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Everything posted by Royreader8812

  1. . And the evidence that these sneaky Russians have hacked anything?
  2. Haha, why do I distrust the DHS and FBI... A hunch I guess... Lol I suppose these agencies are the cornerstones of integrity and truth, so I must be just a fool. Russia phobia has not been drummed up since the Russians have embarrassed and exposed US complicity in the farcical war on terror, and there is no reason at all for these agencies to be butthurt about being so wrong for so long and achieving very little other than making their contractors very wealthy. Wikileaks not even being mentioned and a disclaimer stating that none of the information is to be taken as factual doesn't have anything to do with it. And the fact that I don't believe it, makes me a Russian spy on the Kremlin's payroll sent to spread misinformation to skydivers that are so easily swayed...
  3. Because this fringe right wing but job is the first person to suggest US intelligence agencies do such things...
  4. Lol, considering he is an award winning journalist that was an editor of a major news outlet, having travelled extensively in the middle east reporting on various important issues. I am more inclined to give credit to his standpoint, than yours. What were your credentials again? By your rationale nobody that has ever been complicit in many activity, should ever be taken seriously as a whistleblower. Now back to those sneaky Russians...
  5. Maybe I'll just stick to my conclusion that a rational balanced discussion is probably not going to aventuate if I have to provide all the information. But I can see how all the fake news hypocrisy is well cemented in so many minds around here. How about them Russians huh.
  6. Lol,I rest my case. Took me all of about 30 seconds to get a Wikipedia page on him and multiple links to his social media accounts. Along with the full unedited interview. You spent that time doubting and writing a reply asking someone else to think for you.
  7. Well the term fake news has been so watered down, I tend to listen to interviews and opinions of guests, on any site then see how their opposition report on the same matters. Listening to scripted bullshit from the said the network says nothing. Some here would consider the BBC more trustworthy than RT for example...but they are just as complicit as each other in any criticism one might direct at either of them. What is more telling in news these days, is what is not said, rather than what is. The following is a good example. A German whistleblower on RT talking about how he was coerced into writing pro US and pro European Articles... Is it fake news? No. Is it completely balanced, no. I am not sure a Russian whistleblower would be put on RT... but that same Russian whistleblower would be greeted kindly on the BBC or CNN no worries, suits the agenda nicely.. but this German fellow on German/US or British major networks after his book was published... probably.not. That is why understanding both sides of the story is always important, and why some of you here are hysterically biased.
  8. Autocorrect. I have edited the post. You really do like assumption. It seems an epidemic these days.
  9. In denial much... Lol This whole fake news epidemic is essentially full retard damage control. The sites considered 'fake news' by the lying establishment media, have always been doing the same thing for years. The difference is that these sites are getting much more popular because more and more people are coming to realise that the establishment media are complete bullshit artists. The figures show it all. Some websites considered mainstream are actually more fringe now statistically, than some of these so called alt right sites like Drudge report or infowars. There is a very good reason for that. Do I look at these sites? Before the predictable onslaught.... I look at everything I come across, skeptically.
  10. . One guy that decrypted the Soviets and was an expert on Russian hacking at the NSA as well as being a director and designing apparatus they use today...
  11. While the sources of the 'leaked' information suggest that this is nothing more than WMD's 2.0. The DHS itself is implicated heavily in hacking the elections with actual evidence provided. While the Russians being responsible is nothing more than hearsay. Disclaimer included.
  12. Ugh. Maybe you need to travel more. You might learn that the places you visit are not related to your own character or logic. Do you have a passport?
  13. Maybe you should look up the term and understand it's meaning, and try to stick to the subject.
  14. Argumentum ad hominem directed towards you, is a sure fire sign that you are on the path to integrity. Or did the state of Georgia not catch the DHS trying to hack their election process at least four times, after insisting they oversee the process but wereI deneed the privilege?
  15. Did the DHS mention their own attempts at Malicious Cyber Activity?
  16. Georgia gets 16 votes, that's a good chunk. Wyoming gets only 3. I don't see anyone suggesting a better system. Popular vote by nation is wrong in the USA, because the USA is a conglomerate of many states. Using a national popular vote would undermine the voice of less populated states. Maybe people should try whining about it before the next election, not after. If they really want it be fair. But in realty the whiners just want their party to win. I believe and certainly hope Tump will win a second term.due to doing a good job. Those hoping he doesn't are simply buthurt assholes. Give the guy a chance.
  17. So you think new York and California deciding the fate of the entire country is fair... So much for all being equal. It is all in the name 'United States of America' Just think about that name for a second. Not sure how 'united' it would be if a few state's called the shots for everyone. These bigger populations have bigger debt also. So go ahead, have a big population, get into debt... call all the shots. Sounds fair!
  18. He also sent cookies to rebels in Ukraine and these cookies helped them overthrow the government leading to war... He also started multiple wars in Arabia, and services the destruction of millions of people's lives... subsequently causing the largest humanitarian crisis the modern world has seen. Essentially destroying European nations as well. But he is the good guy with a pen.
  19. No, it is worse. He left his phone in a cab, and had p@ssw0rd for a password.
  20. . Lol, unlike most, I don't fall for the left right paradigm. Each individual is to be judged on their own merits and pitfalls. Obama, with the assistance of Clinton, has only exasperated any problems that their predecessors started. The money used for quantitative easing could have solved so many problems. Instead it went to the rich, the debt was never liquidated and nobody went to jail. That was just the start of his reign. The wars still go on, with troops replaced with expensive mercenaries... countries in ruin and Europe in a shambles... I am not a big fan of Trump, but he is still an unknown quantity in politics. If he can outsmart career politicians in an election, against all odds, then what he can do once in office is yet to be determined. As much as anyone tries to imply that they know what he will do, they don't. I'll grab the popcorn while you guys argue about it.
  21. Where I was is irrelevant, what I was doing, not so much. I was shaking my head in disdain, as much as I was on the 19th of March 2011.
  22. Sounds like a bunch of hysterical cry babies in here to me. Firstly you have Clinton and Obama that I am guessing is the preference of those 'dissing' Trump. No objection to destroying multiple countries, detaining people without charge and warrant, causing the largest migrant crisis the modern world has seen, and siding with fundamental terrorists, arming them and allowing them to kill thousands of civilians. But just so long as they do it with a smile on their face, pleasantly smile and instruct the media to blame it on the Russians. Secondly, Trump is not even president. Maybe you should at least let him get into office before you judge him in the role.
  23. Most sane people do not believe the actual fake news that is dictated to us daily. Hence Trump becoming president and all of Obama's promises becoming bullshit. Not that there is much hope in Trump, but he does deserve the benefit of the doubt.
  24. I am talking about molluscs, actually.