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Everything posted by olofscience

  1. I got a doctor friend inform me that the Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial by the University of Oxford was starting here in the UK, but when I went to the website to apply, unfortunately my postcode wasn't in the small list they wanted volunteers from I also thought GWB was rather stupid. Next to 45 he looks like an absolute genius...
  2. "climate change is real" and then he'll jump on the first article saying it isn't changing. Also interesting how he changed the topic when he got absolutely owned on the NOAA results for 2019.
  3. The Stone Age didn't end because they ran out of stones.
  4. It's not even "Us vs Them" - it's "Us vs the virus". The virus will not cut the government any slack. So why should we?
  5. Lockdowns are only a last resort when all other containment efforts fail. However, you need to remember that this thing grows exponentially. Quoted from another forum:
  6. Some people criticise precisely because they're rooting for your team to win, but the team is behaving very childishly. If your favoured team throws a tantrum at half time then tries meaningless antics to distract from the real score, and you don't question that, then you're not as centrist as you claim to be.
  7. Sorry, I'm usually grumpy in the mornings as it's when I read the news, and this was way too similar to the stuff coming from the White House...
  8. Yep, we can all see whose leash you're being led on. Good dog.
  9. Because the problem is now in the US, people are dying in the US, the economic hardship is now in the US? First question is, who's in charge of the US? Follow up questions could be: If the WHO was corrupt, why was the US fooled so easily? Taiwan, which is China's adversary, an ally of the US is not a member of the WHO (or the UN for that matter). No matter what China or the WHO said they mounted an effective, early response. So why did the US believe China or the WHO? Did the President not have advisers? Why were they not aware of China's history of cover-ups? Did the US Intelligence community fail to get Taiwan's intel on China? Did the President ignore briefings from the Pentagon about this? Did the Pentagon fail completely to detect this threat? If the US wasn't fooled... what happened to February? Either 1) or 2) is true and both cannot be true at the same time. Both lead to uncomfortable questions that I don't hear any conservative asking.
  10. You misunderstood me, I meant Trump supporters are too unquestioning of their Dear Leader. They do not find it ironic, that they're behaving exactly like the China they vilify. I've never trusted China's numbers. But Trump's lap dogs are pointing to them as if blaming them will fix the problems that are now at home. As I've said again and again - even IF it is a complete puppet of China, de-funding them now won't fix the problems in the US now. It's not even a start. The reason you should ask questions shouldn't be to feel better, it's to find solutions. Asking the right questions gets you halfway there.
  11. Sorry, maybe not you. But I certainly see it a lot from Trump supporters.
  12. And what they don't do. The absolute lack of their questions about Trump's actions. Unquestioning loyalty as he demands. You'd think this was Xi's China, not the freedom-loving USA.
  13. Of course. Is anyone asking, is the CDC funding going to change, especially since his proposed budget actually slashed the CDC's budget from 2019? Are steps being taken to improve preparedness for the next pandemic? Is there going to be a coordinated, unified effort to procure and distribute PPE for first responders? Is there coordinated, unified plan to model and allocate hospital bed capacity between states or is it okay just to let them struggle on their own? Are there metrics being established to provide guidance to states on when and how to re-open the economy? In contrast, what I can see Trump is doing: attack the media de-fund the WHO argue with governors that he has "absolute power" about re-opening the economy and not provide any metrics to provide guidance for blame China let states compete with each other, and compete with the federal government, in acquisition of vital equipment insist his name is on the stimulus cheques Well one of the freedoms you have, is to ask QUESTIONS. One of the most important things you can do, is ask questions. (about HOW to fix the problem, not whose fault it is). Don't underestimate the power of asking questions. People think saying something "offensive" or "un-PC" is a mark of honesty and freedom, and why some people like Trump. I disagree. It's ridiculously easy to say something offensive. What's not easy is asking meaningful questions that make those in power uncomfortable answering.
  14. My opinion of you was improving until you dodged the question. It didn't take long though.
  15. Fair. Election is in November though. How about between now and then? Is everything being done right at the moment? What could people do better?
  16. From the news - it's done. Now what? I'm betting you're going to let Trump off the hook.
  17. Just because Trump behaves like a toddler despite being 73 doesn't mean you all have to stoop to his level. Or disown anyone who refuses to stoop to that level. Or disown or attack anyone who accidentally just acts like an adult, even if they were on your side.
  18. Go to 02:16 of that video, he specifically said and I quote "I was wrong and the mayor was right, and I apologize to her."
  19. Here's another one in Louisiana and he's Republican: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/04/12/louisiana-mardi-gras-parade-nungesser-intv-tsr-blitzer-vpx.cnn Just from that I already have a much higher opinion of him than Trump.
  20. Strawman argument, nobody was asking for that. All people were asking for was a coherent strategy. You know, leadership.
  21. Don't you know that if the virus was successfully contained, it would have been thanks to Trump, but if not, it's the states' and governors' fault? </sarcasm>
  22. Given the way the UK is going, it will be pretty much just England soon enough...
  23. Why do you even have a federal government?