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Everything posted by Speer

  1. As in many of those earlier replies, I think jumping the slot prior to your friends tandem is the best option. If he is having video, you may be able to arrange to have your exit filmed by the camera flier and made part of the experience. I was fortunate enough to have that opportunity with my sons fist jump (AFF), and my youngest daughters only jump so far (Tandem). Just making the same lift, and being there for the jump will still create an incredible bond. Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  2. Rick, Intuitively, I'd say both. At our DZ, it seems more students appear to be in their 20's than their 40's. When my son (the youngest of four) turned 18, I put us both through AFF. I was 49 (50 now). Yes, it was as much for me as it was for him. I promised him at a very young age to fulfill his wish to jump... his oft' repeated desire to do so prepared the wife for that eventuality. I've had a blast skydiving (on my 13th or 14th childhood now). I got to watch my youngest daughter, who was 20, who is terrified of heights, ride to altitude and exit behind me on a tandem. So in our family, we represent both. The boy has about 15 jumps, and the daughter is starting to make noise about AFF... Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  3. Buzz, If I know it's unsafe... I ain't getting in. I may be crazy, but I try not to be stupid. The rub comes in hazards unseen or unknown to the general skydiving community. Certainly A&Ps have a leg up on recognizing hazards, the rest of us have to look for clues in the rest of the operation to determine if safety is of as much concern as operating. And I don't mean that the equipment has to be brand new, just that the people running the show have to be held to high standards. Another way is word of mouth. I got recommendations from people I trusted. Your concern for the safety of jumpers is one of the many reasons I'm so happy to jump at SDSD! Thanks Buzz. Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  4. 132 miles each way. Can take anywhere from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours depending on traffic. Have a couple of very fine DZs much closer that I'll be visiting occasionally... those of us in So Cal DO have it good! Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  5. Aubrey, Congratulations, and welcome to San Diego! Look forward to seeing you around the DZ and in the air. Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  6. Kaylne, You never know... For my son's 18th, we went for AFF. My youngest daughter, who is terrified of heights, came to watch. The second time she came to the DZ, she told me she wanted to try it! Could have knocked me over with a feather. The next lift, I got to jump with my daughter, and personally witness the joy of her jump, and a newly found respect she found in herself. I never asked or suggested she even try it since I knew her dread for heights. If your brother and friend see the joy in your eyes, and feel the satisfaction "oozing" from you (and likely everyone else on the DZ)... that can be the best sell job. Good luck, and have fun. Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  7. Exactly! When I can see them, I'm a lot less nervous. However, when slogging or swimming through swamps that harbor these creatures, there is added incentive to be stealthy... I never had a tangle with any Crocs or Gators, although I knew them to be present. There were others that, at least once that I know of, had to "dispatch" one that took an unhealthy (for the Croc as it turns out) interest in what it took to be a potential meal wading by. Thank goodness they in a shallow canal, and were able to see it coming! Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  8. Exactly! Price should definitely not be the determining factor when making decisions regarding eye surgery. I suspect that the huge demand has helped to pay down the investment in the equipment, thus lower overall prices due to reduced overhead. I'm happy I had mine done. Good luck with whatever you decide. Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  9. "#50... well who is watching who.... there are two or 3 animals on this planet I really do not trust.... Sharks.. and bears....you just can never predict how they are going to act on a given day" Yes, quite true... Have been up close and personal with Bears, and around Sharks, but memories of invading the environment of Crocs and Gators still gives me a quickened pulse, many years removed... NO desire to repeat! Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  10. LASIK? or PRK? Here in the US, the Dept of Defense will not allow anyone who is in a Jump Qualified position (Spec Ops, Aircrew etc) to have any vision correction surgery other than PRK (the no-flap predecessor to LASIK). They state that the "flap" can be torn loose for a very long time after the surgery, and so would present a hazard in the event of lost goggles etc. I've heard that the DoD will continue to evaluate LASIK, but have not changed their position. It May be perfectly safe to jump after LASIK, but I think I would do some further investigation before having it done... Everybody and their dog are now offering LASIK, PRK is a little harder to find. You can likely find PRK being done near some of the major military installations that serve Special Ops groups and or Aircrews. I know it is available in San Diego. I had the PRK procedure done to correct "trauma induced" astigmatism. Worked pretty good, although after a number of years, I need a touch up. It is said to be a little more uncomfortable for a day or two, but the results are the same. PRK takes a couple days for your vision to improve since the surface of the eye takes that long to heal. I did not pay for mine, but the price back then ('97) was about $2200 I believe. The LASIK price has dropped to about $500 per eye in So Cal, plus up to $250 additional for astigmatism. I don't know what PRK might cost now. It might be worth a trip if you are serious about vision correction. Good Luck, Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  11. Andrew, Ok, I confess, I do consider a companies affiliation with military activities / product sales, and it is based on personal ethical grounds. I choose to support and patronize companies which provide beneficial products and / or service to my countries military... of course i'm somewhat prejudiced... living here and all. I further confess to having gladly contributed personally to the furtherance of my countries pursuits, militarily speaking... and still do. I'm certain after many years of experience, that my views will be ridiculed as naive, possessed only by the brainwashed, and ignored as meaningless. Having said that, I will however, buy the product that is the best choice for the task I have at hand ( unless of course it supports an enemy of my country). I will stipulate that there are some low life, limp dick, lame ass, scum bag, shit eating, puke proffering, traitorous rat bastards that put profit above the welfare of our warriors... but I believe that is the minority, accentuated in the media rather than the reality... even taking into account that the low bidder usually gets the contract. Pretty much like any industry, there are good companies, and bad companies. I, rather unfairly perhaps, infer from your question as posed, that you take a contrary position. Your profile is apparently not available, so I do not know what country you live in. Perhaps you have good reason for not supporting companies that do business with your military. Do you care to answer your own question? Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  12. Matt, Yes, get your instruction from the JM, not us anonymous jumpers on the web. You have already recognized that de-arching is not conducive to stability and control. Your reference to fixating on the ground indicates that you may be exiting the aircraft horizontal, rather that vertical. You can arch while looking down, but doing so will put your head into the prevailing wind (coming from the front of the aircraft) instead of your belly. This will likely result in a scenario similar to what you have experienced. I had just this problem with my first four jumps. I asked the Instructor doing my level 4 to see what I was doing wrong... you should do the same. I was kicking my legs up and to the rear upon exit, thus putting me "head down" to the relative wind. Some students fear hitting their head on the top of the door, and so lay themselves out during exit. If you have a mock up of the Caravan door at your DZ, do some extra practice exits on your own prior to your next jump. This will help you to build "muscle memory", increasing the odds that you will do it right on the actual exit. You can even practice this at home in any doorway... you just lose the top of the door reference. If you step out in a crouch, then stand up into a good arch, you will be able to watch the aircraft recede... it's always been an awesome sight. I jump in Sunny So Cal, so "winter" jumping is no where near the obstacle it is for our Northerly Brothers and Sisters. I have made a couple "cold" weather jumps (+7 & +5 F at exit altitude) without gloves or anything other than regular gear... your fingers won't like it, but it is certainly do-able. If you do use gloves, be sure you develop an intimate knowledge of what your rig and handles feel like with them on! As with other aspects of your learning, this is appropriate material to be asking your Instructors about. And remember, HAVE FUN! Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  13. Scotty, Once again, a poignant lesson from someone who, by conventional wisdom, would not be expected to achieve. Your sisters accomplishment is more inspiring than the feats of the gifted in this sport (whom I DO hold in awe). I also am chastened by your conduct, to add to the lives of others. Like a lot of battle battered old humans, I learned to shut out emotions in real life situations, but I cry like a baby at representations of emotions... I had to wipe tears not only when I saw the original photos, but also when I read of your carrying your sister into the plane... I salute you. Please accept, and pass on to your sister my appreciation for the inspiration you both provide! Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  14. YEEE-HAAA!! Well, almost three months after breaking my ankle, and being gone, I finally got in the air again! THIS TIME I concentrated on each of the parts of the dive! At 17 jumps, no room for complacency...actually I suspect that will be true at 1700 or 17000 jumps. This jump was also my first (BEER!) at another DZ. Skydive San Diego is in the midst of massive upgrades, which yesterday included paving the runway, so we took off and landed at Brown Field (where Skydive San Diego use to be). The staff handling my son and I for recurrency, did an excellent job on briefing us about jumping at Brown. Following GOOD ADVICE found here in the forums, I asked lots of questions about hazards, patterns, wind stability, landing out (lots of options around Brown), rally point etc. The experience while under the "care" of a coach has prepared me for the proper way to be a pre-second timer at a new dropzone. Thanks Andy and Matt! Thanks again to all for the continuing education here. Having been gone for much of the last three months, I have alot of reading to do... Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  15. If you are going to argue the fact, I suggest you first read the Koran! The Koran specifcally instructs followers of Islam to kill all who will not turn to ISLAM! I didn't say it, Mohammed did. It is in the Koran, so are you saying the Koran is not what Islam is based on? The fact that our leaders say Islam is a religion of peace is certainly one of the things I DO Not believe. Islam is anything but a religion of peace! That doesn't mean many Muslims are not peace loving, but it doesn't change what the founder of Islam wrote! And it certainly doesn't appear that middle east Muslims are at odds with my interpretations. If you wish to understand your enemies, study their beliefs and motivations. As Mohammeds political power increased, his message changed. When he started, he clearly was wooing early Christians and even Jews, as indicated in 2 Serah (chapter). By 5 Serah, he was advocating violence against all other religions, to the point of saying Allah demanded it! I told you not to take my word for it, but to read it yourself. ...sigh Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  16. It is a metaphor, it doesn't have to be literally accurate, any more than the "desktop" on my PC has to be made of wood. Besides, I have seen no evidence that anyone wants to murder me with VX gas. I haven't even bought a roll of duct tape. As for murdering his own people - well, so have hundreds of other despots that we ignore (and sometimes support, remember Pinochet in Chile, the Shah in Iran, Galtieri in Argentina...). Agreed that we have supported "Allies" of dubious character, so what do you suggest? That we offer no aid or interaction till we see eye to eye with them on all issues? We have supported, and nurtured societies around the globe...some noble, some not so. Again the flavor of American intervention has for the most part been one of sharing, not stealing. Yes, again I admit we have ruffled feathers, and sometimes grown bullies. Those were unfortunate, and we usually sought to undo the mess. And although some see self interest in every action, I believe there is no wrong in helping a society to grow in a way that is win-win. But then, I still have more trust in my own country and her intentions than any other. I suspect that is why you and I seem to be on opposite side of this discussion. And if the propoganda er.. story doesn't imitate the current situation (it doesn't, there is evidence of Iraq's intention to harm, despite your claims to the contrary), then it is nothing more than a cheap lie to tarnish the administration. If you think the evidence is inadequate or not sufficient to act on, say so. That is a difference of opinion that should rightly be debated, but in is not truthful to say there is no evidence. Not even our valiant French allies make that claim. Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  17. LD, Hey, don't want her machinery to rust... somebody's gotta keep things swabbed down N ready for action... Lewmonst, I've always liked running, or humping through the hinterlands while listening to Derek and the Domino's live album "In Concert" if possible. It was Eric Clapton in 1970-1971 with three other guys(Radle, Whitlock, & Gordon). Most of the cuts are long, great blues / blues rock numbers that kick ass. Course it harks back to my younger days and has special meaning for the time... The latest version now available has twice as many cuts as the original album. If you like electric blues or blues rock, I believe you will find this relatively unknown album a must have! Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  18. I recently bought for my first: (all on same day) *C-206 Jump *Swoop and docking *Jump my own pack job Corona was requested when I offered. I bought the Corona, some Heineken (since it is popular here also), and then bought MY CHOICE to share... Newcastle! Bottom line, if any decent beer or "reasonable facsimile thereof" gets a less than favorable reception, try picking it up and leaving... If you DO show up with "BEER" brand generic, you probably deserve to be stoned...in the biblical sense of the word... Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  19. ***The simple fact is that we're brought up to not question anything that the govt does (except for when the body bags coming back home... NAM). 911 was uncalled for but in the end it was a result of our govt's actions. What we cant defend we call complex and go back to our lives. What this redneck leading us does right now will come back and effect us in big ways later. -alphadog So What Is Your Position??? You say 911 was uncalled for, then in the same statement claim we brought it on ourselves, insinuating(?) that we deserved it. You seem to want to claim logic and fact as your foundation, showing disdain for justice that is indicated, because you don't like the current administration (I infer that by your application of the "redneck" title you bestow upon him). So this is how you argue your point, with facts? I suspect you are one of those who know what you believe and refuse to be confused by the facts. And since you bring it up, no I don't accept everyting this or any administration doles out. I also suspect you resent President Bush because he is a man of principle. He may be wrong, but he chooses based on conviction, and sticks with it regardless of the consequence for name calling, lying by ommission, and down right fabrication by the liberal left media and "cultural elite". AND BY THE WAY, they are killing us because we refuse to follow Islam... not my words, but theirs. Read the Koran, it explicitly instructs the followers of Islam to KILL ALL INFIDELS until there is no worship of any God but Allah! I believe that I am paraphrasing from Serah 5, but I do not have a copy of the Koran with me... but don't take my word for it, look it up. How old are you? Did you count the body bags from "Nam"? Have you lost friends and comrades? What puts you in the position of piously pounding your chest, pointing the finger accusingly, and vilifying the administration with pedantic, sarcastic, non-sequitar pieces that you present as argument? If you have suffered such loss directly, then we share! That still doesn't absolve us from doing what is required! That pathetic piece of propaganda is not an apt analogy, because there are, in spite of your claims to the contrary, many facts, coupled with years of action, which clearly demonstrate a threat to the world by Saddam's Iraq! FACTS??? What part of MASS MURDERER of his own people don't you believe? (Germany and France seem to believe it)... What part of SUPPORTER OF TERRORISM (rewarding suicide bomber families) don't you believe? IF you're a supporter of "green" views, what part of ENVIRONMENTAL RAPIST (Desecration via burning of Kuwait oil fields) don't you believe? What part of BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS POSSESSION (Germany and France believe Iraq DID possess them) don't you believe? Do you trust Saddam that they have disposed of them? If so, why won't he co-operate in documenting that? Do you want to trust our childrens future on it? I again infer from your posts that you would much rather have the likes of Gore, Clinton or Carter (I may be unfair in assuming, but I doubt you'd call any of them rednecks) in "control". Then we would do the "right" thing I suppose? Like that disgrace to the Naval Uniform (see I can do the name calling thing too) did in '77 when he essentially murdered our intelligence community? Or when like minded diplodunks (apologies RM) at DOS knowingly compromised operations because they had philosopical differences with battlefield commanders? I find it very hard to refrain from accusing you of moral smugness bouyed only by your wishful thinking that "Peace Talk" will always avert the tradgedy of war. The suspect the difference between us is I am still willing to take the risk personally to fight for the "American Way", it would appear that you would rather force future generations to quell a much stronger threat. Finally, I certainly hope what this God fearing president does will come back to AFFECT us in big ways. Obviously we share divergent views. With no malice or sarcasm, I wish you the very best. I have no illusions of moral superiority, or truth, and I pray we both would develop better "vision". Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  20. Thanks Michele, Me thinks you are rather well informed... and you present the issues very well. As for mudslinging, I confess I've done a little, but when it really mattered, I just wore the mud. Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  21. Hi Welcome. I also jump at San Diego, so hope to meet you soon. It is a great place to jump! Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  22. Thank you for your kind words. Amen to your reluctance to take up political disscussion. I popped onto this forum the other day just to see what was here...and couln't help reading the Anti-Americanism thread. Then couldn't help myself from commenting... It remains as you say, FREEDOM ISN'T FREE Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  23. It really ISN'T about oil for America...it is a consequence / "collateral" damage however. The WORLD can do without Iraq's oil, even if it does inflate the price somewhat. France however, is not in the same position...the loss of Iraqi oil will apparently have a much greater negative impact on them. Is that driving their political position? They stand to lose a rather tidy profit in foreign trade with the demise of Saddam's regime(as will Germany)...Is that driving their political position? Your BBC reference just states what has been known for years. France (and Germany) have been significant trading partners with Iraq. Not that America has not made similar mistakes in dealing with less than "nice" leaders. After all, the last "Leader of the Free World" boasted how his crowning achievement was the nuclear treaty with N Korea... and lamented the fact on how President Bush had thrown it all away with his "Axis of Evil" speech. How giving money, food, and technology to the N. Koreans had reduced the nuclear threat to the world.... So we know how every great crisis in the past has been averted by diplomacy, right? Every time a despot threatened his neighbors, reason has prevailed, right? All we have to do is give a fanatic more time, right? If we hold hands, sing KUM BA YA, kiss them on the cheek, break bread with them, give them a little more land, ignore the slaughter in their own land (it's none of our business, right?), treat them with respect...they'll turn into a nice person, right? Just like that success story, N. Korea. Whaaat?? we trusted them!! and thanked them nicely!!! smiled approvingly, and patted ourselves on the back for being so civilized!! Now we find out that they've been hard at work on Nukes since the ink was still wet on the treaty in '94!!! while we fed their starving people!!! It will negatively impact our economy in the short term...it is a cost, not benefit, to start a war with Iraq. No, this war if it comes will cost America dearly. Lives, money, respect, and friends through out the world. Since few will seriously debate the fact that Iraq has used WMD, and that Saddam is evil, what price do we force our children to pay when the time comes to deal with the problem we don't solve today? Do any of you truly believe that Saddam's Iraq will not become a greater threat? Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  24. We're all at least part time bystanders, I do not deny the charge. However, I cannot use that for a defense. I have spent my fair share of time creating the smoke of which you perhaps speak. Being an old fart, I've had a lot of years to watch, and participate... So, to make it clear, I have been a part of the United States efforts to secure peace, safety, freedom for anyone who wants it, and what ever other descriptions of our activities anyone may wish to hurl. I expect to be held accountable to a higher being (and I'm not entirely comfortable with my every performance), so, I'm not very threatened by the judgement of other humans. There are a lot of things for which I am embarrassed (the things I should have known better about), and a few for which I am ashamed (those things I DID know better, and chose to do them anyway). The problem is it is all too easy to stand back as an un-involved bystander, and feel no obligation to act responsibly. It's fashionable to wax poetic on things of love and the senselessness of destruction, but then that's the easy part. I believe that all things evil are senseless, but that doesn't stop them from existing. Claiming to be a proponent of peace doesn't absolve anyone from the responsibility to act, even if the required response is violent. I know many people truly believe the "required" response has to be one other than violence. I wish that were true...I hope it becomes true in this case...I've seen enough ugliness already. Mark Twain had it half right... "Writers are realists who think they're romantics, (Warriors) Soldiers are romantics who think they are realists". I haven't had too much experience with writers who are realists, but I have found that warriors are remarkably "romantic" if that means dedication to ideals of faithfulness to one another and Country. The comments elsewhere on this post, I believe, refer to this bond with likeminded sufferers who have made the commitment. Statements regarding the inability of others to understand that bond are for the most part valid. Don't take offense if you aren't part of the group. Many thanks to the Brits, Aussies, S. Koreans, and others I've worked with. The pride, professionalism and dedication with which they served brings honor to their respective counties. Thank you gentlemen, I as an American, thank you. And Godspeed to all who serve in the name of the U.S. DUM SPIRO, SPERO Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?
  25. Michele, I'm not sure I can help you understand "Anti-Americanism", but I will give you a few idle thoughts from a not so idle fellow... and, are you willing to look / listen for the truth? (and I don't mean my truth)... it might make you unpopular with the "enlightened" ones... And I apologize, for I cannot condense this into fewer words. Human nature is fairly universal as long as you correct for regional / cultural proclivities. Thus: *We're happy when our friends have good fortune *We're jealous when that good fortune is staggering *We're resentful if we're left behind *It becomes far easier to be resentful (and place blame elsewhere) if we're left behind because of our own poor choices *Everyone is afraid of the Emperor's power, even if he is a good Emperor *When doing the right thing is costly, there is temptation to justify not doing it *Any lousy, lame ass reason can be CALLED an EXCUSE if you want it to be *Rhetoric is usually preferred over action (less accountability) *Wishful thinking is generally valued more than action (especially actions based on conviction) *Professing a love for peace is believed to absolve you from the obligation to do the unpleasant things such as killing bad people (same line of thought as refusing to teach a child discipline when punitive actions are indicated) *Peer pressure (need I say more?) *Finally, Everyone resents the one guy who, speaking out of conscience, urges the "crowd" to do what is right even though it is costly A Study of Americas founding fathers, and the framework that they put together for our countries construction is very telling. Rules were few, but they were far reaching and based on moral principles. They defined the obligations of a Moral society. They were not concerned with expediency, or profit (the price they paid on a personal basis is staggering). Individuals and entities were held accountable for their actions. This is our legacy, and I believe, the underlying reason for the "bounty that we have been the recipients of" (quoting Pres. Lincoln) There is a group in Texas, called "Wallbuilders" that has assembled fascinating documentary info on the founding of America (they show a religious background, it is history). I'll try to wrap this up without pontificating... What is going on today? What is the benefit in action / inaction of the parties involved? Who's behaviour is self-serving, to the harm of others? Do some searching and reflect on basic action of the various parties over the last hundred years...yes I believe that is a clue to current motivation (most cultures take many generations to "change their stripes", and an honest study of history will show that). This pending war is NOT ABOUT OIL! Anyone who says that is ignorant, lying, or wanting to muddy the water. Oil is a concern since it effects major change to the GLOBAL ECONOMY when there are fluctuations. The statements that this war will be fought to improve the economy of the US is ridiculous. It is in fact likely to hurt our economy, at least in the short term. And although critics of the US love to say we are greedy and take advantage of those we supposedly subjugate, where are the colonies / possessions that we have raped and stolen from? Where have we conquered someone and then plundered their assets? Have we hurt others? HELL YES! Have we sometimes been inconsistent or given in to making a choice in our own best interest? HELL YES AGAIN! And we ought to feel the appropriate shame for willful violation of others! HOWEVER, the "flavor" of American intervention has seldom resulted in the subjugation of, or worsening lifestyles for those we involved ourselves with. In fact, we have generally extended the hand of friendship, motivated by conscience to restore, to the subdued. We may have applied unwelcome morals and customs as we went, but along with that we built schools, hospitals, and infrastructure to support physical and economic growth. Is that resented? Apparently so...and I suppose it is fair to say we Americans have developed an arrogance that rubs our old "friends" nose's in the dirt. Having said that America is not in it for the cheap oil (We have always paid dearly for resources from abroad) , who is buying most of the Iraqi oil and is selfishly motivated? Who has in the past, and continues at a reduced rate, to supply technology and equipment that has given Iraq the ability to produce weapons of mass destruction? Who has relatively large populations of Islamic emigrants living within their borders? Who is indignant about the upstart young country that has had the good fortune(?) to become the "Hyper-Power"? Iraq has used WMD on their own (well not Saddam's) people. Iraq HAS had ties to terrorists. They have openly offered to pay for suicide bombers (rewards to their families). We want to destroy the bad guys. They want to maintain "Status Quo". Some countries do not want to rock the boat, and perhaps, to soothe their conscience, they feel compelled to vilify us. Are we right? Are they right? The answer depends on what is important to you. Russ Generally, it is your choice; will your life serve as an example... or a warning?