as car horns blared nearby. "A charge that should take 45 minutes is taking two hours." EV sales are about to hit the wall, once the early adopters and virtue signalers have their EVs and normal folks opt out.
  16. Actually I was born there, in Davenport. I must have missed something, when was Trump convicted of rape?
  17. It’s called politics. BTW 75% of voters feel something should be done to stem the flood of illegals pouring into our country. Unfortunately Biden is held hostage to the far left wing of his party.
  18. We can secure our southern border AND support Ukraine at the same time. It seems a very sensible approach.
  19. I do support it. What makes you think I don’t?
  20. meanwhile in the Arctic
  21. Not only in the air
  22. No it’s because too many New Yorkers are moving to Florida “In 2022, most people moving to Florida came from New York. And although Hypewired’s study showed Florida as New Yorkers’ first choice, Rhode Island had the highest amount of searches related to moving to Florida.”
  23. 668%2C300 people moved into,%2C Florida%2C and New York. Being a critical thinker I prefer to look at data rather than listen to anecdotes.
  24. Folks in California, Illinois and New York do.