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Everything posted by lurch

  1. beat me to it. I was going to photoshop a pic to look exactly like what you just did. THAT is the tail design I was talking about..... Now if I can just get Maria to build me one like that.... Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  2. Um, AAAARRRRGGGHHH! mUST....GET.....SUIT..... Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  3. There's demos in circulation? Any that'll fit a 135 lb 5'10" guy? ????? Just so I'm clear, pardon me for yelling..... I WANNA JUMP IT!!!! Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  4. They immediately start refuting religion as a myth while believing every hypothesis science (the religion of the elite class) provides without question. Whoa. (thump thump) Is this microphone on? Science is pretty believable when you see it light a light bulb in your face. Its real whether you want to believe it or not. Which deity to I have to abject myself to to be able to pray a lightbulb on? When you manage that, you'll have science's credibility. Reality check, hello! Did you just claim science to be just another religion? The "religion of the elite class"?Pardon me while I laugh till my spleen pops like an egg in a microwave. I didn't know it was possible to be that disconnected from reality without neural trauma sufficient to require antipsychotic meds. Religions are about providing comfort to the dying, and the living. Religions are about trying to provide answers for the things everyone damn well knows don't have answers. They're about trying to give a structure to the chaos we don't understand thats just outside perceivable reality. And of course theyre about manipulating and controlling each other, but thats realpolitik, not the official rep, kind of like an off-label use of the god pill. Religions promise eternal life salvation and an answer to every question. They deliver on none of these. Which is why you have to have faith for it to be real to you....because it isn't real to anyone else. Science doesn't need faith, it is a way of thinking to determine the objectively REAL. So science promises answers, and it promises more questions, and it delivers on both. It promises better understanding of what makes the universe tick, and ever-better technology as a result. And boy does it deliver. If science is a religion this must be one hell of a faith based computer, huh? Religion says pray to get results. I tried that as a child. (checks watch) Nope. still hasn't delivered, No answers, no eternal life. Science says ask questions make switches and then flip them to manipulate cosmic forces channel those electrons and get something DONE. And you know every time I flip a functioning switch, it does something. Science is about things we CAn and DO know. To equate it with religion is to claim belief is equal to fact. Religion says pray for salvation. Science says ask the right questions and save yourself. Nuff said. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  5. Nathaniel: Perhaps I should have been more specific. Keyword in my post was "Fundamentalist". I've got plenty of friends who believe in god. I have no problem with that. I also don't have a hate-on against any particular religion. I've got friends who are christian, buddhist, muslim, vaguely pagan/wiccan and a bunch who would check the box marked "other". To quote an old traveller: "The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit their views... which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering." - Doctor Who Most people of any race or religion alter their views when they learn new facts. Fundamentalists of most flavors generally don't. They think all the facts that matter are in their little book and everyone who does not believe is the enemy, to be converted. Thats the part I find scary. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  6. Its not Mr. Cole himself who scares me. Its the horrific nonnegotiability of the whole mindset. People who are certain they know the will of god frequently open fire in public places with no remorse no mercy and no second thoughts....because god said its ok. Its ok to kill people at abortion clinics, doctors and patients...because they are defying the Will Of God and will be punished. And the last time people with that mindset got together and acted, they took out the center of New York City. Different religion, same symptoms. All that is lacking is the will... Scary. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  7. Maria: Thanks for being open to feedback from the pilots who can't wait to fly the thing. Couple more questions: How well did the big tailed suits you tried work? Does a superlong tail cause instability or other issues? The PF protosuit photos I mentioned earlier looked like they had excellent cell pressurization all the way to the end. It wasn't a really huge tail, it stuck out maybe 6 inches below/behind his toes. I'm guessing if it was much longer it WOULD flap but thats what the stiffeners are for anyway. I've noticed another subtlety which can be taken into account. In a lot of pics I typically see birdmen flying with their toes down and knees bent. The knees bent part is drive and fallrate throttle and the toes bite into your bottom skin airflow and are used as rudders. I tended to do the same flying with others the few times I've done so. When I'm flying alone though I instinctively tension my bottom surface and go for max surface area max stretch and minimum drag by pointing my toes straight behind me like I'm trying to stand on tiptoe. In my GTI there is a slightly frustrating sense of having an incomplete tailwing because the sense of lift and wing stops at my shins. The feel is a lot like jumping barechested. You're used to flying with a certain amount of drag, "grip" on the air from your customary jumpsuit with fabric on sleeves and torso. Sitflyers in particular can relate. Now jump topless, not even gloves, and you might even flail a bit due to that sense of no traction at all. I know I did, when I tried it. A lot of what I value in the birdman experience is the sense of lying down on the air itself and having it support me evenly like a tempurpedic mattress. I get that sense of wonderful lifty supported feeling from everywhere except that big area between my feet and below my ankles. The more I point my toes straight back and pull tight the stronger the lifty feeling but it feels exactly like my toes are hanging off the edge of the mattress. I feel like I could lay my weight down even more evenly and be even lighter if I could wiggle forward on the mattress far enough to get my stretched out toes onto the edge. Still with me here? I guess I'm trying to say that sense of flying is just begging for a trailing edge that at least goes to the tips of my toes, designed to assume I'm flying toes-back instead of toes down. I know it can stick out at least an inch or two behind pointed toes without flapping both because of those PF proto pics and observation of armwing pressurization behavior on my own suit. I can fly holding my wingtips tight with my fingers, but if I don't the wingtip stays ballooned tight behind my wrist anyway. Holding my wingtips just lets me shift some weight to the ends of the wings further out than the wing naturally would by ending at the wrist. My next suit I want the leg wing to at least be long enough to stretch my trailing edge into a straight line between the tips of my toes. I can't wait to see your next set of pics. The last set provoked my first major episode of "need bigger suit-itis". I like it. I see 5 minute flights becoming possible soon.
  8. I dont care the slightest about the "constitutional rights" you claim women exercise As for Christianity, you can take it or leave is your choice....and your peril if you chose wrongly. Billvon? How can you maintain your rational steady outlook when there are people out there who are THAT scary in positions of responsibility and power? Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  9. A shame it'd be an unequal matchup but for a bit there it looked like battle of the memes here. In one corner we have ( ), the most reasonable man in the universe. He's got science. He's got logic. He's got advanced comprehension of physics and probably human psychology. Rationality incarnate. No matter how right you think you are, you can't win an argument with this guy cause he has 48 hour days, half lived at right angles to normal time, during which time he does more homework than a dorm full of science geeks on crack. His message: Go Learn Something Today. In the other corner we have ( ), the most religious man in the universe. Proud defender of one of the most hardcore viral memes ever to infect the human mind, he is invincibly armored against modern mental hygiene concepts such as logic, rationality, education and objectivity. Packing a bible and a mind closed tighter than security at a Nine Inch Nails show, he seeks to duplicate the success of rabid islamic fundamentalism using the same mindset and his own unique take on interpreting reality. His strategy: Attack all challengers with the book and his memetic interpretation of its applicability to modern society. His message: You Are All Going To Hell Tortured For Eternity Unless You Drop To Your Knees And Obey The Orders Of My God, As Presented In This Book And Interpreted By Me. You will lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile. One cannot be defeated by irrationality, having all of modern science and technology on his side. The other cannot be defeated by rationality, having all of ancient history and ten thousand years of unquestioning obedience on his side. Stay tuned folks, its going to be a Hell of a match. Just ask ( ). He'll tell you all about it. Endlessly. Only on pay-per-view. Contact your local cable provider for details. If anyone out there thinks I'm poking fun at these guys you might be on to something. A shame Billvon probably doesn't want to waste time beating a long dead horse arguing with Cole because damn would it be entertaining. We already know logic doesn't work. C'mon Billvon, show us what you got. You two happen to be representative avatars of your respective mindsets which are at this very moment out there in the real world duking it out for control of the future of the human species. Religion Vs Education. Personally I'd suggest another old weapon been proven effective time and again against fundamentalism: Laughter. Mr. Cole: So far as I know your beliefs as expressed in these forums can be at least partially summarized as: There is a God. By now, everyone on the planet has heard of him. All are subject to his will and all must obey. His will is in this book. If you believe and obey you are saved and go to heaven. If you do not believe and obey, you go to hell and are tortured eternally. Correct? Mr. Cole, why should any of us want to go to this heaven? There's nobody else there except the tiny handful of people who are actually unpleasant enough to fit your definition of "saved". By your definition 99.9% of all humans who've ever lived are burning in hell right now or will be. I want to go to hell too, because thats where I'll find my friends, my family and all the best and brightest people I've ever known. Fortunately for all of us attending the party later down below, you will not be there because you are going to heaven. You've made that quite clear by implication. Repeatedly. Better bring your bible man you're gonna need reading material when you get there. Hope you don't get too lonely. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  10. Ok I'm back and I'm packing a 32 oz jar of Skippy PB. Bring it on! Huh? What, did I miss the rumble or something? Oh. Ok, fine. Maybe next time. Thanks for the yellow sticky note. My day is complete. Life is good. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  11. What the heck is the deal with the suit bashing? I don't see angst argument or sniping back and forth between devotees of particular canopies, so why wingsuits? Although I prefer the familiar layout of birdman suits I'm waiting on a decision as to which of the new big suits I prefer till I've seen and handled them and seen best average times distances and fallrates SG vs V1 flown by the same pilot so the skills present technique experience and weight are all the same. A comparison of a V1 flown by a 5'7" 160 lb pilot w-800 jumps VS an SG flown by a 5'10" 125 lb pilot with 2100 jumps is meaningless. If I know the weight and rough skill level of the pilots who fly it before me I can take an educated guess as to what it will do for me...If an SG test pilot who weighs 160 lbs and can regularly get 2:45 out of an SF3 can consistently nail 3:30 with an SG chances are I can do the same since I'm 135 lbs and can do 2:45 easy with a GTI. THATS the kind of info I'm looking for. I ain't buying either suit till I see what it'll get me. I ain't spending 1200$ on a suit that turns out to only get me an extra 15 seconds of flight, only to find out the other one is better. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  12. Wait a minute wait a minute. What the... We were discussing the tails on prototype wingsuits and flying characteristics. Smack me if I missed something but where exactly does peanut butter become involved anyway? And why wasn't I warned to expect it? Nobody told me to bring peanut butter to the discussion. Nobody issued an instruction bulletin informing me of the requirements, ( step 1: go to kitchen. step 2: acquire jar of peanut butter. Step 3: Return to seat with jar. Step 4: Activate computer and report to birdman forum....) A little yellow sticky note would suffice. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  13. but....but...I LIKE peanut butter. Besides I got a GTI for when I want, like, some jelly with that you know? Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  14. Came back here and studied the pics some more. That suit is fXXking awesome. Very clean Very tight. Love the armswings and the overall profile of the top surface of the human wing is MUCH smoother than anything else out there. Unlike most of the pics of birdmen I see, he's flying legs locked and straight. Most birdmen in most pics are flying with legs bent at the knees at quite a bit less than maxed out full thrust so they have some median zone to adjust and stay with each other. So was the cameraman flying an SG as well? Or was the cameraman flying a lesser suit but weighs less than the SG pilot? I don't see too much room for variance with that thing. It looks maxed out and anything other than maxed out locked knees is going to look kinda floppy and draggy isn't it? Maria you mentioned feedback so I got a couple more questions about the next version you mentioned... 1. In the pic the suits tailwing arches upward like my GTI, a concave trailing edge... If I'm standing on the floor in my GTI the center of my wing won't drag or touch the ground. The SG shown is the same. In the early pics I saw of the PF suit last season they had the tail so maxed out and stiffenered (by the looks of it) it had a hugely convex trailing edge that stuck out behind the pilot's feet quite a ways. Standing on the floor in THAT suit would result in 6 inches of your tail dragging on the floor. I'd wondered about long term durability, abrasions, dragging wing damage. But I drooled over the size of those wings, especially because the legwing was so big it made it possible to toefly. Most birdmen seem to fly their legwing with their knees mostly, toes just control tension. The PF proto looked like you could lock your knees and effectively fly it with your toes instead and I bet thats a HUGE improvement in subtle feel and control. It looks as if that PF protosuit had a tailwing a good 1.5 square feet bigger than the SG. So why does the SG have a tail cut like that? If the point of the suit is monster wing area, couldn't the tail be the same as the PF? Adding that much more wing to the already huge SG would probably get a good pilot another 15-20 seconds of flight time and add a hell of a lot of drive. Disclaimer: I am an untrained professional do not try this at home batteries not included each sold separately some assembly required your mileage may vary user assumes all risk of listening to anything I say or uninformed aerial engineering ideas I may have. Void where prohibited. Comments? Maria? Other birds? Designers? Jari? Robert? Loic? Loudiamond? Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  15. Well if I got one it'd be specific for psycho hangtime. I'm so damn light in a GTI flying with a guy in an SF3 I still had to fly wings half collapsed to keep up with his fallrate. I've seriously considered wearing weights to fine tune the fallrate range and jack up my suits wingload enough to fly better with others. Likely keep the GTI as my social suit and a new megasuit for flying solo or with anyone else who can stay up with me. Then later I can loan the big suit to heavier birds and fly the GTI with THEM. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  16. My god yes dude detailed pics please! Right now I'm starting to consider my next suit... I had decided to get a Vampire but now I'm seeing more of this sugar glider and its rapidly getting my attention. I like the vampire for familiarity of construction layout and design. Might not be "birdman" name brand but its got what seems to be the Pecnik signature layout of pinched waist dual zipper front distinct cell shapes and up-the-sides cutaways. The leg wing looks much bigger than the sugar glider's (much better drive?) and the mylar stiffeners and wingtip extensions may put it ahead. This sugar glider looks insane but is its wrist to ankle wing enough to compensate for its lack of the above features? I can't tell from the pics available how the wings are set up, details of zippers, booties, wrist cuffs, how the cutaways work, etc. Its looking like a Ford/Chevy fight here. I fly a GTI so the Vamp has kind of like brand loyalty going for it too. Which has more wing area? A vamp or an sg sized the same? Has anyone flown both? If so, which suit got you more freefall time? More range? The impression I get is the Vamp would be a speed/range suit and the SG a floatier/slowfall suit. I'm all about the airtime so I wonder which will deliver more overall time in the clouds: A Vamp flown for distance and speed, thus shaving fallrate, or an SG flown for hangtime which looks like it derives half its lift from just being freaking huge and displacing a buttload of air? I can wring about 2:58 from a GTI on a good day so I'm thinking one of those two suits will deliver somewhere between 4:05 to 4:20-25-ish. Which one? Live and learn... or die, and teach by example. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  17. Isn't that an 80-watt phased plasma pulse rifle second from the left? Edit: what the fuck ARE those things? Obviously intended to make holes, yes, but last time I handled a gun looked like that I was playing DOOM. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  18. Have any of you quit enticincing skydivers into a wingsuit jump Uh, I haven't needed to do any enticing. Last year or so I go fly, fly so long people think I went in, then my canopy appears. I come down howling with the grin you only get from playing where only gods and birdmen hang out. People see what happened to me to cause a grin that big and say hey I wanna play too. At first I was alone. Then there were a couple others. This year there will be more others. Alex you dirty russian this means you! Matt B, you too! And Danger! Ain't you sick of freeflying yet? Where's your suit? Carolyn! I been waiting to fly with you for half the season. Nik! Get out here dammit. I got to share some clouds with you remember? Night flocks this year. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  19. Increasing one's vocabulary is a fabulous thing to do. -Absolutely. Sitting at a Playstation for hours on end is a useless waste of time. -Incorrect. Sitting at a playstation for hours on end is excellent reality training. It does wonders for your hand-eye coordination, problem solving skills and your response time. It teaches you rapid evaluation judgement and response skills for quickly changing fields of visual information, a skillset vital for activities like driving, under conditions of no risk. Ideal training simulation for the young. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  20. Guess I failed to get my point across. Funks was getting gently flamed because he stated a politically incorrect fact about a subject that tends to be seen in black and white. Spanish speaking latinos of unspecified origin moved into his neighborhood, causing degradation of the living conditions with their behavior. A stereotype exists. The stereotype says that when latinos move into a neighborhood, crime and slum conditions grow and spread. This is an asshole generalization, but if it did not happen, the stereotype would not exist. Funks is distressed at seeing this stereotype being fulfilled next door. When a neighborhood changes due to the arrival of a group of people, you have to use some characteristic to describe the people who make up the demographic shift. The race/cultural identity and language of the newcomers are the most commonly used descriptors because that is what you see and how you identify them if you don't know anything else about them than what you can see from 50 feet away. You will see values and behavior patterns common to members of one race/cultural group and not others. Race doesn't enter into it as much as cultural identity but the two are inextricably intertwined and frequently used interchangeably, often inappropriately. The mexicans at the plant aren't a race, they are a cultural group loosely labelled "latino" or "hispanic" because their cultural background is descended from the social results of spanish involvement in the new world centuries ago. Their actual ethnic/racial/genetic backgrounds are a widely varied random mix of mayan, indian, spanish and portuguese descent, all from a place called mexico and all part of the cultural identity collectively called hispanic. It is a factor simply because of the behavior common to the local representative subgroup. If we suddenly restaffed the entire plant with japanese, there wouldn't be graffiti everywhere that says "Mexico." There would not be a litter problem....japanese are not known for strewing garbage about, even in poor neighborhoods with a majority japanese population. Japanese are not known for bringing drug and crime problems with them unless you want to talk yakuza and organized crime which are problems of a different context than car break-ins neighborhood street gangs and annoying neighbors. Japanese are not known for defacing their environment with statements of their national or provincial identity. Nobody says "there goes the neighborhood" when several families of japanese move into the neighborhood, even poor japanese. This is entirely because of cultural identity. Japanese cultural values heavily emphasize things like order, neatness, obedience to authority and politeness. The low income mexicans I interact with do not display this value set as a majority cultural priority. People think Funks has a problem with his neighbors because of their language or cultural identity. I wanted to point out that the part everyone seemed to be deliberately ignoring is that its the behavior of those speaking the language that is offensive, not their race or language itself. I have a relative lived in Sacramento for awhile who surprised me when he told me that in the local industrial and neighborhood scene where he was it is the Russian immigrant population who carry the negative stereotype and display the behavioral issues, crime, drugs, trash etc. In that area it is the russians whose arrival causes people to bitch about neighborhood decline. I was surprised because I had never heard of such a thing. Around here, we don't HAVE a significant russian population let alone one known for crime. What russians in the area I DO know are all well to do types, skydivers mostly, friends and skybrothers who bear as little resemblance to the negative russian stereotype as Vanillaskygirl does the hispanic one. If Funks' new neighbors were russians who fit that negative russian stereotype I would expect him to gripe about the neighborhood going to shit because the russians have arrived. If his troublesome new neighbors were all blue-furred spracks who all spoke Crunk I'd expect bitching about those fucking blue crunk speaking spracks. To me its a Voltaire thing. I may not agree but I'll defend to the death your right to bitch about it. Something about too much caffeine... Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  21. ...Relax man. Inventory and supply stocks means the grungy industrial part...pallets, piles of cardboard boxes 3 stories high, shelves and shelves of machine parts. I've heard a lot of horror stories about industrial food handling. Usually urban legend or told by somebody with an agenda. Try reading Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" for a particularly vile example. Modern industrial food handling is so incredibly stainless steel-UV radiation-ozone sterilized sterile that bacteria and mold run shrieking when they trespass on the property. Before getting into the industry, all I knew about the food industry was from that book I just mentioned. When I saw how real world plants operate I was impressed...urban legend would lead you to expect the filthiest conditions but what I found was more like medical grade cleanliness. I hate to admit our government can do anything right but you can thank the insanely complex bureaucracy and rule structures for your clean and unlimited food supply. And you can thank the people in the industry who take personal responsibility for what they make. There IS a slow process of attrition which has over time refined our labor pool somewhat. Every now and then a temp becomes a fixture for months, eventually becoming a fulltime employee uniform and all. I figure in about another six years or so all possible positions will finally be filled with the best of the temps, at which point we won't need to use temps anymore. Some time ago the company got fed up with the behavior I was bitching about and started cracking down and aggressively rejecting temps who treated the plant like the poor side of town. The property damage and litter have been slowly dropping off since, but it takes time to spread the idea that its not ok to drop garbage and write on the walls. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  22. I work in a factory. The factory has a very small educated technical staff. We are white, black, mexican, cambodian and we got this armenian guy who is as american as you can get and is our most competent tech. The mexican speaks very little english-but he's good at his job. Good enough to be a tech. I respect him highly. He does not run around being obnoxiously ethnic, he just is what he is, a good guy, works hard. We got a mexican girl jumps at my dz and damn is she cool, lot of attitude, fun person to be around. I don't have a problem with mexicans. But... The factory also has a large workforce of temporary labor, manpower used for all the manual labor, hired through an agency. They are 100% Mexicans, and they behave like the stereotype Funks is annoyed with, the kind of people who ruin a neighborhood. They have no respect. They drop their garbage wherever they are, even in a food plant. They spend their income on a 1500$ set of chrome rims fender strips and oversized chrome tailpipe tips for a 300$ japanese car which is covered in stickers that all say "mexico". They deface everything in sight. The factory is scarred end to end with scratched spraypainted and markered graffiti which all says "Mexico" "zac-zac" "zacatecas" "chupacabras" and a variety of gang signs. On the walls. The forklifts. The equipment. They must be kept under constant supervision. Every tool not locked up gets stolen. They have been observed urinating on the floors and walls of the plant and in emptied beverage bottles which they stuff into inventory and supply stocks for someone else to find and deal with. There are 2 restrooms. One for the factory floor, one for the offices. The factory floor restroom is disgusting beyond belief. They urinate on the walls and floor with abandon. If you enter one of the stalls you will find collections of dried boogers on the insides of the doors and smeared on the mirrors. The office restrooms, cleaned just as often, are always clean. Only the office and tech staff use it. We have de facto restroom segregation enforced by the mexicans themselves because nobody but the mexicans will use a restroom used by the mexicans. The plant grounds are littered with their garbage. The management had to install security gates and cameras...because one temp once was fired for building a nest and sleeping in the warehouse and decided to punish the factory by coming back and trying to burn it down. The turnover rate is sky-high and we regularly lose temps due to cocaine and crack busts. Not all mexicans who pass through the plant behave this way. But 90+% of them do. I am not a racist. My respected fellow tech types do not have these behavioral issues, mexican, black, asian white whatever. The color line at the plant isnt one of color but education and culture and specifically cultural identity. But at first glance, till you realize we got mexican techs it looks like a clearly racially divided factory. I have worked at factories which only hire people who speak fluent english, any race will do. Those factories have none of these problems. When the only people who behave in such ways are mexicans they are creating setting and living the stereotype that makes people think "there goes the neighborhood" when they move into the area. This is the elephant in the parlor everyone has to ignore to be politically correct and non-racist. Follow the logic here. I like anyone who does NOT behave like that. This includes our mexican techs, black tech, the two cambodian techs and that armenian guy. I dislike anyone who DOES behave like that. Which is 90% of our temps, all mexican. Therefore whether I wish to be racist or not, I dislike 90% of the mexicans because only the mexicans behave like that. I'm sure Funks would have no problem living next door to spanish speaking people who behave like the tech staff at my job or the girl at my dz. So debate this: how can you address the problem without simultaneous discrimination? Taking action against the problem means taking action against the mexicans and the behavior which seems to be a part of their cultural self-identification. If appreciating cultural diversity means dealing with that behavior without complaint, then screw cultural diversity. I just stated facts about the mexicans at the factory but add a bit of venom or anger and suddenly I'd look like a racist for doing so. I probably DO look like a racist just for stating the facts and nature of the problem. Why? Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  23. Vampire suit, vampire suit! I keep hearing about this and the phoenix fly suit. Will somebody tell me how much does it COST? Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  24. Fritte: please state your height and weight. Just so you know: a neptune is an incredibly good piece of gear which I'd recommend to any birdman but it is so sensitive it can be fooled into recording inaccurate freefall times by the pressure drop caused by airflow buffeting in the door if you linger there. It thinks you've already exited and starts timing you while you're in the door eyeballing your spot. I've seen mine showing a high and unstable descent rate while still on jump run, starting the second someone opened the door and I've seen it switch from climb mode to freefall display mode long before I climbed out, presumably for the same reason. I'd suggest backing it up with a manual stopwatch and/or video just to be sure. I do. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.
  25. Tihs is the Csoloet nueorn hcak I've eevr seen. Rdaenig smothenig wtrtien tihs way tkciels my biran and pvordies me with a wlohe new way to tronemt ploepe by txet. Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.