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Everything posted by Fireflyer

  1. If anyone wants, email me or message me here and I can delete your post on the map and you can redo it with the correct zip code (I can't edit, only delete full sign-ups).
  2. I like the old and the new. Sean and Pierce all the way. Roger Moore was like my old dirty uncle. Well, if I had one .
  3. Sometimes it's tough to see where one is coming from on the boards. SHOW them where you are HERE!
  4. wow, some people have a lot of free time to bitch. i'd write more, but i'm alotting more time away from the computer as i have a sabre and need more time to pack . i love the battle too, but i think 10000>240 (PS: i know 240>my 79 too ) can't we just all get whacked together?
  5. I am 29% pure. so did i do this wrong? i checked off damn near everything there! i clicked off 71 things on the list... i assume i am way more IMPURE than PURE. should my score not be 29% pure as 71 of the things i checked are certainly impure???
  6. Score: 29 Percent impurity: 29 Percent purity: 71
  7. I was out there in that area this weekend for the 4th. I watched a few loads Saturday, wishing I had my gear to make a few jumps (left at my home DZ). It's sad, but you always assume their will be the same number of canopies in the sky in the morning. My condolences to the friends and family of Sara and Ron, and all at Cross Keys and Zhills. (edit: grammar)
  8. did you see that on digg?. it was just posted there recently...
  9. 2D sucks. Take your skills to another dimension: the 1st!
  10. (SFW)
  11. How long do you last? Try here (safe for work!...btw, I got 22.3~ secs...)
  12. You might have seen the Discovery Channel documentary "Crop Circles: Mystery in the Fields" where they asked several MIT students to try and create some of the biological effects alleged by 'researchers' to be found in 'genuine' formations, such as blown nodes and magnetized iron spheres....whatever... Anyway the production company has posted this this message that they received on their answering machine after the show aired; it makes for hilarious is somewhat worrying listening.
  13. i think you just summed it up. look at hondas vs. chevys.
  14. dump your history, temp files, and cookies, and try again. they're valid...
  15. You thought you were a quick thinking skydiver? See this video No matter how many hours a day you spend playing Dance Dance Revolution, you're never going to be as good as this kid who just one upped any entire planet of DDR’ers by managing to juggle three pins while playing at one of the fastest levels. His only competition is that one-legged guy.
  16. I think most of us are experts anyway, but here you go: edit: made clicky
  17. Rainbow xylophone Easy to use online xylophone. Make sure your speakers are turned-up nice and high. Your kids will love this.
  18. gotta be Incarnacion. no reason. just of those intangibles in your gut, like gas, but well, not...
  19. I just posted a great new work tool here edit: made clicky
  20. This helped me write that check to Uncle Sam!